Server: AM TL ID: Galleon.Frigate B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Galleon.622 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/326380/1/Galleon/ Sc2RanksURL:http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/326380/Galleon League: Diamond Other: online often, looking for serious practice partners to play and study our games to make that push into master - looking for all races - strongly perfer voice communication (vent/skype/teamspeak you name it)
Server: AM TL ID: Mindflow B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Mindflow.518 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/496179/1/Mindflow/ Sc2RanksURL: N/A League: Mid-High Master Terran Other: Im currently looking for any mannered race to practice in-depth strategical analysis of both our gameplays and how we Improve cause we both like to watch pro play and mimic good play =D, Any race works because im currently needing practice in all matchups.
Server: EU TL ID: nukkuj B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: nukkuj.987 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/313369/1/nukkuj/ Sc2RanksURL: N/A League: Platinum Terran Other: Casual player looking for Protoss practice partners to smoothen out my weakest matchup, preferrably from gold/platinum/diamond league. I play mainly at weekends, sometimes you can find me playing on weekdays at 17.00 - 21.00 (GMT+2). Other races than Protoss are also welcome to hit me up.
Server: AM TL ID: aZealot B. Net ID. IDENTIFIER: badgerToss.729 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2627425/1/badgerToss/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/2627425/badgerToss League: Gold Protoss Other: Looking for practice partners against any race, but I'm particularly interested in any Zerg practice partners as this is the match-up I have the most difficulty with. I'd be keen to play with anyone from high Silver to mid-low Platinum level. I'd really like to get into Platinum before the end of the year. My time is divided by work and other commitments, so I usually play on the weekends, and if I can manage it, a day or two in the week. Please message/add me in game or PM on TL.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Server: AM TL ID: dliang B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BaneDouche ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/414702/Xkfyu League: Silver Other: I'm a casual silver zerg player, just looking for a consistent partner for 2v2. I have no asperations to be really good, but I would like to team up with someone good at communicating and accountable.
Server: AM TL ID: ssartor B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ssartor.245 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/565935/1/ssartor/ SC2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/565935/ssartor League: Masters Other: Low/Mid masters looking to improve in all match-ups. I would consider myself a macro style zerg. I 15 hatch in every ZvZ, I play an ling/bling/ultra zvt style, and I still haven't quite nailed down my zvp style yet. I have skype and I'm on all the time after 3:00 PM during the week.
Server: AM TL ID: Tendou B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Tendou.531 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2364396/1/Tendou/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/2364396/Tendou Other: Mid Masters Zerg. Looking to practice holding a 15 hatch in ZvZ. I Need A LOT of help in my ZvP; It isn't horrible I am just not as confident on it. I would like learning other builds to diversify my scouting in ZvT. At the very least, I would like a warm-up partner before I hit ladder ^^ I can also talk with skype as well. Hope you guys can teach me the tricks! :D