Server: US TL ID: Quanbsn B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Teddy.568 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2704181/1/Teddy/ Other: I'm a newbie, and really want to play SC 2 competitively, of course i want to have friends who have the same purposes, sharing everything with SC 2.
Server: EU TL ID: DeWyze B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DeWyze.101 Race: Currently playing Terran ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/406855/1/DeWyze/ Other: looking for silver/low gold training partners im gmt+1 im active most afternoons/evenings give me a shout
Server: US TL ID: sami0_0 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: sami.624 Race: Terran, Zerg, Protoss, Random ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1235605/1/sami/ Other: looking for silver/gold training partner. I'm a top 8 bronze player at the moment. On all day everyday.
Server: US TL ID: robopork B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: October.772 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1648626/1/October/ Other: Would love to have plat/diamond level practice partners for any match up, but especially PvT. Anyone more skilled who feels like doing a little coaching would be very welcome.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Shiv. B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Shiv.616 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/de/profile/1719306/1/Shiv/ Other: I was a platinum Protoss player in Season 1 and decided to switch to Zerg because P bores me. I am looking for people who can give me insight on each matchup and Zerg specifics in general. PM or message ingame in case you are interested.
Server: EU TL ID: Mauleypeach B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: mauler.299 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/215426/1/Mauler/ Other: Got a mic, play Terran mainly, enjoy some starbattle, tend to play after 8pm till late. We'll do day9 stuff. Gotta love the nukes when it's plyons and probes. Loving 4v4 atm. apm ~ 60 silver/gold. So give me a shout if you fancy some team play.
Server: US TL ID: Belligerentz B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Belligerent.430 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2358928/1/belligerent/ Other: I'm on frequently but usually GMT based times, i play zerg mainly but dabble in protoss. would like to get practice against all races and general gameplay improvement.
Server: EU TL ID: Belligerentz B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Illidra.281 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1033442/1/Illidra/ Other: I'm on frequently but usually GMT based times, i play zerg mainly but dabble in protoss. would like to get practice against all races and general gameplay improvement.
Server: EU TL ID: TisL B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TisL.404 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/304431/1/TisL/ Other: Sort of scared to ladder, 'cause of losing all Custom Games. Would enjoy to play with a small group, discussing 1v1 and such and practice together. Live in Netherlands, GMT+1. Zerg player.
Server: EU TL ID: Cirqueenflex B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Cirqueenflex.933 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1118105/1/Cirqueenflex/ Other: Zerg player (cuz i have self respect^^) I have semster Vacations until May. So i have exactly one month time starting today. My biggest problems are my really bad macro, scouting and low APM.
I really lack experience, have played about only 100 games so far. (Mass ladder doesnt work out, when i lose ladder games i get depressed. I dont mind losing in custom games at all) So if you are about +- diamond lvl feel free to add and pm me ingame (i do not log in to TL on a frequent basis) anytime you wish. Only thing i want is mass custom games =)
Server: US Server TL ID: sweday B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Timbuktu ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1176101/1/Timbuktu/ Character Code: 134 Other: I'm a top silver player.. soon to be gold. Looking for a partner to train with and learn a few things, get better essentially. I'm on whenever im not at work; my goal is to make diamond this season. Serious partners please <3
Server: US Server TL ID: xZed B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Zedx 905 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1006113/1/Zedx/ Other: I am a Platinum protoss player being matched against Diamond league players and I am struggling with my PvP against them. I need to practice this match up. I am also open to Terran and Zerg practice partners as well. I am always trying to improve all my match ups but I must say that my PvP is the worst right now.
Server: EU TL ID: TwstedMind B.NET ID.IDENTIFIER: TwstedMind 969 ProfileURL: TwstedMind Other: Bronze player looking for Buddy to play with and practice, not a total Noob but not too good either usually placed somewhere in upper Bronze, 16 years old. Skyping would be nice when playing can speak both German and English.