Bosnia-Herzegovina439 Posts
Server: EU TL ID: Mesha B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Kavorka.193 Rating: 305 League: Platinum Rank: 44 Race: Protoss Other: Casual gamers for casual games feel free to add me. I would very much like to have some spectated matches where others would notice things to improve for those who play.
Server: EU Server TL ID: preco B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: preco.163 Rating: League: Diamond Rank:46 Race: Terran Other: im new to sc2, so i wanna improve myself so im looking for better players any race, but any skill is welcome. Feel free to message me in game or add me
Server: US Server TL ID: pezyuan B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: pezyuan.171 Rating: Recently Placed League: Gold Rank: 85 Race: Protoss Other: Looking to find a practice partner to practice matchups and just generally have fun I was plat in phase 1 but have gotten pretty rusty since then. I also play 2v2 and 3v3.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Zed.iii B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Zed.913 Rating: 400 League: Gold Rank: 10 Race: Terran Other: Those r not actual stuff, cus this early I'm not where I belong obviously, I was low diamond when it first came, and I think I belong somewhere in platinum, so I typed in top gold.. quite rusty though
Server: US Server TL ID: Bio-Leera B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BioLeera.509 Rating: 164 League: Platinum Rank: 17 Race: random Other: Would like to just interact with the team liquid community more can help with any match up.
Server: EU Server TL ID: shoJu B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: shoJu.669 Rating: 148 League: Diamond Rank: 46 Race: Protoss Other: Searching for well mannerd practice partners.
Server: US Server TL ID: Zayl B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TheGreatLu.890 Rating: League: Gold Rank: 30 Race: Zerg Other: Im looking for a few partners (2-3 for each race) so I can practice each match up ZvZ, ZvT, ZvP. Any help from anyone in the TL community would be greatly appreciated (and of course Id help you with ?vZ)
Server: US Server TL ID: zealotz55 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zealotz 318 Rating: League: Platinum Rank: 72 Race: Protoss Other: I play EST from 10:00 AM to 1:30 AM and 11:30PM - 4:00 AM I play all day on weekends I need practice against all matchups on all maps. My strongest matchup is PvP. I have vent and can use other voip if needed
Server: US Server TL ID: Watsonator B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Watsonator.832 Rating: League: Platinum Rank: Race: Zerg Other: Normally a Zerg player but can play toss as well. I particularly enjoy massing 2v2's with nice, laid-back individuals. I will also play practice games and don't mind doing the same strategy over and over if you need practice against something in particular. Was Rank 2 Platinum at the end of phase 1. Normally on at random times, usually pretty late at night (I'm US East though). I have vent and TS as well.
Server: US Server TL ID: Shankapotamus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Ritard.920 Rating: N/A League: Silver Rank: 30-ish Race: Random Other: My username on Bnet is Ritard, not Shankapotamus. I'm from the west and generally play around the late afternoon. Looking for a practice partner thats better than me and can teach me stuff after practice games.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: torm B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: torm.526 Rating: 325 League: Diamond Rank: 20 Race: Zerg Other: Looking to work on ZvT and ZvP. I feel I have a strong ZvZ but am always up for some ZvZ practice games. Looking for players willing to not only grind out some games but to also discuss what works, doesn't work, and what might work. Contact me via IRC ("torm"), via PM, or simply message me on battle.net.
Server: US Server TL ID: jinetic B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Jinetic.777 Rating: League: Silver Rank: 20 Race: Protoss Other: Down for any matchup; currently working on basic mechanics, will transition to working on tactics and strategy soon. I'm on PST and available weekday nights and weekends.
Server: Us Server TL ID: Trion B.net ID: Trion.291 Rating: 425 League: Diamond Rank 5 Race: Terran Other: I am looking for someone to practice openings with, transferability someone who is fairly competent will all races (although any race would suffice). Also, as a random player in phase one I can help with other match ups. Avalible nearly all hours of the day.Thanks!
Server: US TL ID: Vegasminion BNET ID: Vega Rating 48? League: I was Diamond end of beta 1, not really playing the ladder system more practicing. Race: Terran Other: Looking for people my level or better to practice with.
Server: US Server TL ID: StayFrosty B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TheFURY.970 Rating: ~200 League: Diamond Rank: 10 Race: Terran Other: Looking for laid back practice partners willing to improve and test builds against eachother. Gimme a holler!
Server: EU Server TL ID: NecroSaint B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: NecroSaint.153 Rating: League: Silver Rank: 34 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for anyone that I can play with and talk to in games . I was strongest against zerg, but a few weeks of not playing has left me pretty useless against everything . I'm not sure whether or not I should be in silver by the way, I've beaten higher level players quite consistently, but you can judge .
Server: US Server TL ID: QuasiMachina Email: Omitted B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Quasi.B17 Rating: 171 League: Diamond Rank: 41 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for someone lower than diamond to practice my toss with. Too afraid to play protoss in the matchmaking system :D
Server: US Server TL ID: kilika B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: silverfox.880 Rating: ~200 League: Platinum Rank: 76 Race: Terran Other: Looking for a Terran or Protoss practice partner for different build orders etc., my Terran is a huge weakness ATM. I play after work around 6pm to 1am EST on weekdays and afternoons on weekends. I plan to play a ton of games at a time.
Server: EU Server TL ID: darr3n B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Darren.547 Rating: 169 League: gold Rank: 23 Race: random Other: Looking for people to play with. 1v1 / 2v2 Skype/ts3/ventrilo would be awesome. I'm speaking german and english. Playing like hell now. definitely have potential for more than gold league^^
Server: US Server TL ID: Leyra B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Leyra.441 Rating: 189 League: Diamond Rank: 24 Race: Protoss Other: Lookin for reasonably laid back people to play with Vent/Skype preferable, not gaming en mass currently due to summer classes, but probably will in the fall, 10-20 games a day at max recently. Practice partners of any race would be just fine!