Server: EU server TL ID: Makrel B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Makrel.584 Rating: 146 League: Platinum Rank: 75 Race: Protoss Other: I don't have a whole lot of rts experience, just recently moved to platinum and would love to get into diamond sometime. I do not currently have a working mic. Would also love to play some casual 2v2 just for fun. Any race is welcome and hope to see you ingame
Server: US Server TL ID: ShaggySan B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Shaggy.363 Rating: League: Platinum Rank: 20 Race: Zerg Other: I play both Terran and Zerg, I have been playing a lot of Zerg lately however and will likely be the race I choose to stick with. I am entered in many tournaments for phase 2 I am looking for players that want to practice often and possibly form a schedule. Thanks in advanced =D
Server: US Server TL ID: Beheler B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Donkee.245 Rating: League: Gold Rank: 11 Race: Terran Other: looking to get better and have fun. Need practice against everything
Server: US Server TL ID: Anteloptics B. Net ID: Anteloptics.108 Rating: 208 League: Gold Rank: 12 Race: Terran (For now, I intend to play random once i get a grip on my mechanics). Other: My multitask is so atrociously bad that I can't even put it in words. My apm is undesirably low. My builds are ill-defined at best. basically I need to improve on everything. Message me in-game or on these forums to reach me. I can also use Skype or Xfire and I have a ventrillo server if needed.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Maeh2k8 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Irapö.250 Rating: League: Diamond Rank: Race: Terran Other: I was Plat Rank 1 in Phase 1 but only at 1600 or sth. I am looking for any matchup to practice. PS: My B.Net ID is Irap(alt+148).
Server: EU server TL ID: ChickenLips B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Wright.672 Rating: League: Diamond Rank: 15 Race: Protoss Other: Was in top 1/3 of dia in phase 1. I would love to play with a Terran or Zerg opponent Just contact me on TL or ingame :-)
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Monstadome B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Mike.115 Rating: 369 League: Platinum Rank: 2 Race: Protoss Other: Realy looking to practice PvT, but willing to work with others aswell. I have a vent we can use to discuss strategy/help each other improve.
Server: US Server TL ID: DoubleZee B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DoubleZee.925 Rating: League: Gold Rank: 60 Race: Zerg Other: I'm currently focusing on Zerg but am looking for someone to practice all matchups with. Add me with a teamliquid comment and we can talk! I also have skype and ventrilo if anyone is interested in 2v2
Server: US Server TL ID: HappyMan B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: HappyMan.582 Rating: League: Bronze Rank: 42 Race: Zerg Other: I just started playing, so I'm pretty sure I can improve. Need people to play with me, as it seems everybody I get in ladders are just cheesing the shit out of me.
Server: EU Server TL ID: WakaDoDo B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: WakaDoDo.261 Rating: 217 League: Silver Rank: 19 Race: Random Other: Played Terran before the beta went down but do now enjoy laddering with all three races as Random. I want like to solidify my game by learning/practicing BO's and general macro. Thanks in advance =].
Server: US Server TL ID: Beo-Wulf B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Loki.731 Rating: 214 League: Diamond Rank: 7 Race: Protoss Other: Learning all 3 races actually, mainly i pick one ladder with it until i feel comfortable, then switch races, trying to broaden my understanding and familiarity with the game. Looking for a stable reliable practice partner Looking to improve. My primary concern is with mastering the basics, but willing to assist with helping you practice what you need improvements on.
Server: EU Server TL ID: sparC B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: sparC.302 Rating: 240 League: Diamond Rank: 25 Race: Protoss Other: looking for Zerg and Terrans to practice. please take time for a lot of games to tune/test details - voice chat is would be nice to discuss and brainstorm.
Server: US Server TL ID: Systemkaos B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Systemkaos.892 Rating: League: Gold Rank: 39 Race: Protoss Other: Im usually on anytime after 11pm EST and mostly betweeen 9am-12 EST. Dont mind practice or just gaming with poeple. I Tend to use Skype a lot to talk with peeps.
Server: US Server TL ID: Nub4ever B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Cake.145 Rating: 110 League: Gold Rank: 5 Race: Terran Other: Havn't really laddered yet but I used to be in Gold and ranked 5th some time ago. I'll edit when I've started laddering. I think the ratings the little number under your name on teh character card with the shield ish thingy next to it righ ?
Server: US Server TL ID: Agricola B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: sKaGri.920 Rating: 240 League: Diamond Rank: 100 Race: Random Other: I probably belong in high platinum. I recently switched from Protoss to Random so that is why I am in diamond. My rank has been declining and bnet2 refuses to let me move down. I can choose a specific race if you want practice in a specific match up and I am generally up for playing a lot of games. I also will 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 if anyone wants to practice that.
Server: US Server TL ID: Goobus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Goobus.355 Rating: 197 League: Gold Rank: 7 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for practice partners of any race, around my level. Looking to experiment with builds and solidify my most used safe builds (like roach/hydra, ling/baneling/muta, etc), but mostly trying to get timings down against all sorts of strategies, esp. against P and T (1 base 4 gate push, 2 base 4 gate 2 robo etc.). Add me!
Server: US Server (Canada) TL ID: NoMicro B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ObsCure.849 Rating: League: Silver Rank: 27 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for people to have multiple games with. To discuss the games with and to improve. Any race.
Server: US Server TL ID: TheyCallMeBANE B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Bane.198 Rating: League: Gold Rank: 37 Race: Random Other: Look for me! Im in Vermillion Foxtrot division. I'll practice with anyone just gimme a shout online! And if you wanna get on vent or skype to talk bout the game after I'm down for that.
Server: US Server TL ID: Ghoflz B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: junny.575 Rating: 200ish League: Platinum Rank: 8 Race: Protoss Other: Looking to play with decent people and any match-up is fine. I have a mic too if you want to talk about the games or something.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Shtpfrk B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Anzu.362 Rating: 137 League: Gold Rank: 31 Race: Protoss Other: Looking to put my macro/micro together and perhaps find a partner for 2v2. Most of the time I'm Protoss, but I sometimes do random when I feel like mixing it up.