I don't know any builds for this in SC2 and would fail on my own discovery

After the reset I've thought of trying to rush for mutas in the 5 practice games (which I've skipped the last time around) just to be safe from ground and see how this builds works. Don't know how much of a difference there is in this build if you'd have to account for potential ground assualt. Also I'd like to try this build against a personal friend of mine who's a slow and a bit of a defensive Protoss player. Pre-reset we where both Silver players though I'm slightly stronger than he is.
Anyways I'd like to know some fair 2 Hatch Builds or whatever works for some reasonably fast and strong mutas. Also what's the point behind this strategy? To catch him off-guard and win immediately, to contain and harass while expanding or what's the general gameplan?
Any help and thoughts about this would be much appreciated