inspired by loki?
the forward nat choke looks awkward, with one of the geysers blocking part of the defender's side. try moving it to the other side or reconfiguring the minerals.
On March 03 2018 21:41 -NegativeZero- wrote:inspired by loki? the forward nat choke looks awkward, with one of the geysers blocking part of the defender's side. try moving it to the other side or reconfiguring the minerals.
I didn't inspired loki
The nat gas gayer don't block the defender's route. but i'll consider more safe of the nat's minerals and gases.
I'm having a hard time understanding the natural wall-off with this setup. But the other glaring issue I see is the high ground 3rd will be a warp-in and siege platform while attacking into the natural. I do believe that unless Zerg can reach the late game, they will have a tough time early-mid game trying to defend their natural. I know you had this in mind considering the alternate pathway for flanking, but in a typical scenario you'll have a group of basic units containing your natural entrance, allowing siege units to maximize their effect.