1. Technical complicity, knowing exactly how every feature attrtibutes to the game and puzzling a well designed map together.
2. Balance, as almost all games are played on ladder, and thus WCS, I'm rating maps as if they were to be played on in the WCS, some minor imbalances can be overlooked but if it's obvious expect a lower than usual rating.
3. Gameplay, this sort of originates out of the previous to, but no matter how good a map is, if it lacks what imo makes for exciting features (think of having the map involve your decisions), I will give a lower than usual rating
as for your maps rukis, there's some problems with proportions, mainly related to beginner excitement and trying to stuff interesting features in and forgetting the large picture, and I recommend you try to make a good solid map before trying innovating stuff.
the colleseum port was okay, but the map just has massive rotational imbalance.