1. forU (P) (aka [Dak]ddong) ("Lee Jae-hoon") < Jinsu (Z) ("Jang Jin-su") - Neo Forbidden Zone
2. Shinya (P) ("Bak Dong-wook") > [Nag]Doggi (T) - Neo Forbidden Zone
3. Shinya (P) < Jinsu (Z) - Avant Garde II -> Jinsu qualifies for Duel Tournament
4. forU (P) > [Nag]Doggi (T) - Gaema Gowon
5. forU (P) > Shinya (P) - Neo Bifrost -> forU qualifies for Duel Tournament
No real surprises in terms of results. Jinsu's perhaps a notch below his older and more-renowned twin brother Jinnam, but he's still one of the more dangerous Zerg users in Korea. Didn't really finesse anything this time, tho. Basically won both matches v P by throwing waves of full-armor-upgraded ultralisks at the hapless Protoss - out-expoed his opponents and climbed straight to ultras. The ultras really weren't necessary v Shinya (a very one-sided affair, almost from the beginning), but forU put up a serious fight and had several opportunities to win it. In the end, Lee would have done better if he had crippled even a couple of Jinsu's expos. Also had no counter for the 12 or so ultras that kept coming at him every 2 mins. Jinsu's not had much luck with Starleague entry so far, but perhaps it'll be different this time.
And speaking of forU, Jae-hoon's claim to fame these days is his ownage of Nada in almost any match they play - no one can explain it, he just does. On the other hand, forU's also maybe the most famous Protoss user in Korea never to win anything major (depressingly neck-and-neck with Nal_Ra in this department...). But despite his mixed record, Lee's head-and-shoulders above most of the Challenge League crowd and did a great job of coming back from his tough first match loss v Jinsu to make it through in the end. Did well pushing Doggi's defenses and choking him with goons and lots, while out-teching a fast-expanding Shinya and overwhelming him with DTs before obs were out. Wish him the best in the Duel Tournament.
A final comment: virtually all of the players, with the exception of Shinya, were using funky ids I'd never seen before. This is getting tiresome how the players keep giving themselves new ids each time they make a tournament appearance. It's confusing for the fans and it adds NOTHING to the game. If gamers want to be taken seriously (and presumably they do - why else call themselves PROFESSIONAL gamers?) this sort of whimsical name-changing, as funny as it can be at times ("Choi In-gyu's Jae Ja" by ElkY one of my favorites), has got to stop. You don't see baseball teams trying out different names for the hell of it. You don't even see pro wrestlers do it (well, at least not often - who knew Stone Cold Steve Austin used to be called The Ringmaster?). I think it's time gamers followed similar rules.