myR is substitute for asian team (they didn't win anything to get here) ALTERNATE is substitute for german champion (which is practically SK that was disqualified after finals of that championship due to 'not enough germans in team.. or too many foreigners in team') (so neither this team won anything to get here)
which makes for pretty disappointing group A
TSM iis now 4k cash ahead tho
5v4 with aoe team against alistar.
Briliant plan
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Nice baron attempt turned into raping Irelia and Annie in a small teamfight :x
should have had oracles up on ali by now, free baron if he had it.
TSM so well coordinated. Regi leadership skills showing.
United States37500 Posts
Nice job outplaying that Amumu. Annie got insta-gibbed.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Regi is always like "I'LL RAMBO FLASH IN AND STUN"
they need to stop picking a fight when they're a man down
That 3 wriggles thing is pretty cool.
well, aggressive regi is aggressive :D
that trist not getting killed ; ;
wriggles lifesteal saves chaoxx hu3 hu3
United States37500 Posts
myR the team without the plan, lol. Why would you push out that far if you're not gonna fight, lose your Amumu, and THEN initiate into baron? zzz
Well it should be safe to say that TSM should advance out of this group easily. Imagine they will beat Alternative and probably give Millenium a great game.
So only interesting game will be 18:50 CEST (+02:00) -- TSM vs. Millenium ?