Power Ranking -
Heroes Edition
Welcome to the very first Hero Power Ranking presented by the Team Liquid HotS Staff. Here we've ranked each hero by their class to determine which we think are the strongest in the current meta.
Eight different members of staff took a list of all the Heroes and ranked them by class, giving consideration mostly to recent pro tournaments and higher end Hero League matches. Once compiled, each Hero had their spot averaged, and then was assigned a rank by comparing that average to other Heroes' averages in that class. To give an idea of the range of opinions for each hero, the lowest and highest individual rank received for each Hero is also included.
Cho'gall isn't included as frankly it's too difficult to rank him and he wouldn't be that high anyway. Varian, as the only multiclass, is ranked both as an Assassin and a Warrior as if he had gone the corresponding builds.
Eight different members of staff took a list of all the Heroes and ranked them by class, giving consideration mostly to recent pro tournaments and higher end Hero League matches. Once compiled, each Hero had their spot averaged, and then was assigned a rank by comparing that average to other Heroes' averages in that class. To give an idea of the range of opinions for each hero, the lowest and highest individual rank received for each Hero is also included.
Cho'gall isn't included as frankly it's too difficult to rank him and he wouldn't be that high anyway. Varian, as the only multiclass, is ranked both as an Assassin and a Warrior as if he had gone the corresponding builds.
Click on an icon to view that class
1. Ragnaros
Average: 1.63 High: 1 Low: 3
Average: 1.63 High: 1 Low: 3
Ragnaros just has it all right now. He can solo lane, heal himself, give himself or an ally a speed boost, reveal stealth Heroes at range, clear minion waves quickly (it just takes a single Q in the late game), do good burst damage, and he even has decent talent diversity. Lava Wave was super strong early on and got nerfed, but can still be very useful. Sulfuras Smash can turn any fight in your favor instantly, and really isn’t that tough to hit. Oh yeah, and about his trait… That alone can make him a top pick on certain maps. Boss, Punisher, Immortal, Zerg wave on your Fort? Just activate your trait. Need to stall out the enemy team from capping an objective? Just activate your trait.
2. Falstad
Average: 4.50 High: 3 Low: 6
Average: 4.50 High: 3 Low: 6
Falstad might not be the best auto-attacker, but his kit makes him invaluable. Since he’s a damage dealer, his global presence is a lot stronger than other global heroes because he can really push in a side lane while the teams posture up at objectives. That mobility is especially useful on maps like Sky Temple and Cursed Hollow where decisions need to be made quickly about objectives and bosses when they spawn. Of course he’s also great on maps like Braxis Holdout and Dragon Shire where out-rotating your opponents can lead to winning the objectives. Falstad can stand on his own in the damage department, but it’s Mighty Gust in addition to Flight that puts him above the other ranged Assassins. It’s a failsafe button for capturing bosses or getting your team out of trouble, or a strong engagement tool for those who know how to flank the enemy team or split off some enemies from their teammates.
Tied-3. Gul'dan
Average: 5.00 High: 2 Low: 13
Average: 5.00 High: 2 Low: 13
Gul’dan is a powerhouse when given space, and even when pressured his kit can keep him up and doing damage. Like most mages, he lacks mobility but makes up for it in damage. What sets Gul’dan apart is his sustain. His Fel magic allows him to Drain Life constantly, dealing damage and healing himself, and his health is basically another mana bar. Combined with the very low cooldown on Fel Flame Gul’dan is one of the best at taking care of large minion waves and mercenaries, or waves of Zerg on Braxis Holdout. To top it off, if the other team stacks up or tries to converge too hard on Gul’dan, they better get ready to suffer through Horrify.
Tied-3. Valla
Average: 5.00 High: 1 Low: 12
Average: 5.00 High: 1 Low: 12
Valla is one of those cases that shows how a simple hero design can still work wonders. She’s a pretty straight forward auto-attacker but she’s strong because she doesn’t really have a weakness and generally excels at everything. Valla has good damage including some AoE and is very mobile. Her Heroics aren’t spectacular but get the job done, while her Storm Talents are incredible, either giving very high attack speed or attack range.
5. Li-Ming
Average: 5.13 High: 2 Low: 8
Average: 5.13 High: 2 Low: 8
Li-Ming can’t put out that constant damage quite so much as Gul’dan can without getting resets, but she can sure burst people down, and getting a kill as Li-Ming usually means that you’ll get more if you’re in the middle of a big fight. She has been nerfed several times in terms of damage, but the most recent one changing Calamity to no longer hit non-Heroic targets is what puts Gul’dan in the top mage position. Her best wave clear outside of her Heroics only does damage to the front minions, while Gul’dan can hit just about everything and on a 1.5 second cooldown. She is still a top pick for her ranged siege and killing potential, but she’s weak on certain map objectives.
6. Zeratul
Average: 5.38 High: 1 Low: 14
Average: 5.38 High: 1 Low: 14
7. Greymane
Average: 7.38 High: 5 Low: 9
Average: 7.38 High: 5 Low: 9
8. Jaina
Average: 9.63 High: 4 Low: 14
Average: 9.63 High: 4 Low: 14
9. Tychus
Average: 10.25 High: 4 Low: 22
Average: 10.25 High: 4 Low: 22
10. Thrall
Average: 10.63 High: 7 Low: 15
Average: 10.63 High: 7 Low: 15
11. Chromie
Average: 10.88 High: 4 Low: 15
Average: 10.88 High: 4 Low: 15
12. Tracer
Average: 11.50 High: 8 Low: 15
Average: 11.50 High: 8 Low: 15
13. Zul'jin
Average: 13.00 High: 2 Low: 19
Average: 13.00 High: 2 Low: 19
14. Kael'thas
Average: 13.50 High: 6 Low: 18
Average: 13.50 High: 6 Low: 18
15. Valeera
Average: 13.63 High: 9 Low: 18
Average: 13.63 High: 9 Low: 18
16. Kerrigan
Average: 15.50 High: 7 Low: 22
Average: 15.50 High: 7 Low: 22
17. Alarak
Average: 16.75 High: 14 Low: 20
Average: 16.75 High: 14 Low: 20
18. Lunara
Average: 17.13 High: 11 Low: 22
Average: 17.13 High: 11 Low: 22
19. Illidan
Average: 17.25 High: 12 Low: 21
Average: 17.25 High: 12 Low: 21
20. Raynor
Average: 19.88 High: 16 Low: 23
Average: 19.88 High: 16 Low: 23
21. Varian
Average: 20.13 High: 10 Low: 23
Average: 20.13 High: 10 Low: 23
22. The Butcher
Average: 20.63 High: 19 Low: 23
Average: 20.63 High: 19 Low: 23
23. Samuro
Average: 21.75 High: 20 Low: 23
Average: 21.75 High: 20 Low: 23
24. Nova
Average: 24.00 High: 24 Low: 24
Average: 24.00 High: 24 Low: 24
1. Medivh
Average: 2.00 High: 1 Low: 4
Average: 2.00 High: 1 Low: 4
Medivh is a rather interesting Specialist. He’s the guy who you go up against in QM in no Support games and cringe even though he’s not strictly a Support. He can mitigate a huge amount of damage with very short cooldowns that completely nullify the other team’s combos and prevent mistakes. If your team is in a bad spot he can just set up a portal to safety, or make plays and set up an offensive portal to pick off weak targets. On top of that, he still does some damage, and has vision wherever he wants it.
2. Nazeebo
Average: 2.88 High: 1 Low: 7
Average: 2.88 High: 1 Low: 7
Nazeebo is a late-game scaling beast. His Voodoo Ritual can end up giving him thousands of health if he can stack it up throughout the game unpunished, and his Corpse Spiders are downright infuriating against any squishy target, picking at you for an always more-than-you-thought-it-would-be amount of health. Nazeebo can just stand at the fringe of the fight and throw out abilities, and if he gets caught, his larger health pool than most other non-tanks will keep him alive long enough to put down a Zombie Wall and Ja hee, ja kah, purrrblak out of there.
3. Sylvanas
Average: 3.00 High: 1 Low: 8
Average: 3.00 High: 1 Low: 8
Sylvanas is probably the Specialist who most resembles a ranged Assassin, just with a bit less damage. While she can fill that role in some situations, what makes her exceptional is of course her trait. Black Arrows is a game changing ability that demands a response. If the other team doesn’t adjust to it on maps like Haunted Mines, Battlefield of Eternity, or Infernal Shrines, it can be an outright loss with the value added to the objective boss. On top of her trait, Sylvanas has insane wave clear and the ability to stop enemy mercenaries in their tracks.
4. Sgt. Hammer
Average: 4.75 High: 2 Low: 9
Average: 4.75 High: 2 Low: 9
Sgt. Hammer might just be the Hero who most relies on having the right team composition. Yes she has the long range and high damage auto-attacks that make engaging into her difficult, but she puts herself in a vulnerable position (standing still) to get those benefits. This means Sgt. Hammer really needs to be with Heroes who can babysit her like Zarya or Tassadar. The shields they provide can allow Sgt. Hammer to be bold with her Siege Mode and actually dish out that high long-distance damage she’s known for and impose her will over a section of the battlefield.
5. Xul
Average: 5.63 High: 4 Low: 7
Average: 5.63 High: 4 Low: 7
Xul is really one of the most boring Heroes in the game, but he sure is an effective pusher. Just activate those Cursed Strikes and go to town on a minion wave, sending more Skeletons right back at them. His kit doesn’t really allow for flashy plays being the rare melee without any mobility whatsoever, but it rewards steady decision making and constant pressure. His Heroics can be fairly impactful in a team fight however, either doing lots of damage with Poison Nova or offering very good control over an area with Skeletal Mages.
6. Murky
Average: 5.75 High: 3 Low: 8
Average: 5.75 High: 3 Low: 8
7. Abathur
Average: 6.13 High: 2 Low: 8
Average: 6.13 High: 2 Low: 8
8. The Lost Vikings
Average: 6.38 High: 4 Low: 9
Average: 6.38 High: 4 Low: 9
9. Azmodan
Average: 9.13 High: 7 Low: 10
Average: 9.13 High: 7 Low: 10
10. Zagara
Average: 9.50 High: 8 Low: 11
Average: 9.50 High: 8 Low: 11
11. Gazlowe
Average: 10.88 High: 10 Low: 11
Average: 10.88 High: 10 Low: 11
1. Malfurion
Average: 1.38 High: 1 Low: 2
Average: 1.38 High: 1 Low: 2
Malfurion is the undisputed top Support. While he primarily does heal-over-time effects, the heals have recently become strong enough to keep a team up even without needing Tranquility, giving him access to Twilight Dream. He’s not just valued for the healing though. Innervate is a strong tool for keeping your team in long, drawn out fights. Moonfire can break enemies out of stealth, clear minions with decent speed for a Support, and help finish off low health opponents. Entangling Roots is probably the most important part of his base kit though. Placing this as a zoning tool in chokes, at enemy gates to prevent retreats to safety, and under already stunned Heroes can almost always net a kill, and if not force a lot of resources from their team into keeping the target alive.
2. Tassadar
Average: 3.00 High: 1 Low: 5
Average: 3.00 High: 1 Low: 5
In the most recent professional tournament, the Western Clash at IEM Katowice, Tassadar was banned more than any other Hero by more than double. Why is that? Because he very easily can do everything a team needs besides provide hard CC, and teams don’t want to deal with him being on the other team. His shields are strong, on low cooldowns, and basically act as an additional healer to the other Support picked with him. He provides vision through Oracle, has AoE for minion waves and Objectives, and slows his auto-attack target. Oh and he also has a get out of jail free card in Dimensional Shift.
3. Rehgar
Average: 3.38 High: 1 Low: 6
Average: 3.38 High: 1 Low: 6
Rehgar has seen his share of nerfs since his stint as the best Hero in the game, but they haven’t completely knocked him out. His single target healing isn’t as much as what a Malfurion Regrowth can do, but if multiple targets need healing Rehgar can do it better. Now if he really needs to save someone, landing clutch Ancestral Healings are what really make or break Rehgar. If the enemy team just poured a ton of cooldowns into a target who you can just save with Ancestral, it can put the other team on the back foot. If he goes the totem route with Earthgrasp Totem at 16, he also has a huge slow that can really let your team capitalize on punishing bad positioning from the other team.
4. Lucio
Average: 3.88 High: 2 Low: 6
Average: 3.88 High: 2 Low: 6
Our most recent addition to the Nexus, Lucio brings an upbeat tempo to his team compositions. His healing is most comparable to Brightwing, but weaker until he uses Amp It Up. His auto-attacks can be used while moving, but he still does the least amount of damage out of the top 5 Supports and has dreadful wave clearing capabilities. What makes him so powerful is the combo of Crossfade and Amp It Up, backed with the massive shielding of Sound Barrier. With the speed boost Lucio can just about guarantee his team can chase or run away from the enemy team as much as you’d like, and especially helps very aggressive teams. Amp It Up with the healing Crossfade can top of his entire team in seconds. And of course his Heroic Sound Barrier makes sure that nobody on his team is in any danger of dying for a few seconds, giving them time to either mop up the enemy team or retreat using his speed boost.
5. Kharazim
Average: 4.63 High: 1 Low: 7
Average: 4.63 High: 1 Low: 7
Kharazim is possibly the highest damage dealer of the top 5 Supports, but it’s at the cost of having zero CC. His high mobility lets him zip around and hit or heal whoever he needs to, and rewards good positioning while punishing the bad. Decision making is key to being a good Kharazim, as often you’ll find yourself choosing between trying to get a kill, or save a teammate. Indeed his Heroic choice follows the same vein of thought: save a teammate with Divine Palm or kill an enemy with Seven-Sided Strike. He also really depends on having a good frontline (preferably with CC) to make sure he can’t just be focused down.
6. Brightwing
Average: 6.13 High: 3 Low: 8
Average: 6.13 High: 3 Low: 8
7. Auriel
Average: 7.00 High: 6 Low: 8
Average: 7.00 High: 6 Low: 8
8. Lt. Morales
Average: 7.13 High: 4 Low: 9
Average: 7.13 High: 4 Low: 9
9. Tyrande
Average: 8.63 High: 6 Low: 10
Average: 8.63 High: 6 Low: 10
10. Uther
Average: 10.25 High: 9 Low: 11
Average: 10.25 High: 9 Low: 11
11. Li Li
Average: 10.63 High: 10 Low: 11
Average: 10.63 High: 10 Low: 11
1. E.T.C.
Average: 1.75 High: 1 Low: 4
Average: 1.75 High: 1 Low: 4
What can we say, this guy just rocks. He has some of the best peel on any Warrior, can initiate at will, disrupt the enemy team easily, provide attack speed for his team during objective races, heal himself, etc. (I couldn’t help myself not sorry) A perfect Mosh Pit can turn any loosing game into a magical moment, and sometimes just the threat of it can cause panic. Of course with Stage Dive instead E.T.C. can split push across the map and still be a threat. E.T.C. is everything you want in a Warrior.
2. Muradin
Average: 3.38 High: 1 Low: 10
Average: 3.38 High: 1 Low: 10
Muradin can do most of what E.T.C. does (besides the Heroics of course), only slightly worse in most cases. He has strong single target CC, does about the same damage, and can take a lot more damage, but he can’t control the fight like a good E.T.C. can. He arguably has a better escape with Dwarf Toss, but without being unstoppable anymore it’s not as reliable as it used to be. It’s the big impact plays that E.T.C. can offer that push him just ahead of Muradin. Still, Muradin provides a good frontline for any team and can fit into just about any composition on any map.
3. Dehaka
Average: 3.75 High: 1 Low: 8
Average: 3.75 High: 1 Low: 8
Dehaka fills the same role for Warriors that Falstad does for Assassins. He’s not super powerful, but his global presence makes him valuable. Dehaka is a good solo laner with decent wave clear and self-healing that allow him to relentlessly push, even after objectives have started. This lets him get more xp for his team then use Brushstalker to gank another lane or jump into the fray around an objective. His CC Drag is harder to hit than some other CC abilities, but it also lasts longer than either of the higher Warrior’s stuns and of course moves the target to a more vulnerable position.
4. Zarya
Average: 5.38 High: 3 Low: 10
Average: 5.38 High: 3 Low: 10
Although she can’t fill the role of a solo Warrior, Zarya can make almost any composition difficult to engage into. Her shields can foil the other team’s plans while simultaneously raising her damage to more than a Warrior that’s not named Sonya should be doing, and with a ranged attack at that. She’s especially great at punishing mages like Li-Ming and Gul’dan, who are also strong and popular picks, because of their so obviously choreographed damage. To top it off, both of Zarya’s Heroics can be used for wombo combos or deadly zoning tools, particularly in tight spaces.
5. Diablo
Average: 6.25 High: 2 Low: 11
Average: 6.25 High: 2 Low: 11
It seems a little strange to have Diablo in the top 5 when he doesn’t get picked too often, but that just goes to show how strong the top 4 Warriors really are compared to the rest. He has some strong CC, can clear waves as well as any other non-Dehaka Warrior, and can tank damage pretty well. What he doesn’t have is the utility that the rest of the top 5 can bring to the table. Diablo has no escape, no global, no shields, and very limited sustain, all of which are highly valued. His only chance at a niche pick is in the possible resurgence of Tyrande and the classic Overpower/Lunar Flare combo.
6. Tyrael
Average: 6.50 High: 4 Low: 9
Average: 6.50 High: 4 Low: 9
7. Johanna
Average: 6.88 High: 3 Low: 14
Average: 6.88 High: 3 Low: 14
8. Varian
Average: 7.00 High: 3 Low: 15
Average: 7.00 High: 3 Low: 15
9. Artanis
Average: 7.88 High: 5 Low: 11
Average: 7.88 High: 5 Low: 11
10. Anub'arak
Average: 9.00 High: 6 Low: 13
Average: 9.00 High: 6 Low: 13
11. Sonya
Average: 11.50 High: 7 Low: 16
Average: 11.50 High: 7 Low: 16
12. Leoric
Average: 12.00 High: 10 Low: 13
Average: 12.00 High: 10 Low: 13
13. Arthas
Average: 12.50 High: 9 Low: 16
Average: 12.50 High: 9 Low: 16
14. Rexxar
Average: 13.38 High: 11 Low: 15
Average: 13.38 High: 11 Low: 15
15. Stitches
Average: 14.00 High: 11 Low: 16
Average: 14.00 High: 11 Low: 16
16. Chen
Average: 14.88 High: 13 Low: 16
Average: 14.88 High: 13 Low: 16