Hiya folks. Thank you so much for reading my previous posts on Heroes of the Storm. I promise you that I will continue to analyze aspects of the game and of Heroes so that eventually all of us will become better players all around.
If this is the first post of mine that you have read welcome; I hope that you enjoy reading about the topics I post about and I hope that one day we can become better players all around.
I want to talk about Tyrande. She has been in almost every Quick Match and Hero League game since her soft rework two weeks ago. To many players who have played this game for a long time they saw Tyrande like tassadar, as more a damage support hero, and in most team comps she just was not able to put out the healing that a team needed by herself. She only had one healing ability in her basic kit which was also the only way she could buff her allies. She was meant to played as a hero that could help the support keep their carries alive while dishing out a lot of damage, giving vision of the enemy team, and landing stuns at a distance.
The major change to Tyrande in the last patch was with her second Heroic ability "Shadowstalk". The new ability cloaks all of her allies (including herself) while giving her team a Heal over Time for a moderate amount and then a final burst of healing. This final burst of healing is about two thirds of the complete duration of the heal over time portion of the Heroic. Its duration is very short compared to many other support heroic and its duration can be shorten furthered through the use of battle momentum (one of her level seven talents).
Right now Tyrande is in one the best spots that she has ever been in. Her kit can allow her to have a ton of presence on the map and in a team fight with very little risk to her. Since her heroic affects allies from anywhere on the map she is able to do significant healing even when is at her own core. Since 'Shadowstalk" is on such a low cool down she is able to basically spam the ability when its needed. All of this gives her almost full map wide presence in a game. In the hands of a skilled player she can have very little risk for a very high reward.
I've been very impressed recently with how players have used the new "Shadowstalk" to keep their allies alive in what would have easily been a kill in any other circumstance. One way this ability is useful is against enemies that have targeted abilities; the stealth makes it impossible for the enemy to target the enemy (like Octograbs, The hunts, Judgements) while the Tyrandes' allied are not visible on the map. If the player sees that either an ally or themselves are being chased by the enemy the player can use their heroic to give them a chance to escape. If an ally overextended and got surrounded by the enemy team the Tyrande can use her heroic them, get them healed up, and stealth them so that possibly they could get away from the bad situation; even if the heroic was used to assist just one person the short cool down means that most likely it will be up for the next engagement.
Another ingenious use of this ability is to use it offensively to ambush either the enemy team at a choke point or surround a single enemy hero undetected. Using the ability at the start of the team fights allows the team to soak the early damage, especially A.o.E. damage, that may initiate the fight. Since the Tyrande player knows that her whole team will be healed for the next 8 seconds by her heroic she can focus her attention to landing her stun or healing an ally that is being targeted while the heroic ability keeps the rest of the team healthy.
I'm sure that there are many other innovate ways that the ult can used in game; these two instances are what stand out as the most important to keep in mind when playing Tyrande. The heroic is meant to keep the team alive through moderate damage. The healing gained from the heroic doesn't do much against high burst damage and the stealth only works if the ally is not damaged or uses any of their abilities. An enemy who is aware of the map and can land skill shots on fleeing allies can easily make the value of the ult worthless.
Tyrande's heroic ability "shadowstalk" is meant as way for a player to showcase how aware and mindful they are in a fight. The better a player is at reading a situation and knowing when it is the best time to activate it will come out ahead. Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this post and ill be sure to post again soon! :D.
It's just quite a good ability. Starfall was a decent ult but does have a little lackluster damage, shadowstalk tends to heal for more and is just so much easier to use that I vastly prefer it. Lower cooldown and works in most engagements where starfall is very limited that many engagements it doesn't work so well because it's just a 3v3 or the enemy is scattered or very mobile etc. Shadowstalk always does fine healing and with the short cooldown is hardly ever wasted. Plus shadowstalk has quite the decent upgrade for it, starfall a useless one.
Great power of it also is the versatility Tyrande now has being a better healer, solo Tyrande is still a bit iffy often but combinations like Tyrande + Tassadar or Tyrande + ETC even are pretty good for healing. Plus it isn't a disaster anymore to end up solo healing as tyrande in QM or HL.
I still think Tyrande is a situational hero as a real combo hero. NA teams for example draft her too much imo, she is great in some roaming squads and/or with a combo setup like muradin/diablo/stitches/kerrigan/uther or whatever but just adding her without that is lackluster I think. Especially on maps where owl scouting or poking is not as valuable.
But there are some interesting things pointed out already. Using shadowstalk to deny intiations like judgement and to save people from hunt is something i admit i never thought about. I can see the potential of the lvl 20 (in theory), its not something i take into account when i pick Tyrande but maybe i should.
Played many Tyrande Tassadar games and i think its solid, Tassadar protects from burst while Tyrande can work on the health bars. She also provides cc that tassadar lacks while he provides wave clear. Both together give some decent dps and more utility you will ever need.
Wish i could try more Tyrande ETC but i guess its not enough, lacks burst healing and you need groupies (and overflowing light), suffering early on.
Anyway, Tyrande Uther is the real deal mostly for pre-patch reasons. However, while the power of the burst heal (and divine shield) from Uther is proven to be enough for any team he can be overloaded. So Tyrande extra healing is not overkill at all.
Hmmmmm... i went too far indeed, but i think i haven't made myself clear. What i meant is the best upgrade heroic talent in comparison to what it does to a Hero lvl 10 Heroic.
Would be a nice discussion to see which hero has the best lvl 20 upgrade. Tyrande is definitely a good candidate.
Well, tyrande has a 17% popularity rate on hotslogs, so saying she has been appearing in every QM and HL game since the rework might be a bit hyperbolic
I've been loving her recently. She's got a high skill cap for sure (hitting her W and E with regularity isn't easy until the increased range/size) but she has so much utility and versatality - you can play her with an auto attack damage focus with seasoned marksman, with a full heal focus, with a allied buff focus... a lot of potential with her and a lot of ganks. It's funny how heroes like her and Tass are crazy good right now but never have huge stats in any department (I guess Tass can do a lot of siege dmg). Living proof stats aren't everything
I'm still kind of convinced that the healing on it is too weak for it be considered "good" or useful over Starfall. I did the math and Shadowstalk heals for 840 HP globally at level 20 (~22% of heroes on average) compared to Kharazim's Breath of Heaven, which heals for 822 HP at level 20 with Echo of Heaven (with Circle of Life, this number can go all the way up to 1041+). The difference is a 30 second cooldown compared to an 8 second cooldown. Shadowstalk also heals 840 HP over 8 seconds while Breath of Heaven heals 822 HP in two bursts only two seconds apart; by the time that Shadowstalk has finished healing 840 HP, Kharazim can use Breath of Heaven twice for a minimum of 1370 HP. This isn't guaranteed to hit everyone, but since he can heal twice during this time, spreading out his heals to 2 different allies per heal effectively heals the entire team by 822 HP over 10 seconds and double on the Monk himself.
But what about Tyrande's other heals? She has single target heals for 918 HP (with Overflowing Light) every 8 seconds at level 20, which is comparable to Uther's Q and actually a little bit better in terms cost/heal ratio. In this case, Light of Elune is a saving grace, but the numbers fall drastically lower if she falls below 50% health and cannot proc Overflowing Light. For this reason, Shadowstalk is not enough to overcome her weaker healing and make her a solo healer.
If we look at the other perks Shadowstalk presents -- invisibility and a 40% movement speed boost at level 20 -- we can find some nice perks in using it still. However, the invisibility of Shadowstalk is not that useful in the middle of team fights where the healing is necessary. Likewise, the healing is not necessary in situations where stealth is necessary like setting up an engagement. The invisibility and healing combined are kind of counter-productive and kind of pull at each other a bit. The 40% speed boost is good, but only really solid for running away or hard engaging, both of which can be achieved with the slows from Starfall.
Overall, I'm convinced that the main reason players like Shadowstalk right now is because 1) it's new and 2) it's easier to use effectively than Starfall, but I think ultimately, it falls flat compared to the extraordinary uses that Starfall has. In any case, I'm still a big believer in the way Shadowstalk used to work where it would reveal the enemy team. I think that the global vision you could get with Tyrande was impressive and useful for many different things; just because the enemy team KNEW you could see them didn't mean that Shadowstalk was wasted. Compare to Twisted Fate in LoL...many players will use Destiny just to see the enemy team, and that cooldown is exponentially longer than Shadowstalk.
On October 28 2015 07:24 SC2John wrote: I'm still kind of convinced that the healing on it is too weak for it be considered "good" or useful over Starfall. I did the math and Shadowstalk heals for 840 HP globally at level 20 (~22% of heroes on average) compared to Kharazim's Breath of Heaven, which heals for 822 HP at level 20 with Echo of Heaven (with Circle of Life, this number can go all the way up to 1041+). The difference is a 30 second cooldown compared to an 8 second cooldown. Shadowstalk also heals 840 HP over 8 seconds while Breath of Heaven heals 822 HP in two bursts only two seconds apart; by the time that Shadowstalk has finished healing 840 HP, Kharazim can use Breath of Heaven twice for a minimum of 1370 HP. This isn't guaranteed to hit everyone, but since he can heal twice during this time, spreading out his heals to 2 different allies per heal effectively heals the entire team by 822 HP over 10 seconds and double on the Monk himself.
But what about Tyrande's other heals? She has single target heals for 918 HP (with Overflowing Light) every 8 seconds at level 20, which is comparable to Uther's Q and actually a little bit better in terms cost/heal ratio. In this case, Light of Elune is a saving grace, but the numbers fall drastically lower if she falls below 50% health and cannot proc Overflowing Light. For this reason, Shadowstalk is not enough to overcome her weaker healing and make her a solo healer.
If we look at the other perks Shadowstalk presents -- invisibility and a 40% movement speed boost at level 20 -- we can find some nice perks in using it still. However, the invisibility of Shadowstalk is not that useful in the middle of team fights where the healing is necessary. Likewise, the healing is not necessary in situations where stealth is necessary like setting up an engagement. The invisibility and healing combined are kind of counter-productive and kind of pull at each other a bit. The 40% speed boost is good, but only really solid for running away or hard engaging, both of which can be achieved with the slows from Starfall.
Overall, I'm convinced that the main reason players like Shadowstalk right now is because 1) it's new and 2) it's easier to use effectively than Starfall, but I think ultimately, it falls flat compared to the extraordinary uses that Starfall has. In any case, I'm still a big believer in the way Shadowstalk used to work where it would reveal the enemy team. I think that the global vision you could get with Tyrande was impressive and useful for many different things; just because the enemy team KNEW you could see them didn't mean that Shadowstalk was wasted. Compare to Twisted Fate in LoL...many players will use Destiny just to see the enemy team, and that cooldown is exponentially longer than Shadowstalk.
Tassadar, on the other hand, is a god now.
The only point of comparison that's relevant is Shadowstalk to Starfall. Shadowstalk is just a 882 hp heal maybe but Starfall is only 1168 damage per target if it's in there for the full duration. Shadowstalk basically heals as much as Starfall does damage in 6 seconds. Damage can be considered better than healing, heck you can't heal full hp heroes afterall but you can damage anything. Shadowstalk however has a 50s cooldown vs the 100 of starfall and is global whereas starfall has a somewhat limited area, generally I think a shadowstalk cast will do more healing than a starfall cast will do damage to heroes that is. So considering shadowstalk has much wider applicability I think it clearly wins, starfall is limited to teamfights where you are fairly sure you get good coverage. Unlike a similar spell like phoenix for example it's pretty disastrous if you cast it prematurely and they just back off. Shadowstalk has the tons of applications as given by the OP and for pure teamfighting potential it isn't that much worse, especially considering with all the aoe it isn't very uncommon for none of the heal to go to waste.
The fact it keeps you topped up easier so overflowing light hits for more but provides a bit of an escape you otherwise like with sprint makes it even more ideal I think.
I pretty much prefer starfall only when you have a lot of sieging situations, tomb of the spider queen especially where starfall is great with or against a team pushing with spiders. Infernal shrines is another case where the coverage and extra damage to the neutrals is pretty great, but any other map i'm pretty much taking shadowstalk. And even on those maps I'd consider it.
On October 28 2015 07:24 SC2John wrote: I'm still kind of convinced that the healing on it is too weak for it be considered "good" or useful over Starfall. I did the math and Shadowstalk heals for 840 HP globally at level 20 (~22% of heroes on average) compared to Kharazim's Breath of Heaven, which heals for 822 HP at level 20 with Echo of Heaven (with Circle of Life, this number can go all the way up to 1041+). The difference is a 30 second cooldown compared to an 8 second cooldown. Shadowstalk also heals 840 HP over 8 seconds while Breath of Heaven heals 822 HP in two bursts only two seconds apart; by the time that Shadowstalk has finished healing 840 HP, Kharazim can use Breath of Heaven twice for a minimum of 1370 HP. This isn't guaranteed to hit everyone, but since he can heal twice during this time, spreading out his heals to 2 different allies per heal effectively heals the entire team by 822 HP over 10 seconds and double on the Monk himself.
But what about Tyrande's other heals? She has single target heals for 918 HP (with Overflowing Light) every 8 seconds at level 20, which is comparable to Uther's Q and actually a little bit better in terms cost/heal ratio. In this case, Light of Elune is a saving grace, but the numbers fall drastically lower if she falls below 50% health and cannot proc Overflowing Light. For this reason, Shadowstalk is not enough to overcome her weaker healing and make her a solo healer.
If we look at the other perks Shadowstalk presents -- invisibility and a 40% movement speed boost at level 20 -- we can find some nice perks in using it still. However, the invisibility of Shadowstalk is not that useful in the middle of team fights where the healing is necessary. Likewise, the healing is not necessary in situations where stealth is necessary like setting up an engagement. The invisibility and healing combined are kind of counter-productive and kind of pull at each other a bit. The 40% speed boost is good, but only really solid for running away or hard engaging, both of which can be achieved with the slows from Starfall.
Overall, I'm convinced that the main reason players like Shadowstalk right now is because 1) it's new and 2) it's easier to use effectively than Starfall, but I think ultimately, it falls flat compared to the extraordinary uses that Starfall has. In any case, I'm still a big believer in the way Shadowstalk used to work where it would reveal the enemy team. I think that the global vision you could get with Tyrande was impressive and useful for many different things; just because the enemy team KNEW you could see them didn't mean that Shadowstalk was wasted. Compare to Twisted Fate in LoL...many players will use Destiny just to see the enemy team, and that cooldown is exponentially longer than Shadowstalk.
Tassadar, on the other hand, is a god now.
What are the extraordinary uses of Starfall?
If Tyrande's going cooldown heavy to get her Shadowstalk down to 30 seconds, her Q is probably also on a shorter cooldown than 8 seconds - more like 5, say. If Overflowing Light is not active, Tyrande will probably be getting considerable benefit from the self-heal of Q, which will improve the numbers you're talking about.
I think the bigger issue is a lack of burst heal from tyrande. cloaking an ally can save them sometimes-- but just as often the ally will take splash damage from somewhere, get revealed, and be dead.
On October 28 2015 07:24 SC2John wrote: I'm still kind of convinced that the healing on it is too weak for it be considered "good" or useful over Starfall. I did the math and Shadowstalk heals for 840 HP globally at level 20 (~22% of heroes on average) compared to Kharazim's Breath of Heaven, which heals for 822 HP at level 20 with Echo of Heaven (with Circle of Life, this number can go all the way up to 1041+). The difference is a 30 second cooldown compared to an 8 second cooldown. Shadowstalk also heals 840 HP over 8 seconds while Breath of Heaven heals 822 HP in two bursts only two seconds apart; by the time that Shadowstalk has finished healing 840 HP, Kharazim can use Breath of Heaven twice for a minimum of 1370 HP. This isn't guaranteed to hit everyone, but since he can heal twice during this time, spreading out his heals to 2 different allies per heal effectively heals the entire team by 822 HP over 10 seconds and double on the Monk himself.
But what about Tyrande's other heals? She has single target heals for 918 HP (with Overflowing Light) every 8 seconds at level 20, which is comparable to Uther's Q and actually a little bit better in terms cost/heal ratio. In this case, Light of Elune is a saving grace, but the numbers fall drastically lower if she falls below 50% health and cannot proc Overflowing Light. For this reason, Shadowstalk is not enough to overcome her weaker healing and make her a solo healer.
If we look at the other perks Shadowstalk presents -- invisibility and a 40% movement speed boost at level 20 -- we can find some nice perks in using it still. However, the invisibility of Shadowstalk is not that useful in the middle of team fights where the healing is necessary. Likewise, the healing is not necessary in situations where stealth is necessary like setting up an engagement. The invisibility and healing combined are kind of counter-productive and kind of pull at each other a bit. The 40% speed boost is good, but only really solid for running away or hard engaging, both of which can be achieved with the slows from Starfall.
To be honest, you are comparing basic burst AoE healing to the heroic healing over time AoE healing. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare it to Tranquility? Tranquility at level 20 heals for 2000 over 10 seconds if you are in the AoE, while Shadowstalk heals for 840 but also gives you invisibility. Tranquility has a very long cooldown of 100 seconds, Shadowstalk has 50 and coupled with Battle Momentum it more likely to be ~30 seconds.
I also disagree with you that Invisibility isn't useful in the middle of team fight, you don't know how many times I couldn't kill a target with someone like Sonya or Butcher because I didn't have my AoE off the cooldown while target disappeared right in front of my eyes. Unless enemy has anti-invis talents or Tassadar, Invisibility is great at any point in the game, amazing engagement and disengagement tool.
We have played Tyrande even before the buffs and Starfall felt really lackluster most of the time.
On October 28 2015 07:24 SC2John wrote: I'm still kind of convinced that the healing on it is too weak for it be considered "good" or useful over Starfall. I did the math and Shadowstalk heals for 840 HP globally at level 20 (~22% of heroes on average) compared to Kharazim's Breath of Heaven, which heals for 822 HP at level 20 with Echo of Heaven (with Circle of Life, this number can go all the way up to 1041+). The difference is a 30 second cooldown compared to an 8 second cooldown. Shadowstalk also heals 840 HP over 8 seconds while Breath of Heaven heals 822 HP in two bursts only two seconds apart; by the time that Shadowstalk has finished healing 840 HP, Kharazim can use Breath of Heaven twice for a minimum of 1370 HP. This isn't guaranteed to hit everyone, but since he can heal twice during this time, spreading out his heals to 2 different allies per heal effectively heals the entire team by 822 HP over 10 seconds and double on the Monk himself.
But what about Tyrande's other heals? She has single target heals for 918 HP (with Overflowing Light) every 8 seconds at level 20, which is comparable to Uther's Q and actually a little bit better in terms cost/heal ratio. In this case, Light of Elune is a saving grace, but the numbers fall drastically lower if she falls below 50% health and cannot proc Overflowing Light. For this reason, Shadowstalk is not enough to overcome her weaker healing and make her a solo healer.
If we look at the other perks Shadowstalk presents -- invisibility and a 40% movement speed boost at level 20 -- we can find some nice perks in using it still. However, the invisibility of Shadowstalk is not that useful in the middle of team fights where the healing is necessary. Likewise, the healing is not necessary in situations where stealth is necessary like setting up an engagement. The invisibility and healing combined are kind of counter-productive and kind of pull at each other a bit. The 40% speed boost is good, but only really solid for running away or hard engaging, both of which can be achieved with the slows from Starfall.
To be honest, you are comparing basic burst AoE healing to the heroic healing over time AoE healing. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare it to Tranquility? Tranquility at level 20 heals for 2000 over 10 seconds if you are in the AoE, while Shadowstalk heals for 840 but also gives you invisibility. Tranquility has a very long cooldown of 100 seconds, Shadowstalk has 50 and coupled with Battle Momentum it more likely to be ~30 seconds.
I also disagree with you that Invisibility isn't useful in the middle of team fight, you don't know how many times I couldn't kill a target with someone like Sonya or Butcher because I didn't have my AoE off the cooldown while target disappeared right in front of my eyes. Unless enemy has anti-invis talents or Tassadar, Invisibility is great at any point in the game, amazing engagement and disengagement tool.
We have played Tyrande even before the buffs and Starfall felt really lackluster most of the time.
My point is that for a heroic, it barely falls short of healing from basic abilities ^^. If we compared it to Tranquility or 1000 Cups, it would be AWFUL in terms of healing. Also, I had just calculated out the Kharazim numbers the day before, so they were on my mind.
For the most part, I don't think Shadowstalk is a completely game-changing team fight ability outside of using it to engage on the opponent using the invisibility. It might prevent the enemy team from securing a guaranteed kill, but that's damage control and really relies on the opponent overextending afterwards in order to turn the fight around. Also, like I said earlier, the healing from it is pretty much a trickle of overall moderate healing, so the healing is not spectacular. Starfall gets stuff done, I don't know why people underrate it so much.
EDIT: For uses of Starfall:
Zoning the enemy team back during a siege (both attacking and defending)
Zoning out the enemy team from engaging
In a team fight alongside other AoE spells like Blizzard and Chain Bomb
A 20% teamwide slow during team fights for nearly the entire duration of the fight
Does 1120 damage in total in a total area at level 20, which DOES outweigh the healing of Shadowstalk by 25%
If you ARE going cooldown heavy like you would be with Shadowstalk, it's still up for every team fight
Seriously, this thing is amazing when used correctly
On October 28 2015 07:24 SC2John wrote: I'm still kind of convinced that the healing on it is too weak for it be considered "good" or useful over Starfall. I did the math and Shadowstalk heals for 840 HP globally at level 20 (~22% of heroes on average) compared to Kharazim's Breath of Heaven, which heals for 822 HP at level 20 with Echo of Heaven (with Circle of Life, this number can go all the way up to 1041+). The difference is a 30 second cooldown compared to an 8 second cooldown. Shadowstalk also heals 840 HP over 8 seconds while Breath of Heaven heals 822 HP in two bursts only two seconds apart; by the time that Shadowstalk has finished healing 840 HP, Kharazim can use Breath of Heaven twice for a minimum of 1370 HP. This isn't guaranteed to hit everyone, but since he can heal twice during this time, spreading out his heals to 2 different allies per heal effectively heals the entire team by 822 HP over 10 seconds and double on the Monk himself.
But what about Tyrande's other heals? She has single target heals for 918 HP (with Overflowing Light) every 8 seconds at level 20, which is comparable to Uther's Q and actually a little bit better in terms cost/heal ratio. In this case, Light of Elune is a saving grace, but the numbers fall drastically lower if she falls below 50% health and cannot proc Overflowing Light. For this reason, Shadowstalk is not enough to overcome her weaker healing and make her a solo healer.
If we look at the other perks Shadowstalk presents -- invisibility and a 40% movement speed boost at level 20 -- we can find some nice perks in using it still. However, the invisibility of Shadowstalk is not that useful in the middle of team fights where the healing is necessary. Likewise, the healing is not necessary in situations where stealth is necessary like setting up an engagement. The invisibility and healing combined are kind of counter-productive and kind of pull at each other a bit. The 40% speed boost is good, but only really solid for running away or hard engaging, both of which can be achieved with the slows from Starfall.
To be honest, you are comparing basic burst AoE healing to the heroic healing over time AoE healing. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare it to Tranquility? Tranquility at level 20 heals for 2000 over 10 seconds if you are in the AoE, while Shadowstalk heals for 840 but also gives you invisibility. Tranquility has a very long cooldown of 100 seconds, Shadowstalk has 50 and coupled with Battle Momentum it more likely to be ~30 seconds.
I also disagree with you that Invisibility isn't useful in the middle of team fight, you don't know how many times I couldn't kill a target with someone like Sonya or Butcher because I didn't have my AoE off the cooldown while target disappeared right in front of my eyes. Unless enemy has anti-invis talents or Tassadar, Invisibility is great at any point in the game, amazing engagement and disengagement tool.
We have played Tyrande even before the buffs and Starfall felt really lackluster most of the time.
My point is that for a heroic, it barely falls short of healing from basic abilities ^^. If we compared it to Tranquility or 1000 Cups, it would be AWFUL in terms of healing. Also, I had just calculated out the Kharazim numbers the day before, so they were on my mind.
For the most part, I don't think Shadowstalk is a completely game-changing team fight ability outside of using it to engage on the opponent using the invisibility. It might prevent the enemy team from securing a guaranteed kill, but that's damage control and really relies on the opponent overextending afterwards in order to turn the fight around. Also, like I said earlier, the healing from it is pretty much a trickle of overall moderate healing, so the healing is not spectacular. Starfall gets stuff done, I don't know why people underrate it so much.
EDIT: For uses of Starfall:
Zoning the enemy team back during a siege (both attacking and defending)
Zoning out the enemy team from engaging
In a team fight alongside other AoE spells like Blizzard and Chain Bomb
A 20% teamwide slow during team fights for nearly the entire duration of the fight
Does 1120 damage in total in a total area at level 20, which DOES outweigh the healing of Shadowstalk by 25%
If you ARE going cooldown heavy like you would be with Shadowstalk, it's still up for every team fight
Seriously, this thing is amazing when used correctly
how realistic is hitting full duration starfall's on 5 members? It's pretty damn rare. Full heal on the shadowstalk however happens a fair bit. And heck, you even get off 2 shadowstalks in fights sometimes especially as playing tyrande and shadowstalk prolong fights in the first place. Barring siege maps I don't think you can justify starfall ever anymore. (perhaps with aba comp when you don't benefit from shadowstalk much).
As luck would have it, a good starfall video cropped up on reddit.
One particularly insightful comment in the reddit thread pointed out the tassadar made this possible by eating all the cooldowns for the team before jaina and tyrande went in.