I've recently gotten back into the groove of DL'ing mass amounts of music. I stopped about eight or nine months ago after the external hard drive I stored all of my music in failed, and I lost a good 80GB of music. Right now, my collection is mostly made up of just my favorites, and stands at a relatively pathetic 9GB. My wonderful cousins got me an iPod 120GB for Christmas, so I felt prompted to make use of that POS.
Anyway, for any metalheads out there...could you point me to some good Melodic Death Metal? I haven't been paying attention to what's been going on in the scene very much (not that I did before), so any good bands that have been coming out, and hell, name older bands I may have missed as well.
Currently, I have only some of the major names, Soilwork, Dark Tranquility, In Flames, Scar Symmetry, though I used to have a lot more...
Anyway, list out some recommendations please!!
Thanks in advance. (:
Current list of things to get: Norther Kalmah Wintersun Eternal Tears of Sorrow Insomnium Nightrage Mors Principium Est Disarmonia Mundi Omnium Gatherum Neara Nightrage Sonic Syndicate Arch Enemy At the Gates Blinded Colony Dimension Zero Hypocrisy Mnemic Children of Bodom Zonaria Darkane
I'm not sure if that's all legit melo-death, but I found a list of stuff I wanted to get from before I lost my old hard drive, and just tacked on other stuff I remembered I had to it. Ugh...the list is too fucking long...T_T
They have like three good songs per album, and the rest are mediocre filler in my opinion. Talented musicians, and a powerful vocalist, for sure...but unfulfilled potential imo. haha.
Beyond that...I'm not sure if calling them melodic death metal is fair...they're at best sort of melodic thrash, and at worst, metalcore.
Thanks for reminding me of them, though. I should definitely at least have them in my collection.
Lamb of God is ok, but i cannot listen to a full album. It's like all the songs follow the same pattern, kind of tiring to listen to more than 5 songs in a row.
On January 03 2009 16:15 Moff wrote: i'd recommend Dethklok/eternal tears of sorrow/kalmah
haha, I found an old list I had from like eight or nine months ago I had of stuff I wanted to DL, and Eternal Tears of Sorrow and Kalmah are on that list under melo-death. Cheers.
Dethklok though...they're more brutal death, no? (Or at least wannabe)
Dethklok though...they're more brutal death, no? (Or at least wannabe)
ya probably, i just listened to bands i had in the OP and looked through my collection to see which sounded near it, really dont care for all these sub-genres, as long as it sounds good
edit; above poster posted a good site, totally forgot about that, for any genre of music, it's awesome for finding new bands.
i'm not going to list every single melodic death metal band that you should try, because it feels like i've done that every other time one of these threads pop up. try searching, you'll find everything you need and more.
but to avoid too much ball busting, i've been listening to The Absence's first album a lot lately and it's yet to get old. another really really talented metal band coming out of Tampa, Florida. keep an eye on Tampa
haha, cool to see ppl here use last.fm as well. I've been using them for geez...like three-four years now. I posted here in case there were any I missed. Most of the stuff I listed in the OP is stuff I've found through there anyhow.
On January 03 2009 16:51 t3r.sAnkAri wrote: You may like Ensiferum and In Flames maybe.. as I lay Dying and all that remains.
But as I lay dying and all that remains are less melodic than things like Bodom.
Edit: Sorry for the late links. Also some of these may be a little out of genre but I like a lot of what you posted so i'd recommend these.
Gonna stop posting the link below has a lot of good bands
I'm actually not too big a fan of metalcore stuff, but I do have to admit that KsE and All That Remains are pretty good bands.
I know I had Ensiferum before...aren't they that medieval metal band or something? I for some reason recall a song called, "Dragonheads" that was absolutely ridiculous...in like an awesomely bad sense...haha. I might be thinking of a different band, though.
On January 03 2009 17:53 AmorVincitOmnia wrote: i'm not going to list every single melodic death metal band that you should try, because it feels like i've done that every other time one of these threads pop up. try searching, you'll find everything you need and more.
but to avoid too much ball busting, i've been listening to The Absence's first album a lot lately and it's yet to get old. another really really talented metal band coming out of Tampa, Florida. keep an eye on Tampa
Alright, alright, I'll go ahead and just search...lol.
But OMG...THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THEM UP...I had their Riders of the Plague album on my now dead hard drive and loved it...but I'd totally forgotten about them.
Anyway, for any metalheads out there...could you point me to some good Melodic Death Metal?
A lot of the bands recommended (In Flames and such) are not Melodic DM (almost none of the bands t3r.sAnkAri posted were).
Judging from the list you posted, here are some good bands that are:
Decapitated Kataklysm Vehemence Amon Amarth Kronos Lykathea Aflame Gorod (moreso tech than melodic death, but still good) Quo Vadis (also more tech, but still very melodic) Arghoslent Suffocation Bal-Sagoth Mythological Cold Towers
I'll try to add bands as I think of them.
... now that I look at your list, a lot of that isn't exactly melodic death either, but it's not really a big deal ;D Let me know if you want any more recommendations, metal is basically my life ;D
The traditional Gothenburg melo-death genreis not exactly the same as Melodic Death Metal. I know it sounds weird. melo-death is bands like you mentioned: Soilwork, In Flames, At The Gates, etc. Melodic DM is just that: Primarily DM with more melody that brutality.
LordWeird, melodeath is a shortened way of saying "melodic death metal" so I'm not entirely certain where you got the impression they are different. The only real argument I can see for claiming Gothenburg metal is different than Melodic Death is that a lot of traditionally influential Gothenburg bands have altered their style to the point where it's not recognizable as melodeath. Regardless, arguing over genre specificities is pointless because everyone seems to have a different idea of where genre boundaries lie.
OP: I'd recommend The Duskfall, Anterior, and Callenish Circle if you haven't checked them out yet.
To add few ones to list (not all are of desired genre/sub-genre but I'd say worth cheking): Exsecratus Imperanon Kiuas Equilibrium The Kovenant Sentenced Sabaton Graveworm Samael Shade Empire Ten Masked Men (lol)
Anyway, for any metalheads out there...could you point me to some good Melodic Death Metal?
A lot of the bands recommended (In Flames and such) are not Melodic DM (almost none of the bands t3r.sAnkAri posted were).
Judging from the list you posted, here are some good bands that are:
Decapitated Kataklysm Vehemence Amon Amarth Kronos Lykathea Aflame Gorod (moreso tech than melodic death, but still good) Quo Vadis (also more tech, but still very melodic) Arghoslent Suffocation Bal-Sagoth Mythological Cold Towers
I'll try to add bands as I think of them.
... now that I look at your list, a lot of that isn't exactly melodic death either, but it's not really a big deal ;D Let me know if you want any more recommendations, metal is basically my life ;D
listen to this guy right here
and the only melodeath that you need on that list you have in the op is insomnium and atg