Play starcraft as well as I can theorycraft.
Stop wondering into TL when I do homework on computer.
Attend some LANs - might be too hard T_T
Get 9 hours of sleep - I've been living off of some wierd schedules of sleep. I'll now try to sleep from 7/8~4/5.
Do better in school - yeah I procrastinate so much T_T. Doesn't help my school district is on a six-point system though.
Do some good to the world. Help people out.
Most of the things in my life are pretty set at the moment, a couple of things I'd really like to do is one catching up with a lot of my old friends and redevelop my circle of friends and just generally make more friends, work and my whole fitness thing last year was so hardcore I didn't have time for anything else, it's amazing how slowly my circle of friends diminished, so I have to fix that this year.
Secondly, I want to buy a house, which I think I will start the process around March/April.
Besides that, I don't know. Definitely continue this fitness thing, whilst before I was aiming for fitness and weight loss, I am now aiming for 6-pack abs.
I'm gonna start working out at a gym instead of just doing running / free weights at home and finally build some body on this 6"7 giraffe body of mine. I'm also gonna pick up my studies again after 3 long years intermingled with work and unemployment that left me quite unsatisfied with life  I'll try to get to know a few new people in the town I moved to 2 months ago and hopefully have a slightly more healthy social life. Also in more important news I'll get to atleast C+ with my toss acc on ICC and hopefully B- by the end of the year.
dont drink in a few months
not let my anxiety own me
Go to the gym more Learn Japanese Sleep earlier
bring grades up.... =\ hopefully T_T
I just don't have the will power to do all that extra studying and shit.... I wish teachers gave more homework to me cuz that actually counts as your grade.... -sigh- >.>
Osaka27125 Posts
I'm gonna work to make TL a better place.
16951 Posts
Sleep schedules: Currently I fall asleep sometime between 4 and 5 am, and wake up afternoon sometime. 1ish. 2ish.
Grades: Yeah, I need to work on those. I decided to play SC instead of study for my physics or math finals, and as such, ended up below the class average on both. 58%ish.
Start running again? Not likely. I'm a lazy ass.
Oh, also: Learn conversational German. Brush up on my French because it's been slipping lately. Same with Chinese. I'm fluent in both French and Chinese, but it's to the point where I have a distinct American accent and it's embarrassing. Especially Chinese.
On January 01 2009 16:59 Manifesto7 wrote: I'm gonna work to make TL a better place.
try to watch little less live starcraft and hit the hay early. (same as last year's resolution)
Stop procrastinating, study for my classes, and go for something if I really want it. Oh and I resolve to use at least two of the Harry Potter pickup lines.
work out and get a descent job + new gf would be perfect!
On January 01 2009 16:59 Manifesto7 wrote: I'm gonna work to make TL a better place. sweeeeeeeeeet
- exercise atleast 3 times a week - try harder at work - educate myself as much as possible - finally stop drinking - make contacts with new people
On January 01 2009 11:57 likeaboss wrote: not let my anxiety own me
u have bad anxiety? what are the symptoms
My resolution is to put in the required effort for school. I've been slacking for far too long. A 42% on my Geog. midterm snapped me back to reality.
Get better and Starcraft and do my homework lol