On June 08 2011 00:45 garlicface wrote: Got Paras after 2 tries. It really fucked up when I said "yes" to "Is your character a Pokemon?". It gave me Shrek. rofl
actually the picture for "I wasnt really thinking of anything" happens to be Shrek. You would have got that if you got a question or 2 wrong.
Wow it guessed djwheat, nony and even destiny. pretty crazy.
Didn't get Zasz
He couldn't get Tasteless Bot 2000.
EDIT: He got it on the third try this time when I added it to the database.
Not bad, the thing is getting smarter.
Can't believe it got the monkey on the side of the screen in the advert!!!! First time
WOW, it only got TLO after it asked if my person was ugly, so rude.
It gave me The Birdman from the Nuggets, but only after it guessed Tyler Hansbrough
28077 Posts
Wow. I thought he was nowhere near guessing Lee seung gi and out of nowhere he gets it.
i fooled it. Picked Bones from....bones lol it got it wrong he guessed someone off in plain sight whatver the fuck that it
edit: he got it on question 27
wtf seriously this is..... creepy lol!
I thought of keira knightley (sooo smoking hot) but at like question 6 he asked about pirates already.....
second time i went for Chris Martin and it took only 16 questions of which half i had to answer with "i dont know" and he had it right.
third time i went for day9 and seriously, he got onto that one insanely fast.
damnit! cheats
i did day9 too. It asked is he famous for video games, i said yes. It asked does he have a bad temper lol. i instantly thought of idra
also the pic they use for day9 is so hot, dam he was a sexy nerd back then :D
its easily fooled, it obviously doesnt have a big sc2 player database cos i picked incontrol and he guessed day9 ahain
edit it got him like 3 turns later lol. this is scary
i was thinking of JangBi. Then it guessed JaeDong, but then i was like "no" Then it guessed Cool/FruitDealer
=( not even Akinator knows the King of Loosing...
i did sharpe - a british tv series about the life of a soldier during the war. Has sean bean in. None of the questions really gave much away, question 20 was 'does he have hair' i said yes and it guessed right. Is there anything it doesnt know
try doing the genie itself, he got it on like question 5
i thought it was never gonna guess francois dillinger from youth in revolt - it even guessed evan from superbad - whos played by the same guy :p
it finally got it when it asked is he french -_-
I finally beat it with Algernon, the mouse from the novel Flowers for Algernon
EDIT: Well shit, he got it the second time I kept going...
oh my GOD. He guessed Huk in like 10 questions... FML
i defeated him :D albert - the dog from youth in revolt muhahahahaha now ive beaten that game time to go ladder
dam its easy once you think of someone good. ben, the dad from Barnyard :D couldnt get it
try ALL NO guys