On October 08 2008 13:58 HyoSang wrote: Please dont let them turn this into crap. I see documentaries all the time about progaming and it makes us sound like retards.
Sadly, no matter what tasteless says, if thats their goal, theyll do it. And its a goal a lot of documentaries are definately after, because the majority of people watching will respond to the idea of progaming with the whole "omg what a bunch of nerds" reaction. Cater to your audience.
For example, look at the Nal_rA one. Basically the voiceover goes on about how bad the lifestyle is for rA while hes sitting there saying he enjoys what he does.
That being said however, I dont think we could ask for a better ambassador for esports. I know Tasteless will do a great job representing the scene.
On October 08 2008 13:58 HyoSang wrote: Please dont let them turn this into crap. I see documentaries all the time about progaming and it makes us sound like retards.
Sadly, no matter what tasteless says, if thats their goal, theyll do it. And its a goal a lot of documentaries are definately after, because the majority of people watching will respond to the idea of progaming with the whole "omg what a bunch of nerds" reaction. Cater to your audience.
Yeah Frontline probably isn't gonna have the same perspective of the National Geographic documentary, which was amazing. It is catered more towards everyday citizens/adults and less "curious" people about others' lifestyles.
I love Frontline, I will definitely be watching. I can't think of anyone that I would rather have representing the Starcraft community than you. GOOD LUCK TASTLESS!!
Man I remember watching this on TV, like omg that bitch is so dumb, laughing wowowowowowow gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =[ I felt lkie punching her in the dick son =[
You know, i hate to get pissed at stupidity, because its hard for people not to be ignorant of many many things since the world is so big and so much is going on. But when women like this interviewer chick takes a condescending tone like that i feel like punching her in her dumb painted head. Just because i dig Starcraft doesnt mean she has to, but how sleazy is it to act as if video games cant be taken seriously? To me, acting like games are only childrens toys really shows how out of touch you really are. I mean, when is all this "video games arent a sport" joke going to end? Football is a sport but you can play it out in the yard for fun too. So why cant games be something people do for fun but that CAN be taken to the level of pro SC? People really make me feel empty how they get in a certain mindset and never see anything differently. Of course Starcraft is more of an exception than most games but still. Not only was that womans attitude condescending, it was also very disrespectful. It was as if there were no right answers Daniel could give she already had her mind made up that a "game" shouldnt be taken so seriously.
I feel like saying well hey bitch you got giant teeth. Whats your comment or question about that? OK OK so video games are toys, but do you realize you have giant ugly teeth and that your job is to talk on tv and everyone sees those giant teeth all day and never takes you seriously because of it? Comment on that bitch.
On October 08 2008 18:11 ForVengeance wrote: You know, i hate to get pissed at stupidity, because its hard for people not to be ignorant of many many things since the world is so big and so much is going on. But when women like this interviewer chick takes a condescending tone like that i feel like punching her in her dumb painted head. Just because i dig Starcraft doesnt mean she has to, but how sleazy is it to act as if video games cant be taken seriously? To me, acting like games are only childrens toys really shows how out of touch you really are. I mean, when is all this "video games arent a sport" joke going to end? Football is a sport but you can play it out in the yard for fun too. So why cant games be something people do for fun but that CAN be taken to the level of pro SC? People really make me feel empty how they get in a certain mindset and never see anything differently. Of course Starcraft is more of an exception than most games but still. Not only was that womans attitude condescending, it was also very disrespectful. It was as if there were no right answers Daniel could give she already had her mind made up that a "game" shouldnt be taken so seriously.
I feel like saying well hey bitch you got giant teeth. Whats your comment or question about that? OK OK so video games are toys, but do you realize you have giant ugly teeth and that your job is to talk on tv and everyone sees those giant teeth all day and never takes you seriously because of it? Comment on that bitch.
Games aren't really ripe yet for being a mainstream sport. Even in Korea it's mostly for teenagers (just look at the spectators in live matches, it's really mostly kids who watch this after or during school), and they don't only have SC tournaments, no, they also have some boring crap like Kart Rider. Whatever is popular among the teenagers will be used. The game doesn't matter, only the size of the audience. Also I'd say that 90% of 25+ year olds will outgrow SC, so it's not really future-proof, it doesn't stay interesting for long enough. 90% of all progamers are also very young, and the older ones almost all suck these days (very few exceptions). Plus, the game has some bugs (e.g. scarab pathfinding is unreliable) which hurt its credibility as a 100% fair sport (who likes luck elements, however small they may be?). And of course the game company behind it is always trying to push a sequel onto the market. A sport however never changes (well except for a few very minor rule changes maybe). And it's also a closed product which you have to buy and then you have no rights to change it. I'd say it's still a long way before video games become real sports. E-sports is still at very infant stages, it's no wonder that it isn't respected as a true sport yet. Some things must change first. We also simply need BETTER games than the ones which are currently available. None of these games really interest players for a long time. Some like SC, CS or Quake come close enough to be interesting for 10-15 years but that's it. Most become boring and "die" even earlier. And still in every game there are hardcore players demanding that their game should be taken more seriously.
I wish some1 makes a documentary explaining very well starcraft overall strategy / tactics ( such as faking / flanking / contain / harras) to make people understand that game is very far from being a game for nerds or idiots.