On August 15 2008 11:52 SoMuchBetter wrote: do i need to catch up on dozen episodes ive missed in order to enjoy this addition? no, ive never seen this show before and i liked it
haha that intro kicked ass
I also think JF should get onto this show...
I didn't like it.
It was too short. I thought the intro was way too long, and I frankly didn't find it funny except for the July reference.
It mildly dragged, and the ending was dumb.
The intro with the drawings were hilarious. I did not care much for the actual episode.
On August 15 2008 12:35 Mickey wrote: I didn't like it.
It was too short. I thought the intro was way too long, and I frankly didn't find it funny except for the July reference.
It mildly dragged, and the ending was dumb.
You, sir, are a nub.
Hmm, I think the episodes don't flow as well as they did in the first 8 or so episodes, it didn't make me want to watch it all the way through as it used to. Maybe I'm just nostalgic.
8748 Posts
julyzerg reference!!!!
purepwnage is awesome
yea his rant was pretty funny
Isn't episode 6 coming out tomorrow? They showed both 5 and 6 at the showings, so I guess its just taking an extra day to get it online. "... all the starcraft training in the world couldn't prevent Park Sung Joon from sticking his golden mouse up your ass." was really creative.
Hahaha that was awesome.
Julyzerg reference <3
Great episode I thought. Go go July
Soooo many great lines in that episode.
"uhhh... next time you're making a Metroid...."
On August 15 2008 22:19 grobo wrote: Soooo many great lines in that episode.
"uhhh... next time you're making a Metroid...."
That was a classic
Purepwnage stopped being funny a long time ago. And the fact he insulted Portal doesn't help this at all. Portal was one of the better releases of last year (compared to games like Halo 3 it was fucking godly).
I think the show is great when they just stick to the old concept of following jeremy and his friends, i never really cared much for the story and drama. Luckily it seems like they are going back to their roots with these last couple of episodes.
Dave <3
"Let's doing something different"
"I don't have a PSP"
pp is good again?
Alright guess Ill check it out kinda curious about the reference.
haha the intro already is great
Stopped watching when the idiot mentioned talent and videogames in the same sentence.
lol anyone remember the "i got the big balls" dance after the mario kart ownage?
ill start watching again, i agree the drama wasn't all that great but this episode looks somewhat promising.