On January 08 2007 09:35 Haemonculus wrote: Honestly I think this sensation is why people claim they've been abducted.
Hypnogogia includes sleep paralysis too. This is the period when you're falling asleep and you're in the border between awake and dreaming. The falling and movement sensations are very similar to what ppl describe in alien abductions. You have to get through this stage if you want to lucid dream using WILD or similar techniques.
Sleep paralysis is scary as fuck. Feels like a demon is sitting on your chest, your breathing is constricted. You hear nondistinct voices, like someones or somethings in your house, whispering in the dark. You try to move but you cant, and you want to panic but the feeling soon passes.
Scares the shit out of me, yet Im kinda excited by it. I experienced it three nights in a row the week my senior paper (the one I slacked off on A LOT) was due.
I've experienced this three times in my life. It has always happenened when I've been either sleep deprived or physically exhausted.
By far the most surreal occurence was when I was in the army. I was taking a nap in a room full of people in the middle of the day. I felt a 'snap' in the back of my neck and I was suddenly 100% awake, I remember I could see the other guys going about their business, packing stuff and discussing etc but I couldn't hear anything because there was a loud, thundering static in my ears. I tried to scream and kick because I felt this drowning sensation, couldn't breathe or move, made me panic. I was unsure if my screams actually came out because I couldnt hear shit and It felt like air was not passing from my lungs.
No one seemed to notice anything and I fell back asleep. Later when I woke up I asked the other guys if I had twitched or made any noises or something and all they said was that I snored loudly
Its fun if you are aware of whats happening and you can induce it.
Next time u go to sleep, do you see those flashy things when u close your eyes that u see sometimes? well focus on that form, keep focusing but not too hard, just enough to not let your mind wander in other things because u would fall asleep.
After several minutes, you will start feeling a numbing sensation that grows from the legs to the top, then after your body is totally asleep, u will start hearing veeeery weird stuff, just dont get scared.
Thats the most ive reached, i get too exited about it and i wake up, but if you manage to stay in that stage for more time u will start dreaming while being totally lucid... that way you are able to control your dreams... wich sounds fucking fun.
I've had this happen to me a few times, the last one was faily recent. i had that feeling of slipping into a dream, and then i couldnt move. I layed there for a moment and i heard my girlfriends voice and saw her come through the door, just her outline though, like when you see someone enter a dark room. all i remember was i tried to say, "wake me up." and then everything went black and i snapped out of it a little while after that.
i had hallucinated my girlfriend coming into my room and saying my name. it was fucked up.
This happens to me all the time.. didnt think it was anything special. However I dont get hallucinations like you. All I get is that I cant fucking move. Basically I know I'm awake and yet I cant do shit about it. I cant talk either, and yeah I dunno if i'm the only one but I like the "feeling" that occurs, you feel completly relaxed.
It did scare me when I was younger. I would wake up after having a bad dream, unable to scream for my parents. It always resulted in that I eventually let out a big scream as the paralysis let go.
I don't get lucid dreams often though.. only had it like one or two times in my entire life and that was fun as hell.
Imo you shouldn't be scared, I mean what is there to be scared about? Eventually it will let go and you'll be able to get up. The sounds and shit you are hearing aren't for real anyways.
Well i have a very nice and deep sleep when i put Good Night and Good Luck in the dvd-player and set the timer to shutdown on 45 minutes..actually i do it every day now...maybe you'll sleep better aswell.
Netherlands15103 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Beyonder> WTF Beyonder> I WAS JUST Beyonder> IN MY BED Beyonder> I WAS DAZING, GETTING READY TO SLEEP Beyonder> THEN MY CHEST ACHES Beyonder> I CANT BREATHE Beyonder> I HAVE PAINS Beyonder> CANT MOVE Beyonder> WANT TO CALL MY DAD Beyonder> SHOUT Beyonder> BUT DOESNT WORK Beyonder> THEN I CATCH MY BREATHE AGAIN Beyonder> AND MY CHES STILL IS A BIT SORE Beyonder> IM NOT SURE Beyonder> IF I DREAMT IT Beyonder> OR IF I WAS AWAKE Beyonder> THAT WAS FUCKING SCARY Beyonder> @!E:ERK@!PK@R!?????? JediMidgetKilla> sleep paralysis JediMidgetKilla> or is this mockery JediMidgetKilla> cant tell -_- Beyonder> i am not Beyonder> joking JediMidgetKilla> not too uncommon JediMidgetKilla> I think there is a thred about it even in the general forum
WTF???? I just think I had this for the first time. FUCKING SCARY
WOW im suprised how many people here have this, ive never heard from this before, and trust me i have lots of friends/relatives/people i know and nobody has ever told me about these, or then they just dont care about telling it...
When i was like 6-10 years old i would have bad nightmares (like monster ones :D), but i developed a skill ---> When i was in a paniced/shocking/scary situation i would run/go and hide somewhere, like a bush or under some object and crouch and close my eyes and think "now im gonna wake up" and thats when i did wake up, but it had to be a safe/hidden place so the badguys/monsters whatever couldnt catch me / see mee, but this helped me A LOT through my nightmares getting always out of them, the bad thing is if I went back to sleep immediately after waking up i would go back to the same nightmare and i would always have to find a new place to hide to get out of my dream... so i always woke up like 3-5 at the night and was too afraid to go back to sleep  ((
Lucid dreams are SOOOOOO FRIGGING COOL which is the reason i loooove to sleep nowadays so much i always hope to get a lucid dream when going to bed, ( goddam it feels good to fly and have sex with any girl i want and so on and so on... ) they just dont come so often 
Sorry for offtopic : Hope i never get sleep paralysis
Bah I hate you all and your controlled lucid dreams. The only thing I get is this odd sensation where I KNOW I'm dreaming, but nothing but bad shit happens. I'll be getting chased by the terminator in my house, and I KNOW it's a dream, but I just can't fuckin' wake up. T_T
I suggest on that page the WILD technique cause you can do it in an afternoon nap and its not too difficult to pull off either. I've never had a lucid dream myself but have come close to it I think.
On January 09 2007 11:36 coolio wrote:WOW im suprised how many people here have this, ive never heard from this before, and trust me i have lots of friends/relatives/people i know and nobody has ever told me about these, or then they just dont care about telling it... When i was like 6-10 years old i would have bad nightmares (like monster ones :D), but i developed a skill ---> When i was in a paniced/shocking/scary situation i would run/go and hide somewhere, like a bush or under some object and crouch and close my eyes and think "now im gonna wake up" and thats when i did wake up, but it had to be a safe/hidden place so the badguys/monsters whatever couldnt catch me / see mee, but this helped me A LOT through my nightmares getting always out of them, the bad thing is if I went back to sleep immediately after waking up i would go back to the same nightmare and i would always have to find a new place to hide to get out of my dream... so i always woke up like 3-5 at the night and was too afraid to go back to sleep   (( Lucid dreams are SOOOOOO FRIGGING COOL which is the reason i loooove to sleep nowadays so much i always hope to get a lucid dream when going to bed, ( goddam it feels good to fly and have sex with any girl i want and so on and so on... ) they just dont come so often  Sorry for offtopic : Hope i never get sleep paralysis
i LOVE to have nightmares because its like an adventure or a horror movie. my favorite ones are when i imagine zombies running rampant throughout the world and they are attacking my house. The cool thing is when i get caught or bitten i dont wake up i get to go through my nightmare.
All these articles are incredibly interesting.
I had a hypnic jerk last week in class while watching a documentary. My eyes were closed and my head was on my arm, I was tired and decided that listening would be sufficient. My entire body suddenly shuddered and it caused my head to hit the table, waking me up. People around me were asking me what the hell happened but I didn't know.
On January 09 2007 13:23 Lord.of.Nukes wrote:All these articles are incredibly interesting. I had a hypnic jerk last week in class while watching a documentary. My eyes were closed and my head was on my arm, I was tired and decided that listening would be sufficient. My entire body suddenly shuddered and it caused my head to hit the table, waking me up. People around me were asking me what the hell happened but I didn't know.
yea, those are always bad/embarrassing. i had worse. i smoked with friends at this girls apt that i just started seeing. they left and we ended up goin to bed (this was maybe my 1st or 2nd time sleepign with her) i was all twitchy from smoking, so that was bad enough cuz i tried hooking up wiht her n gave up. when we finally started nodding off, i practically kicked her off the bed doing this -_-
I had it quite often when I was young. Incredibly scary and I loved the thrill when I had it older. I don't get much nightmare anymore. I like those short dreams that occur when you fall asleep and it's vivid like hell, you often feel like you are "falling" asleep (I think it's called Hypnogogia).
dude i feel u
i would think of something scary (the more i try not to, the more i do) and then i would see it in my mind and then not be able to move
sometimes i just cant move and i have to try realy hard to move my arm, scariest feeling
On January 09 2007 13:40 oddeye wrote: I had it quite often when I was young. Incredibly scary and I loved the thrill when I had it older. I don't get much nightmare anymore. I like those short dreams that occur when you fall asleep and it's vivid like hell, you often feel like you are "falling" asleep (I think it's called Hypnogogia). HEll yeah im not sure if its the same but when i go to sleep and the sometimes just before i fall asleep i get this dream that im falling asleep but im not beacuse its a dream (lol) anyways it feels good and then i always know that im gonna fall asleep... the funny thing is while at this "falling asleep" dream phase i cant wake up i mean i can move and everything but it lasts for like 2-5 seconds then i fall asleep no matter what, ( this doesnt make any sense but... ) :D but at that point i dont even want to wake up so it doesnt matter...
On January 09 2007 11:36 coolio wrote:WOW im suprised how many people here have this, ive never heard from this before, and trust me i have lots of friends/relatives/people i know and nobody has ever told me about these, or then they just dont care about telling it... When i was like 6-10 years old i would have bad nightmares (like monster ones :D), but i developed a skill ---> When i was in a paniced/shocking/scary situation i would run/go and hide somewhere, like a bush or under some object and crouch and close my eyes and think "now im gonna wake up" and thats when i did wake up, but it had to be a safe/hidden place so the badguys/monsters whatever couldnt catch me / see mee, but this helped me A LOT through my nightmares getting always out of them, the bad thing is if I went back to sleep immediately after waking up i would go back to the same nightmare and i would always have to find a new place to hide to get out of my dream... so i always woke up like 3-5 at the night and was too afraid to go back to sleep   (( Lucid dreams are SOOOOOO FRIGGING COOL which is the reason i loooove to sleep nowadays so much i always hope to get a lucid dream when going to bed, ( goddam it feels good to fly and have sex with any girl i want and so on and so on... ) they just dont come so often  Sorry for offtopic : Hope i never get sleep paralysis
wow man thanks for posting this we're really similar somehow. When I was a kid I had nightmares all the time and I remember I always thought I was awake and I was hallucinating and hearing stuff. I think it's just because i'm just so self concious, I can lucid dream very easily. Younger I was like in games and I had to face bosses, I was 100% sure I was awake and I was doing all that stuff but I could never make a sound because I was too scared.
Sometimes I would see ghosts, I would try to run away from them and go to a safe place (always in my moms room) could never make a sound until I reached my mom. The thing I never understood though, is that they could catch me. They would catch me from the back if i wasnt fast enough and they would bring me back in my room and then I would black out
I talked about this a couple days ago to my father and he said he was able to control his dreams very easily too, and that it is because he is dual conscious (I don't know if its the right term), and that it doesn't surprise him i'm like this as well
my mother says you have astral journeys (viaje astral), because your astral body hasnt returned yet to your body, you cant move a shit. It has happened to me, and the only thing you're able to do is try to sleep again, because no matter how hard you try, you wont be able to move.
Oh, I had an astral journey a couple weeks ago. Its basically being flying in a lucid dream, in some cases it's not though, but that was one. I got creeped out though there was a weird looking kid following me while I was flying and I freaked out and woke myself up