anyway, i don't want to speculate about the identity of said individual, however, she is a great person and is struggling with some hardships in her life that i don't want to mention, however, i think she is very 'commendable' not to say 'comm end able' though i think this is one of the difficulties with the current 'particular' nature of the english language here meaning to say particle-like which is in my mind, a carry over from the eastern to the western thought in linguistics
i think that's relevent to this thread because of some features that are problematic, such as the letter 'x' which is not to say 'x' marks the spot but quite the opposite in that all words with the letter 'x' are deemed in some stoner circles to mean 'error' or "cancel that shit" in the words of one great player of the starcraft and starcraft 2 and poker known as the MezMeriZePlZ
whose name suggests that while u are reaidng his stuff u will do a lot of Z'ing which means lseeping although i think he might have intended various things with the capitalization of the Zs and lower case or upper case and various stuff that's more creative than just using any word with an instance of the letter 'x' to mean 'error', u can see how that would be a great inefficiencies in terms of the language since u could only employee the letter 'x' (although i grant that it is an uncommon letter) when ur conversational partner made an mistake or to say in the case of eminem's famous predecessor to 'angel dust dipped in wooooooo' (Jay-Z)
eminem: put anthrax on that tampax and slap u 'til u can't stand
i think this is a deeper use of the 'x' which is to say that it's a commentary on the b/w nature of the use of english language with such 'distinctive' features like the letter 'x' use (quietly) to suggest error in conversation; though what is error in conversation? can a single 'error' constitute an error? a binary way of thinking, in some sense, not allowing the color of thoughts, and creating a very cumbersome and not-so-poetic language with lots of limitations
so to give my opinion about the employment in eminem's song concerning the letter 'x' and its use in this verse is that i think he was giving a commentary about certain tableaus like the use of the letter 'x' and the use of the letter '2' which was often employed in quite a similar capacity in the sense that eastern culture suggests that "we are all 1" or we are all "one mind"; and so the employment of '2' in some sense was to remind a converser that he is being self-centric or in some sense to help him to see an ego-inspired error in his thoughts or language
so there are 2x's in eminem's verse to suggest that the use of 'anthrax' or 'angel dust' (at least and especially in its misapplication) to suggest emphasis that the use of the substance is a particularly or very bad idea. and moreover, he was suggesting that the use of the letter '2' to criticice someone who is 'in error' is not v instructive or even useful at least in the event that it is being used to say that 'u are erring' and not that 'u are being ego-centric' and since the original intention of eastern philosophy was never truly conveyed or properly expressed in the west, that the purpose of 'the game', u might say, is to free oneself from egoistic desires and egotism, etc.; the proper definition or conveyance of the '2' is somewhat lost in western application since oftenly or all the time the purpose of westerners in pursuing the spiritual routes is what chogyam trungpa rinpoche correct-named 'spiritual materialism' and also that the language lacking an element of caligraphy or art in speech is very mechanized and not suited to the colors or poetry in the same sense eastern language finds itself
perhaps i am arguing against the employment of '1' = 'good', '2' = 'bad' that is a second-level of intention or meaning or definition that adds text or flavor to a thought-process in the western world. in fact the development of the english language in its spirtual realm is colored by a grey-scale thinking that is endemic to western empirical sciences and not compatible with eastern spiritual philosophy; the black-white hallmark of western empirical science with its confirmatory strategy of repeatable trials in what might be termed similar though not at all the same or like conditions
it is this rigidity in the thought process reinforced by the linguistics and 'vice versa' or the other way around; so that instead of 'water' the western mind exposed to eastern thought creates a very complicated series of blocks that looks not unlike the old disc defragmentation harddrive stuff if that were in black and white
![[image loading]](
so this creates a very convoluted process maybe like the new transformers movies where the alien robots are created from blocks of like nano-lathing stuff from supreme commander, lol, and just after they have reached a very high resolution which is to say a very great quantity of blocks do they appear to be something like the dynamic fluidity to which they should form
it's this quality of rigidity, or construction from 'zillions of blocks' that creates disorders like the higher-functioning autisms; the brain is attempting to create from these squares or cubes into a shape that is resembling reality; perhaps the more rapid the processor and various features leading to the more severe autism-spectrum consequences because the 'faster' brain may from greater quantity of blocks create an image somewhat resembling a real structure (which is of course quite a complicated thing); and thus the real structure may be approximated or imitated in a very great variety of 'acceptable' ways which still pass the 'litmus test' applied to communication (thus the brain sees recognizable patterns of responses in conversation and deems the conversation accurate and precise)
in the autistic event this is not the case, however, and so it is that the quick processor, the discontinuous environment and the turbulence of the western society are merged with the innate creativity of the human mind, and its system of language recognition and system of language 'creation', that a very great quantity of patterns may create 'acceptable conversation structures' such that the brain in the generation of the language system arrives at a place it deems 'acceptable' and thus begins to focus its development in other areas of behavior / thought / communication
however, in the case of the autistic, what is deemed acceptable, especially in the classic case of high iq autistics (wittgenstein, one exemplenarian @@) haha, well so the brain arrives at a place where it considers the quality of communication (verbal communication / body language / etc.) to be acceptable; however a great quantity of data is lost or miscommunicated and the 'faster' an individual's processor, the more data-loss may be compensated at more rapid return (strange shapes conversation occur and are thought acceptable because precise 'mapping' may still be achieved at the expense of true communication where both parties are conveying and receiving the information that they 'believe' each to be saying)