For the MTG familiar, I’ll be referencing lots of MTG terms in parenthesis.
Each player starts out with 20 life and 7 cards in their hand. You take turns. Each turn you draw one card from your deck, and must discard down to 7 at the end of the turn. The object of the game is to reduce the opponent’s life to 0. There is a zone called the “Closed Forum” (graveyard) where cards go when they are used or destroyed.
Your resources are called “Post Level” (mana). You have a Post Level for Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. You start each game with a Post Level of 1 for each race. There are cards that will increase or decrease one or more of your post levels. As you may have noticed, the more powerful cards cost more.
Each card is assigned a Cost (casting cost) and Starcraft race. You can find this in the upper right corner of the card. For example, FrozenArbiter costs "3" and the Probe icon indicates its a "Protoss" card (a Drone or SCV would indicate a Zerg or Terran card). That means in order to play FrozenArbiter, you must have a Protoss Post Level of at least 3.
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Playing Cards
You may only use your Post Level once per turn. Let’s say you’ve increased your Protoss Post Level to 3, and you play FrozenArbiter (cost of 3). If you had another Protoss Card with a cost of “1” you would not be able to play it this turn. You would have to wait until next turn, when your resources “reset” (untap).
If you had a Protoss Post Level of 4, you would be able to play both FrozenArbiter and the Protoss Card with a cost of 1.
Card Types
“Forum Users” or “Progamers” are units you control. You tell them to attack or block or use their abilities. You can only play them during your turn. They are similar to the MTG cardtype “Creature.”
“Moderators” are special units. You can only have one of each type in your deck and only control one of each specific Moderator. They are similar to the MTG cardtype “Legend” except that each player can have one of each Moderator.
“Threads” are played and stay in play every turn (unless they are removed, then they are put in the Closed Forum). They can be only played during your turn. Threads are similar to the MTG cardtype “Enchantment”.
“Posts” have a temporary effect that is executed. Then the card is immediately put in the Closed Forum. Posts can be played at any time. Posts are similar to the MTG cardtype “Instant”.
Attacking / Unit Combat
Each turn you can attack with as many units as you wish. You declare your attackers, then your opponent declares his blockers. You can block individual attackers with more than one blocker.
The Starcraft Upgrade box in the bottom right of a unit card indicates the unit’s Attack and Defense. These qualities are similar to the MTG “Power/Toughness” mechanism. The “Attack” is how much damage the unit deals. The “Defense” is how much damage it can receive before it dies, kind of like Hit Points. A unit carries the damage dealt to it throughout the turn, then the next turn it resets.
When a unit dies, whether by combat or whatever, it is placed in the Closed Forum.
For example, FA is 3/2 and Uhjoo is 6/6, if they engage in combat, FA deals 3 damage to Uhjoo and Uhjoo deals 6 damage to FA. Since FA’s Defense is only 2, FA dies and is placed in the Closed Forum (if Uhjoo had an Attack of 1, FA would live). Uhjoo has taken 3 damage, if 3 more damage is dealt to Uhjoo before the end of the turn, he will die and be placed in the Closed Forum as well.
If a unit attacks and is unblocked, it deals its Attack to the player’s life total. If FA attacks and I have no creatures or elect not to block, I would take 3 damage and my life would be down to 17.
Units cannot attack the turn they come into play (summoning sickness).
When a unit attacks it cannot block during your opponent’s the next turn (tapping). Think of this as the unit being sent in transit to attack and thus cannot defend at home.
Please don’t take this too seriously. I really quickly just wrote these rules up in like 15 minutes. We will be modifying them and adding stuff etc to account for new cards that come out.
We will be accepting card suggestions. This is the basic framework for the game. If you want to suggest a unit that is unblockable or deals its damage first instead of simultaneously in combat (just two random unit abilities I came up with off the top of my head) feel free to. If you want to suggest a card that lets you draw half your deck, feel free to.
If you want to suggest a card, PM me. Make sure to include:
I understand this is mainly for shits and humor, but try to keep some semblance of balance. Outrageous is fine, but suggesting a card called “PWND” that “kills target opponent lol” is not as fun as one that actually makes sense in the game.
We reserve the right to change anything about it or steal parts of your card. We also reserve the right to reject your card. Please don’t take it personally if we do.
We will be featuring a user-made card or two each week from now on, depending on the number of suggestions and interest.
If you have any questions about the game rules, art, or want some spoilers on upcoming cards, feel free to ask in here. I will check back later.