On June 05 2005 21:35 Empyrean wrote:And yet you can form a cohesive sentence. The chances of you creating that combonation of letters randomly (if you use only alphanumeric with two cases and the characters ' " . , / ! ? [space] and \) are (52[from the uppercase and lowercase letters]10[numbers]+9[allowed symbols])^12 which is 71^12. The odds are one to ((71^12)-1). :[ what are you trying to say, sherlock?
The real chances are almost infinitesimal because he could use any number of letters.
On June 05 2005 21:41 MarkStaDude wrote: How bout worst book ur class discussed/read
Macbeth - one of shakespeares retarded tragic stories
Well I do most of my reading outside class.
Communist Manifesto is one of the worst reads you can go through.
The Things They Carried was fucking lame after he said he made all of that shit up.
I didn't quite finish because I wanted to start on other books, but the Heart is a Lonely Hunter is a pretty damn good book. The characters are near lifelike and it's not hard to imagine life in the 30s in the south.
I also just finished Winning, the book I stopped Heart for, it's by Jack Welch-maybe some of you may have heard of him. Big CEO guy of GE. It's basically advice on how to succeed in your career.
On June 05 2005 21:18 vOnster wrote: i can't read also me
On June 05 2005 21:41 MarkStaDude wrote: How bout worst book ur class discussed/read
Macbeth - one of shakespeares retarded tragic stories 'the secret life of walter mitty' has to be one of the shittiest books ever. and that book about the 2 dogs where 1 dies and then the other dog gets depressed to death was pretty lame too.
Braavos36372 Posts
i've been reading sports books lately...
"The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty" by Buster Olney "The Last Season" by Phil Jackson (about the 2004 Lakers)
i cant read either, its ok vonster p.s. i read prey by michael crichton recently, pretty good book ;o
Worst read: The Bible,
Take your pick, there's many versions and they even break it into different books for you.
I'm reading Ishi of two worlds. it describes the life of the last 'wild' native american. wikipedia ishi for more.
also, if you liked the daily show, pick up America: the book :D.
On June 05 2005 21:58 Brad~ wrote: Worst read: The Bible,
Take your pick, there's many versions and they even break it into different books for you.
Yes, too bad we practically owe the modern English and German languages to this book.
Hmm I had to read a book for English and it was actually pretty badass, I recommend it for anyone even non-readers like myself...
not really; the first copies were not written in english or german...they were translated to english and german later on when the language already existed.
Art of Zen and Motorcycle Maintenece
Tom Clancy's The Hunt for Red October and Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo
These are both GREAT books. ;>.> In my opinion of course.
On June 05 2005 22:08 Brad~ wrote: not really; the first copies were not written in english or german...they were translated to english and german later on when the language already existed.
English and German were just becoming widely written due to the printing press when the Bible was translated into those languages. Because so many people read the Bible, they started using its grammar, spellings, etc. English and German would be vastly different without the Bible being translated and published at the time it was.
Get a clue before giving a third grade level answer.
edit: to actually contribute to this thread. I recommend the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind for anyone that likes fantasy, though there are some graphic scenes and profanity (probably wouldn't put off any TLers )
On June 05 2005 21:06 NewbSaibot wrote: How about a book i am about to read which is probably good? Im thinkin renting Da Da Vinci Code from the liberry. Just not sure if i can read it in 2 weeks, or want to keep it, in which case i'll buy it.
that book is a total waste of time. it sucks.
P.S. If it takes you 2 weeks to read a book there's something wrong ^_^
United Kingdom10597 Posts