Thread Rules 1. This is not a "do my homework for me" thread. If you have specific questions, ask, but don't post an assignment or homework problem and expect an exact solution. 2. No recruiting for your cockamamie projects (you won't replace facebook with 3 dudes you found on the internet and $20) 3. If you can't articulate why a language is bad, don't start slinging shit about it. Just remember that nothing is worse than making CSS IE6 compatible. 4. Use [code] tags to format code blocks.
On December 23 2011 08:53 tofucake wrote: To do that in C++ will require you to know some basic things like hooking processes and using various API calls. I'm pretty sure it's easier in C#.
Wouldn't it require the same things in C#, but also p/invoke stuff?
On December 23 2011 08:53 tofucake wrote: To do that in C++ will require you to know some basic things like hooking processes and using various API calls. I'm pretty sure it's easier in C#.
Wouldn't it require the same things in C#, but also p/invoke stuff?
Yeah, if either required it then both would require it (unless someone like wrote some stuff to encapsulate it in one but not the other). But anyway, if your goal is to read the currently playing item out of Windows Media Player, you'll want to look either for some sort of API to do so, or give up on that goal for now. Its not going to be a simple task in any language if they don't provide an easily accessible way to do it (especially so since their windows are custom and they don't update their window title)
Okay, I need to make Hangman in Visual Basic. What should I do to display the character the user guesses while making underlines for how many letters there are.
On December 23 2011 08:53 tofucake wrote: To do that in C++ will require you to know some basic things like hooking processes and using various API calls. I'm pretty sure it's easier in C#.
Wouldn't it require the same things in C#, but also p/invoke stuff?
Yeah, if either required it then both would require it (unless someone like wrote some stuff to encapsulate it in one but not the other). But anyway, if your goal is to read the currently playing item out of Windows Media Player, you'll want to look either for some sort of API to do so, or give up on that goal for now. Its not going to be a simple task in any language if they don't provide an easily accessible way to do it (especially so since their windows are custom and they don't update their window title)
Windows XP had this which made live simpler. There was one thing that altered the window name to the now playing song back in WMP 9.0 and there was another thing that would write the now playing song to a spot in the registry, both of which would make such a task pretty simple.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a tutorial for learning GUI programming for Windows? Language is C++. I'm looking at Qt but I'm having trouble following some of them out there. The thing I've seen is that GUI programming on any platform is a nightmare, but surely there are SOME out there that I can use.
On December 27 2011 23:19 ArcticVanguard wrote: Does anyone have any suggestions for a tutorial for learning GUI programming for Windows? Language is C++. I'm looking at Qt but I'm having trouble following some of them out there. The thing I've seen is that GUI programming on any platform is a nightmare, but surely there are SOME out there that I can use.
For c++ it's generally a nightmare. I played around with win32 GUI and oh my god its torture and 10+ years old, dont touch it. That's why we use C# for GUI and I recommend you do the same. For other platforms you usually have other languages to di t in, Java for Android, Obj-C for iOS, etc..
I've looked at Qt only a little, and I've had work partners use it some, and trust me its pain but still better than win32 stuff.
Seriously just use C# to create GUI, you just need a thin layer of C# to make it work, you can write pretty much everything else in C++
On December 27 2011 23:19 ArcticVanguard wrote: Does anyone have any suggestions for a tutorial for learning GUI programming for Windows? Language is C++. I'm looking at Qt but I'm having trouble following some of them out there. The thing I've seen is that GUI programming on any platform is a nightmare, but surely there are SOME out there that I can use.
For c++ it's generally a nightmare. I played around with win32 GUI and oh my god its torture and 10+ years old, dont touch it. That's why we use C# for GUI and I recommend you do the same. For other platforms you usually have other languages to di t in, Java for Android, Obj-C for iOS, etc..
I've looked at Qt only a little, and I've had work partners use it some, and trust me its pain but still better than win32 stuff.
Seriously just use C# to create GUI, you just need a thin layer of C# to make it work, you can write pretty much everything else in C++
I'm pretty inexperienced with this kind of thing though, is it pretty easy to write everything in C++ and have it work with the C# GUI? Any references or anything you might suggest? I'm not opposed to use C#, I've just never touched it before and I know almost nothing about it.
On December 27 2011 23:19 ArcticVanguard wrote: Does anyone have any suggestions for a tutorial for learning GUI programming for Windows? Language is C++. I'm looking at Qt but I'm having trouble following some of them out there. The thing I've seen is that GUI programming on any platform is a nightmare, but surely there are SOME out there that I can use.
I'm currently working on a C++ GUI and I decided to go with wxWidgets. You design the interface with wxFormBuilder and it generates a few .cpp/h files for virtual functions to overload for events. Once you get it all linked up with your project it's pretty easy from there.
As for the people who suggested C#, I'd strongly agree that you use that instead if you can. WPF or Windows Forms are way easier than anything in C++.
On December 27 2011 23:19 ArcticVanguard wrote: Does anyone have any suggestions for a tutorial for learning GUI programming for Windows? Language is C++. I'm looking at Qt but I'm having trouble following some of them out there. The thing I've seen is that GUI programming on any platform is a nightmare, but surely there are SOME out there that I can use.
For c++ it's generally a nightmare. I played around with win32 GUI and oh my god its torture and 10+ years old, dont touch it. That's why we use C# for GUI and I recommend you do the same. For other platforms you usually have other languages to di t in, Java for Android, Obj-C for iOS, etc..
I've looked at Qt only a little, and I've had work partners use it some, and trust me its pain but still better than win32 stuff.
Seriously just use C# to create GUI, you just need a thin layer of C# to make it work, you can write pretty much everything else in C++
I'm pretty inexperienced with this kind of thing though, is it pretty easy to write everything in C++ and have it work with the C# GUI? Any references or anything you might suggest? I'm not opposed to use C#, I've just never touched it before and I know almost nothing about it.
I think its fairly easy. C# itself is very easy in fact, it's a high-level language like Java. You need a "C# wrapper" for C++. Google around for "C# to c++", vice versa, and alike, you'll find it, there's plenty of guides on it.
On C#: Are you using Visual Studio for C++? I assume so; just try a C# "WPF" or Windows Presentation Format or whatever project its called, its basically drag-and-drop GUI. If not, you REALLY should use Visual Studio unless you aim to develop on other platforms, in which Eclipse might be good.
On December 27 2011 23:48 kaihangkk wrote: i know nth about programming....which language would be the best one to start with?
If you want to get a feel for what programming is, try a high-level language like C# or Java. Start with C# if ur on windows, theres several tutorials on getting started.
On December 27 2011 23:19 ArcticVanguard wrote: Does anyone have any suggestions for a tutorial for learning GUI programming for Windows? Language is C++. I'm looking at Qt but I'm having trouble following some of them out there. The thing I've seen is that GUI programming on any platform is a nightmare, but surely there are SOME out there that I can use.
For c++ it's generally a nightmare. I played around with win32 GUI and oh my god its torture and 10+ years old, dont touch it. That's why we use C# for GUI and I recommend you do the same. For other platforms you usually have other languages to di t in, Java for Android, Obj-C for iOS, etc..
I've looked at Qt only a little, and I've had work partners use it some, and trust me its pain but still better than win32 stuff.
Seriously just use C# to create GUI, you just need a thin layer of C# to make it work, you can write pretty much everything else in C++
I'm pretty inexperienced with this kind of thing though, is it pretty easy to write everything in C++ and have it work with the C# GUI? Any references or anything you might suggest? I'm not opposed to use C#, I've just never touched it before and I know almost nothing about it.
I think its fairly easy. C# itself is very easy in fact, it's a high-level language like Java. You need a "C# wrapper" for C++. Google around for "C# to c++", vice versa, and alike, you'll find it, there's plenty of guides on it.
On C#: Are you using Visual Studio for C++? I assume so; just try a C# "WPF" or Windows Presentation Format or whatever project its called, its basically drag-and-drop GUI. If not, you REALLY should use Visual Studio unless you aim to develop on other platforms, in which Eclipse might be good.
I aim for cross-platform compatibility as much as possible. Right now I'm using Code::Blocks for C++ and Eclipse for my Java work. Thanks for the help!
On December 27 2011 23:19 ArcticVanguard wrote: Does anyone have any suggestions for a tutorial for learning GUI programming for Windows? Language is C++. I'm looking at Qt but I'm having trouble following some of them out there. The thing I've seen is that GUI programming on any platform is a nightmare, but surely there are SOME out there that I can use.
For c++ it's generally a nightmare. I played around with win32 GUI and oh my god its torture and 10+ years old, dont touch it. That's why we use C# for GUI and I recommend you do the same. For other platforms you usually have other languages to di t in, Java for Android, Obj-C for iOS, etc..
I've looked at Qt only a little, and I've had work partners use it some, and trust me its pain but still better than win32 stuff.
Seriously just use C# to create GUI, you just need a thin layer of C# to make it work, you can write pretty much everything else in C++
I'm pretty inexperienced with this kind of thing though, is it pretty easy to write everything in C++ and have it work with the C# GUI? Any references or anything you might suggest? I'm not opposed to use C#, I've just never touched it before and I know almost nothing about it.
I think its fairly easy. C# itself is very easy in fact, it's a high-level language like Java. You need a "C# wrapper" for C++. Google around for "C# to c++", vice versa, and alike, you'll find it, there's plenty of guides on it.
On C#: Are you using Visual Studio for C++? I assume so; just try a C# "WPF" or Windows Presentation Format or whatever project its called, its basically drag-and-drop GUI. If not, you REALLY should use Visual Studio unless you aim to develop on other platforms, in which Eclipse might be good.
I aim for cross-platform compatibility as much as possible. Right now I'm using Code::Blocks for C++ and Eclipse for my Java work. Thanks for the help!
If you're aiming for cross-compatibility, you could also go for Qt Creator. Not only does it have the benefit of having Qt Widgets and the like should you choose to use the SDK, but it can integrate the Visual Studio debugger, which is by far the most useful debugger out there at the moment. Code::Blocks is good, but Qt with VC++ is just more powerful in the end. I like to think of Qt as Code::Blocks/Dev-Cpp v2.0 :D Note that you might have to use QMake depending on what you're doing (i.e., extensive customization outside of Qt-related things), which can get ugly, although you shouldn't have to worry too much.
As for the GUI programming issue, it's certainly easier to stick with Java or C# (at least for Windows). However, if you're already more experienced with C++, then you might just have to brute-force your way to learning how to mess with Qt, unless you want to use Java or learn C#.
Those are the best resources I can find at the moment, barring forums and whatnot. The Youtube videos aren't the best in quality (i.e., the recording screen is small), but they get the job done. It's actually really helped me, and there are even corrections posted by the author in the comments.
yes, you can use Ruby for desktop apps. It will mostly probably not have the most polished GUI, but the advantage is that you will be at least double as fast in development time than if you would be using C++ or something else lower level.
I would start with a high level language like Ruby or Python where you can concentrate on learning concepts rather than language specific syntax weirdness. Take a look at this little free book:
I'm playing this PvP game that's very similar. You have a battleship with x number of weapon slots, limited capacity, and a large assortment of different types of weapons to fill those slots with, all with varying stats (including weight). I'm trying to write a program that will take your captain's stats, the number of weapon slots you have available, the max capacity your ship can hold, and all the possible weapons you can equip, and find the combination of weapons with the highest damage output. You can't just equip the highest damage possible for your level, because you will use up all your weight capacity before you use up all your weapon slots.
Of the solutions to the knapsack problem, the 0-1 solution is the closest to what I need. The problem is I have an additional constraint of limited number of weapons I can use (as many as weapon slots I have), plus I'm having a hard time interpreting the formula and understanding exactly what it's doing. Anyone have any experience with this kind of dynamic programming who might be able to help me out? I just need a better explanation of the formula so I can know how to implement it in my code. Thanks!
Edit: I think I understand the logic of the formula, but I can't quite get when it actually returns a value. Based strictly on what is written there, it seems to me like it will never actually produce a value until it gets down to the first item, in which case it would just produce 0. At some point you've gotta say, "ok, we don't need to go any further, just return this item's damage value", but I don't see when that would happen.