On December 12 2010 22:15 Cambium wrote:Just ordered these three books, really looking forward to reading them during the holidays: ![[image loading]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51bfXgajOUL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg) Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
I really loved Surely You're Joking. We really need a new 'face of science' these days. Someone who knows how to explain the science of our day in ways that make the general public not only understand, but really enjoy and appreciate it. Another Feynman or Sagan.
![[image loading]](http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165651993l/7967.jpg)
I can only feel ashamed I'm reading it so many years after reading Ender's Game.
However, it's a great book and i recommend everyone who liked ender's game to read this sequel. I will be moving on and start with the next one, Xenocide .
Last read: ![[image loading]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Qb5CRmu-pvU/TA99BwbCT3I/AAAAAAAAA28/Au8qv7rSCnQ/s1600/1984.jpg) So fcking amazing! O'brien is hands down my favorite character of all time, off all time!
Reading now: ![[image loading]](http://www.theunfetteredletters.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/COMIC-classics-illustrated-moby-dick.jpg) Gets abit boring at times because it describes EVERYTHING in the most extreme detail, lmao. Other times however the descriptions are like poetry. Not sure if I'd recommend it or not yet but halfway in it's fairly good and I believe it's gonna get alot better towards the end because so far all it's really done is set the mood for something to happen.
Will read next, notthing'd carved in stone yet but I believe something by Stephen king, probably misery but I'm very open to other suggestions aslong as their less than 400 pages long. It would be fun to know wich stephen king book stephen king would recommend, lol. (seriusly anyone knows? o.o)
Alternatively I might read another classical novella or novvelete (or whatever it's called, the 80-150 pages kind) since I loved 'of mice and men', 'the old man and the sea' and 'animal farm'.
On December 07 2010 13:48 mprs wrote:![[image loading]](http://ebooks-imgs.connect.com/product/400/000/000/000/000/033/099/400000000000000033099_s4.png) Not really sure what I should read next. This is like my 5th run of BNW since like the 5th grade. Reading this for class as well: ![[image loading]](http://questionmarkmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/austen_emma.gif) BTW here is my Reading list (in no order, Bold = already read, Underline = need to read again) + Show Spoiler +1) 1984 2) Pride and Prejudice 3) To Kill a Mockingbird 4) Catch-22 5) Lolita 6) Animal Farm 7) Jane Eyre 8) Brave New World 9) Lord of the Flies 10) Ulysses 11) Frankenstein 12) Robinson Crusoe 13) Adentures of Huckleberry Finn 14) Don Quixote 15) The Kite Runner 16) Fahrenheit 451 17) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 18) One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 19) Moby Dick 20) As I Lay Dying 21) All the King’s Men 22) Animal Farm 23) Atonement 24) The Blind Assassin 25) Go Tell it on the Mountain 26) Gone With the Wind 27) Invisible Man 28) Watchmen 29) The French Lieutenant’s Woman 30) The Great Gatsby 31) Slaughterhouse Five 32) The Good Soldier 33) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 34) The Sound and the Fury 35) Darkness at Noon 36) Under the Volcano 37) I, Claudius 38) The Golden Bowl 39) A Clash of Kings What do you guys think? Should I add/remove something in particular? I'm only looking after classics. I've read stuff like Harry Potter or DaVinci Code (infact I think thats about it).
Watchmen is a comic book isn't it? Hardly a classic, lol 
Don't believe I see The catcher in the rye there, that's a boom I'd recommend. To kill a mocking bird is also something I would expect to see on a list like that, I haven't read it personally but it's probably good and if you're looking to read through all the classics that one is probably a must, lol.
On December 12 2010 23:48 Kamek wrote:Show nested quote +On December 12 2010 22:15 Cambium wrote:Just ordered these three books, really looking forward to reading them during the holidays: ![[image loading]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51bfXgajOUL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg) Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! I really loved Surely You're Joking. We really need a new 'face of science' these days. Someone who knows how to explain the science of our day in ways that make the general public not only understand, but really enjoy and appreciate it. Another Feynman or Sagan. Same, I really enjoyed this book =3
And btw, can people who are quoting spoiler the book pics? They're kinda big.. especially when people post multiple books at once.
![[image loading]](http://bookcoverarchive.com/images/books/when_you_are_engulfed_in_flames.large.jpg)
I'm reading this for the third time haha. David Sedaris is hilarious!
If you like Dystopias like "1984" or "Brave New World" then it's pretty possible you will love this book:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/peHyv.jpg)
It's about children raised for a special purpose. The special thing about this book is the fact that it is showing the perspective of the children themselves. I'm almost through and it's pretty moving and disturbing.
The movie with the same title is based on it: + Show Spoiler +
On December 13 2010 00:16 Pika Chu wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I can only feel ashamed I'm reading it so many years after reading Ender's Game. However, it's a great book and i recommend everyone who liked ender's game to read this sequel. I will be moving on and start with the next one, Xenocide  .
That smile is probably going to fade soon, Xenocide is just a mess, it's a plodding, slow, joyless read. I read at least 5/6th of it and I can't even remember if I finished it now, or if I just couldn't muster that will. Speaker for the Dead (which I agree was excellent) is as far as you want to go down that line.
Related: http://xkcd.com/304/
This is one of my favourite books ever. It is told from the point of view of an autistic boy - very interesting to see the world through his eyes.
On December 13 2010 05:17 Kamek wrote: This is one of my favourite books ever. It is told from the point of view of an autistic boy - very interesting to see the world through his eyes.
[img not loading]
It was a fun read. His newer book Spot of Bother is pretty good too
Thick face, black heart. Great book .
On December 12 2010 23:48 Kamek wrote:Show nested quote +On December 12 2010 22:15 Cambium wrote:Just ordered these three books, really looking forward to reading them during the holidays: ![[image loading]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51bfXgajOUL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg) Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! I really loved Surely You're Joking. We really need a new 'face of science' these days. Someone who knows how to explain the science of our day in ways that make the general public not only understand, but really enjoy and appreciate it. Another Feynman or Sagan. FANTASTIC book(s)! I loved that, one of the best autobiographies I've read, although I have to say I'm skeptical of how embellished the stories are... was he really that balling? Perhaps.
I'm currently reading Raven Black.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Re-reading that is.
Dune-Frank Herbert
Siren's of Titan-Kurt Vonnegut
Valir- Daniel Jaremko*
The Week the World Stood Still: Inside the Secrets of the Cuban Missile Crisis- Sheldon M. Stern
Wayfarer Redemption- Sara Douglass
Various Sci-fi shorts....
*Valir is a book that one of my friends wrote. Killer plot and concept...needs some serious fine tuning with his pacing and character development...xD
![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/96/The_Stand_cover.jpg)
I just bought Stephen King's - The Stand, I've heard great things.
On April 14 2010 07:53 Dark.Carnival wrote: Started The Gathering Storm, newest book in Wheel of Time series. Going to begin another Feist series afterwards.
What I'm reading too. ^^
On December 13 2010 00:16 Pika Chu wrote:![[image loading]](http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165651993l/7967.jpg) I can only feel ashamed I'm reading it so many years after reading Ender's Game. However, it's a great book and i recommend everyone who liked ender's game to read this sequel. I will be moving on and start with the next one, Xenocide  .
Wth, I didn't realize there was more than one book in the series. Only read Ender's Game, in grade 8 or something. I remember it being pretty good.
Now it's very likely I'm going to read the entire series over the break. Gonna order them into the library by my family's house and go wild.
On December 13 2010 01:17 ZapRoffo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 13 2010 00:16 Pika Chu wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I can only feel ashamed I'm reading it so many years after reading Ender's Game. However, it's a great book and i recommend everyone who liked ender's game to read this sequel. I will be moving on and start with the next one, Xenocide  . That smile is probably going to fade soon, Xenocide is just a mess, it's a plodding, slow, joyless read. I read at least 5/6th of it and I can't even remember if I finished it now, or if I just couldn't muster that will. Speaker for the Dead (which I agree was excellent) is as far as you want to go down that line. Related: http://xkcd.com/304/
Speaker of the Dead, is probably my favorite book. I also loved Xenocide and Children of the Mind, while they might not be streamlined and yes some of it may seem confusing, the issues the books deal with and some of the questions raised are extremely interesting and thought provoking.
However, I don't really think the notion of having liked Ender's Game means you will like Speaker is true, the books are extremely different. Ender's Game might as well be from a separate series with separate characters, Speaker for the Dead takes place some 20,000 years + after Ender's Game, I just don't want people to run out and purchase(or if your smart, get them from a library) these books, spend time reading them, then be extremely disappointed, they are really good too me, but many don't like them(see above poster, and many posters in the recommended sci-fi books thread don't like them either even though they loved Ender's Game. I find Ender's Game to be good, but I like the following three much more).
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/jfxV4.jpg)
This book just doesn't feel new, I'm almost done with it, his books always pull me in I just like the way he writes and keeps you interested, but I feel I'm reading Angels and Demons, and especially Da Vinci Code over again. Same plot, different names for things... quite literally. If you liked those, probably worth reading, otherwise nothing special.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/ARsU7.jpg)
Finished this Tuesday. Has been recommended to me a lot, just never started. Now that I'm done with the first one I am looking forward to the next one, pretty light read, so I recommend at least the first book to everyone.
Just read Speaker for the Dead,
Currently reading Shadow of the Hedgemon, Snow Crash, Cat's Cradle, Steven Colbert's book
I'm going to do it, this time i mean it!