ok, first off--its a crime that there is no TF2 thread. You can play the beta if you pre-order the Orange Box (Deal of the century btw, hl2 full, ep.1, ep.2, portal, tf2 for 45$). If not, the game comes out in like a week for like 30 bucks. It's definitely an ingenious upgrade to the classic.
Ok, but im awful and i want to get better. is anybody here actually good?
here's something ive noticed good people do: demos hurt themselves in pre-game (setup part of round, first 30 seconds??) so they can super charge medics asap. im sure this works for soldiers too
i still dont understand how ubercharge works. once it is charged, how do you use it and how long does it last? do u point ur heal-gun and right click at someone to make them invulnerable -- for how long? does it just work on one person? do a lot of ppl do this to get the intel?
what are good strategies to use for engineer entrance/exit posts?
what kind of maps are played competitively?
i dont understand maps like dustbowl. there are 3 parts to the map? once the 3 parts are done, you switch sides (from offense to defense??)
any other tips? good spots to put stickies for demos, good sentry positions, good combination of classes, etc
-- Tournaments are opening up everywhere for this game. I think 6v6 control points is standard competitive play.
here's some links for those interested; http://www.fragstars.com/league.php?id=29 http://www.cevo.com/index.php?page=event&id=61 share if you know more, ive never played a scrim or kept a positive score in a pub for that matter D:
--Valve does it again folks. Download and buy Here!
Ubercharge works like you just said. You charge up your bar and once it's full you right click and you and the person you are healing becomes invincible for 10seconds. Great to bring down strong defenses (turrets etc.) quickly.
Most of your questions always depends on the situation really. I haven't played enough to answer them for sure.
I'm tempted to play TF2, however I want to play an online multiplayer shooting game at 100 fps CONSTANT, I have Intel e6300, Nvidia 7900GS, corsair 1GB Ram ddr533, and 7200rpm harddrive, 450W Antec PS.
I get 60-100 fluctuating fps in CS source and DYSTOPIA, seeing they are based on the same engine TF2 will be on, I doubt I would be able to get the fps I want. I have downloaded fps-enhanced config for both games and I was only able to an increase in performance for like 20 frame rates (btw 60-100 is AFTER tweaking). What kind of fps do you folks get and what kind of machine do you have?
51333 Posts
wtf, you'd probably need a beast of a computer to play source-engine based games at 100fps constant on the net.
just deal with it and just play. you don't really notice anything after 50-60fps anyway.
man my fps is awful in TF2, makes me sad :[
On October 04 2007 09:53 GTR-2-Go wrote: wtf, you'd probably need a beast of a computer to play source-engine based games at 100fps constant on the net.
just deal with it and just play. you don't really notice anything after 50-60fps anyway.
That was exactly what I thought until one day I turned vsync on and locked my fps at 60, I played some natural selection and my aim went right down the drain, I'd say I made 30% of my shots I would make normally. and I was playing against some of the easier opponents considering it was a pub. I can try again in some other games like Quake3, but I doubt it would be different.
Just try it yourself, start CS 1.6 or some other game you can get a constant 100 and limit it to 60, big difference.
To verify my claims though, I just played a few rounds of CSS, it didn't perform as bad as I thought it did, I had 90 fps at worst on dust2 with less than 2 enemies on the screen. When I spawned with all the teammates in sight I get something like 75+. I think I will buy TF2 in light of that.
Does anyone here play DYSTOPIA at all? Beautiful game.
Why would any1 play this if u can just play halo 3? (a much better game)
On October 04 2007 11:12 Entertaining wrote: Why would any1 play this if u can just play halo 3? (a much better game)
OK, I was too conservative about my wording.
On October 04 2007 11:12 Entertaining wrote: Why would any1 play this if u can just play halo 3? (a much better game)
On October 04 2007 11:12 Entertaining wrote: Why would any1 play this if u can just play halo 3? (a much better game)
nice 4th post, have you even played TF2?
On October 04 2007 11:12 Entertaining wrote: Why would any1 play this if u can just play halo 3? (a much better game)
On October 04 2007 11:12 Entertaining wrote: Why would any1 play this if u can just play halo 3? (a much better game) Jesus Christ...
I enjoyed playing some casual Team Fortress Classic (the HL1 mod version), I came much too late to every play the original Quake mod. Progression maps like dustbowl are my favs. Very fun and unique gameplay, though $30 on top of HL2 is unfortunate. I might give it a try anyway.
To be honest, getting decent at TF basically takes an investment in time so that you know all the classes' abilities and know the maps well. You'll get to know where sentry guns will be, where the snipers will be camping, flag locations etc. If you don't know the map its hard to do much other than just kill people. Also, try different classes, don't just pick one or two and play them all the time. Practice skills like rocket jumping (assuming this is still in TF2).
I run an AMD 5600+, 8800GTS and 2gb RAM and I can play HL2 and mods at max settings (including Vsync, no AA/AF, 1600x1200) and never drop framerate. Doesn't take a beast to do, but you can't be running old technology either.
It's a shame soldiers are pretty much useless in tf2.
On October 04 2007 11:12 Entertaining wrote: Why would any1 play this if u can just play halo 3? (a much better game)
On October 04 2007 16:10 blagoonga123 wrote: It's a shame soldiers are pretty much useless in tf2.
it's one of my favorite class
I cant wait to get tf2. i run in the 60s to 70s for my fps with all my graphics settings to med-high. im good on most maps in CS:S.
Are HL2: episodes 1 and 2 any good? Im not wasting my $ on the orange box, but im tempted to get the extra episodes with tf2;p
at least get it for portal
I can't wait, too bad it's release date in EU is like 3-400years later, as always =/
Hopefully some of you still play when i get it ;_;
when does it come out in europe? isnt there usually 6 months delay?