The Storm Zerg - Page 4
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Australia223 Posts
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United States3063 Posts
On June 10 2008 11:21 Equinox_kr wrote: Holy crap that's quite a big step, a TLFE translated into other languages ... Did anybody notice while reading it that it should say "Lim Hong War" instead of Lim Jin War? Was that intentional? It's always been called the Lim Jin War in Korean. I guess it sounds better than 'Lim Hong' And someone showed me the Hungarian version quite a while ago and I was going to ask for translations of the comments on it, but I never got around to it. Edit: And I didn't even see the Chinese version. That's amazing. So many people all over the world love Yellow | ||
United States1537 Posts
On June 10 2008 11:49 pubbanana wrote: It's always been called the Lim Jin War in Korean. I guess it sounds better than 'Lim Hong' And someone showed me the Hungarian version quite a while ago and I was going to ask for translations of the comments on it, but I never got around to it. Edit: And I didn't even see the Chinese version. That's amazing. So many people all over the world love Yellow I'll attempt it, but my hungarian is not perfect and although I can speak pretty well, I'm a second generation immigrant so i have a lot of trouble reading and my vocabulary is a little lacking (and even if i know the word i misread it), any italics is a note about translation: Nagyon jó cikk, gj! Egészen elérzékenyültem Very good article, gj! I totally (not sure of the meaning of the last word, i think it means something like "got lost in it") jaja nagyon jo, thx fire thx antares yeah this is really good, thx fire thx antares nah végre úgy tunik kész. olvassátok népek, nagyon f*sza fordítás és nem a hétköznapi cikk this finally seems that it's finished. read this everybody, very fucking difficult translation and it's not the weekday article Nagyon jó fordítás! very good translation! szép cikk, erre érdemes idot forditani beautiful article, it would be nice to translate time (idot should be time, not sure why it doesn't make sense, i might just not know the words. I have the problem of not knowing the alphabet very well even though it's a phonetic language, I always misread vowels as other vowels.) jó cikk, mégjobb fordítás good article gj nagyon jo cikk nekem mindigis yellow volt a kedvencem gj very good article, for me yellow was always my favorite nemrossz a fordítás, bár néhol a szórendre kéne figyelni. de mindenképp megköszönendo, hogy fire ezzel tölti az idejét! a cikkel kapcsolatban: szerintem tele van nagy szavakkal, szépítéssel. az írónak túlteng a lírai vér a vénájában (lol). nemtom ha megkérdezné valaki yellowt hogy - nem zavart hogy olyan k*rvasokszor vesztettél fontos meccseken? - nem, egyáltalán nem, mivel nekem csak a játék élvezete számít. szerelmes vagyok a hydráimba. szóval nem hiszem hogy ezt mondaná. fel lehet javítani szavakkal bármit, csak az nem lesz reális. ettol függetlenül szerintem nem kudarc. igenis nagyon sikeres volt, szép karriert futott be, keresett egy csomó pénzt blabla. az ilyen "nem sikerül" helyzeteknél jut eszembe az a mondat ami a száll a kakukk fészkére címu klasszikus filmben volt: "At least I tried!" egyébként van valamilyen interjú vagy bármilyen dokumentumfilm ahol hétköznapibb információkat osztanak meg? ami szerintem mindenkit jobban érdekel, pl bemutatják egy pro napját a szálláson, kikkel, hogyan gyakorol, hogy melyik pro-nak ki a haverja, milyen az életük, kurváznak e team szálláson, stb. hallani ezekrol egy-két dolgot, hogy tényleg egész nap gyakorolnak de ettol nem tudja az ember reálisan elképzelni (legalábbis én nem). the translation isn't bad, but sometimes the order needs to be paid attention to. but in any case, it's very thankable that fire took his time to do this translation. in connection with the article: It's filled with big words, details and prettifications (not sure how else to translate that). the writer's veins must be filled with lyrical blood (lol). (this sounds like a weird as hell construction to me even though i'm a hungarian speaker...) I don't know if someone would ask yellow if - it didn't bother you that so many fucking times you lost on an important match? - no, not at all, because to me just the game's fun matters. i love my hydras so i don't think he'd say this. you can improve with words anything, but it won't be real. despite this i think it's not a setback. yes he was very successful, had a beautiful carrier, and got a lot of money blabla. (it actually says blabla). but this kind of "not succeeding" situations, it reminds me of that saying from the classic movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: "At least I tried!". (not sure if that's the exact movie he's referring to but it roughly as it translates is probably that, but i haven't seen it) By the way, is there some interview or documentary where more weekdayish knowledge is distributed? i would like to appreciate everything more, for example they show a pro's day in the progamer house, with who, and how does he practice, which pro is friends with who, what is their life like, do they bitch in the progamer house (my knowledge of hungarian cursewords and their usage is very limited, as i grew up speaking it as a 2nd generation immigrant in the house since i was a young child, and they were not used by my parents. this is the literal translation, i have no clue what what was intended), and so on. do they really practice all day, but i can't really imagine that .. érdemes volt idot szakítani rá hogy elolvassa az ember szép cikk it was worth it to break my time so that i read this article angol nyelvu national geographic kisfilm xellosról és a 2005-ös WCGrol. KTF_YellOw - Life of a Progamer: ez koreaiul van, de a descriptionben van egy kis angol szöveg. in response to the guy that was asking about documentaries/interviews: there's an english language national geographic movie about xellos and the 2005 wcg. KTF_YellOw - Life of a Progamer: is in korean but in the description is a little english writing after this one i stopped translating the ones not about the article but about the documentaries/etc, this is a little difficult for me because i have so much trouble with the vowels Nagyon jó very good Szép fordítás, de a cikk semmit sem ér. Nyálas nyavajgás végig. Dumak! Good translation, but the article is worthless. Crying and crying to the end. just talk! Egyetértek mindettotökkel. A fordítás tényleg jó, viszont az eredeti cikk túl patetikus lett, mintha nem is yellow lenne szerelmes a hidráiba, hanem a cikkíró yellow-ba... i agree, the translation is very good but the original atricle is a little pathetic, like it's not yellow loving the hydra but the author loving yellow Azért azzal mindenki egyetért, hogy Yellow mindig csak egy hajszálnyival csúszott le az elso helyekrol...azért ez már durva volt. Egyébként nagyon jó cikk és nekem is Yellow a kedvenc playerem! Well, everyone agrees that Yellow always was just sliding a single hair's width away from the first places... your responses were a little harsh. This is a very good article and my favorite player is Yellow as well Nem rossz, bár én nem tenném fel az életem arra, hogy reggeltol estik uljek a gép elött minden egyes nap, és kb ne csináljak semmit, csak ezt... not bad but i bet they don't REALLY practice from morning to night for everyday all day.... amúgy a cikk szerintem is nyálas lett kicsit, de ettol független, a mufajban nem olyan rossz amúgy meg az itt is kiderült, hogy azért o jópár versenyt megnyert, és igazából csak boxer volt az, aki mindig elkente, az meg nem szégyen. Boxer mondta azt, a hadseregbe vonulásakor, hogy Yellow nélkül o soha nem jut el még a közelébe se ennek a szintnek... in connection with the article, yeah it's a little emotional at times, but despite this, it's not bad in the facts, i found that he won a lot of tournaments, and he's just always beaten by boxer. that's nothing to be shameful of at all. boxer said that in the time of his draft into the army, that without yellow he never would reached even close to his level. Mi ez a rakas fos? Ezt vki vegig birta olvasni? na ne... what is this pile of shit? who could bear to read all this? seriously ebben a pillanatban, egy olyan élvezetet fog megtapasztalni, ami az o progamerként való létezésének a lételeme. asszem ez tette be a kaput. *translated quote from the article about this being the moment of his enjoyment that told him he should be a progamer* I think this really closed the gate (not sure in what sense this is meant, again i'm not familiar with this kind of saying... jeez i never realize how bad my hungarian is despite me being fluent) nagyon jóóóó add ki könyvben is very gooooooooooood it should be published Látom fireknight unatkozott hétvégén , szép kis cikk, bár én mchamival értek egy aki ezt irta az kicsit gay... Nah , mindegy nem rossz a story amugy hami ,meg biztos jo a pályája , csak aki ezt irta, tul lirai fos... pl az uccsó 5 6 sor , nagyon sz*r! i see that fireknight was bored on the weekend, pretty little article but i think who wrote it was a little gay well... it's not a bad story... and Yellow is a good player.. but whoever wrote this, it's too emotional crap. very crap pro akinek nemteccik az a gay sztem. pro whoever the fuck doesn't like this article is gay i think hát a kevésbé romantikus vagy milyen arcoknak nyílván kevésbé jön be well if you're a little less romantic it comes in a little less Már a koreairól angolra való fordítása is ilyen b*zis lett a szövegnek, szóval ez nem a magyar fordító hibája Amúgy meg érdekes cikk keep in mind whenever we translate from korean or english into hungarian it starts to sound very dramatic and a little gay and it's not the translator's fault but it's a very interesting article ------------------------------------- well. some of the last ones, these sound very negative and they are, but the last post there kind of nailed it. hungarian writing is never this dramatic or romantic, it sounds very weird to a hungarian. don't listen to them. | ||
United States3063 Posts
As for the negative comments, I take no offense to them. I think it's just that they don't really know Yellow's personality. He was a very passionate person and I tried to convey that as much as possible. Guys playing a computer game for a living probably seems like a very shallow kind of life, but that's not the case at all. That's what I wanted to show with this. Also, since I wanted this to be about Yellow as a person, I left out parts that were very SC-specific (like his standing among Savior and July, his first MSL qualifiers, his games against Xellos, ect) and I also stayed as far away from "SC language" as possible. Maybe this was a mistake and if I had left it as it was, they wouldn't have felt it was so "dramatic" Thanks for the translation, anotak | ||
Sweden1962 Posts
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United States1175 Posts
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Australia589 Posts
On June 12 2008 12:20 ScarFace wrote: Since this is related to Yellow- is he still in the GOM TV intel classic? How far did he go, if no? He got 2-0'ed by some zerg. I think it was Odin or something. | ||
United States1253 Posts
On June 12 2008 12:58 Fish_Baguettes wrote: He got 2-0'ed by some zerg. I think it was Odin or something. Fuck ZvZ. HE BEAT FREE/PRETTY. | ||
Vietnam9008 Posts
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Braavos36362 Posts
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Canada1267 Posts
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247 Posts
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United States1508 Posts
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Last Romantic
United States20661 Posts
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Singapore66063 Posts
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United States11390 Posts
On June 20 2009 16:30 konadora wrote: Best bump of the month You mean best bump of the year. Always worth reading again <3 | ||
Canada9720 Posts
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Bearded Elder29902 Posts
stormZerg fighting !!!!111oneone | ||
China7078 Posts
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