Is this a joke? I've never seen so many ugly, confusing and overdone maps wrapped into one mappool. Seriously, did they just decide to make the weirdest maps they could possibly get away with? Everyone says this every fucking year. Then it turns out all the maps are fucking amazing
No natural for the first map except for the first 3 mineral thing (real one is heck of hard to defend and far away) But creep is awesome!
not last season. monty, nemesis and geometry suck
Nemesis had a lot of GGs, Monty Hall had a lot of GGs, though it was a long time before Zerg figured out how they needed to play it, and Geometry was only boring because like every single game was a TvT.
Baekmagoji - nice Seongangil - funny
Monty hall looks the same, 2vs 2 maps are sorta weird
I like creeps adds some extra rushing versatility to the z, more all in strategies : D
51322 Posts
Ben, you forgot to mention
Python - 2 and 8 main's minerals are majorly fixed to rebalancing.
Blue Storm looks like an epic map
the star one too was cool
other than those, the others were so-so
yay 2's minerals are fixed didnt know 8 was :/
New York City13113 Posts
man 8 was the worst for me
python is officially my favorite map ever now. (though if only the 6 base was a little bigger...)
Catrina looks like a fun map and I'm glad they fixed Python, which is fairly balanced now. But they should really just take out Monty Hall, even with the changes, it'll remain an unbalanced map.
Braavos36369 Posts
is there a translation of the map names?
like monghwan was "fantasy" ?
South Africa4316 Posts
What effects are those changes supposed to have on Monty Hall's balancing?
What I can see is that: Firstly, cheeses will be much harder to pull off (at least in-base-gateway-builds) as there is only one place to scout for them now.
Secondly, and obviously, the gasses will now be equally safe for both sides.
So the biggest (and only) real effect I can see is that zerg will be able to mine out all three sides from one hatchery, and probably defend as well from one hatchery (albeit on two/three sides). I don't know if this is enough to balance the map in my eyes, but it seems to be a subtle nudge to help zerg. Other than that I can't really see the effect of these changes.
If the changes do manage to balance the map I'd be overjoyed. Monty Hall is a really nice map, and it's produced really nice games, just not many where zerg won. It's a map that manages to promote macro based play and cheese simultaneously, yet a power build can also win. Anything goes on Monty Hall, and it allows the players to be very creative.
Ungoro and Blue Storm seems like maps that'll produce some good games. Baekmagoji looks ugly like hell, Catrina seems decent, perhaps in favor of terran with its tight spaces and cliffs. 2v2 maps looks so-so, like they always do.
Katrina seems interesting with the whole backyard nat that's actually hard to defend mid-game on.
▶ BaekMaGoJi The map name is derived from the one of the fiercet battle faught in Northern ChulWon highland(BaekMaGoJi) in Korean War. The battle field is famous for back and forth battle, which changed ocuppied forces 24th times in 9 days periold. The name White Horse Highland (literal trans.) is given because of the fierce numerous shell drops ripped the mountain back into turn white, which resembled white horse.
concept & characteristic: Map introduces new economic style to cut the time spend on expanding and introduce new build orders and timings. The games are expected to play out in the middle horse shaped highlands, players fighting for the center resource, which fits with the theme of the map.
▶Ungoro crater
As tl people expected, this map is derived from WOW. Ungoro crater is place where intermediate player go through in WOW. Map is created to resemble one in WOW.
concept & characteristic: expect zerg to shine. open center. easy to take gases on extremities
▶Blue Storm Two blue high land are represented as storm to show battle style..
concept & characteristic: wide highground. several levels. straight up scout but only for small unit, as game progress, need to use high ground. game can be ended through using rush route.
kind of funny one The central pressure 904hPa, the central wind velocity 135kt (70m/s), loss and damage $ 122 bil., casulties 1339, name derived from a hurricane that caused more damage than any other hurricane.
concept & characteristic: strategy oriented, 3cm drop can be deadly, connected central resources, numerous rush routes
▷team play
▶Seongangil concept & characteristic: transportation play. early tech play, two gas at main, one being 2000.
concept & characteristic: discruption web prevents early melee units getting into base.
▶Monty Hall (Second Edition)
for zerg balance
① 9 minerals to 8 ② The three block minerals is reduced from 64 to 48
no balancing, fixed some bugs and regional fix.
① 2시,8시 Mineral position fix ② fixed 12 expansions buidling placement being disadvantageous than other one ③ fixed 1 position worker gathering from behind ? dont get this one ④ fixed 3시ㆍ9시 expansion and gas being attacked by siege tank over the wall ⑤ fixed siege tank able to fire upon 5 gas from 6 highland ⑥ trimmed mineral only expansion wall to weaken the t vs p using wall play.
and for the monty hall picture, yeah he was suggesting. its not official or anything.
and when the maps will be available to download?? im very anxious.
Whoa, didn't notice until FoBBish pointed it out, the middle on Baekmagoji is shaped like a horsie. :O