Hey I started making a fanclub cause I searched HasHe instead of vileHashe.
Heres some content: + Show Spoiler +
That game was fucking epic, hashe.
On HasHe's GosuCoaching:
2nd in Diamond, division Medivac Alamo llllolll
I do like his stream! Count me in
ya he is so badass. so good.
Wow this is one of the best SC2 playlists I have ever heard. Thanks! <3
HasHe is one of the NA Terrans that I like, thanks to PsyStarcraft casting his games, and being a Psy fan, I have to watch all these games of his teammates 
HasHe fightinggggguuuuu Sign me up
Best stream. Love the playlist too.
Nuclear Terran fighting!!!
HasHe is easily one of the best NA Terrans.
+ Show Spoiler +
go Hashe go. I have watched your stream the "best stream on TL" for a while now and you only get better. Think you for epic game after epic game. HasHe fighting!!!!
Why am I not in this. Add me.
I would love to join the fanclub. HasHes stream is a blast to watch.
I always watch his stream when its on. There is something about his gameplay & style that seem so very entertaining. I wish him the best on his journey to becoming a terran badass
GL in the MLG
make me a fan of this very gosu russian!
One of my favourite streamers as of late next to drewbie. Keep doing whatever you are doing ;-).
My favorite streamer on tl! Keep up the good work Hashe... Also, baller playlist.