On April 19 2007 22:18 evanthebouncy~ wrote:
As to religion or science, well they're both faith. I take it.
However, they are both trying to explain the world arn't they? Why something falls, why people die, ect. In the dark ages the bible probably explains everything ever need to know. I mean, why would you believe in bible if it doesn't do something useful? Why would you believ ein science if it doesn't do something useful?
But alas, there is only 1 Holy bible. Brilliantly constructed, but it meets the same fate as science for it too ages and obsoletes.
Science is growing, it is getting stronger and bigger. Even as fervent religious men types away at their computer they are using the athiest's made computer, bulit with science. It is growing because science accept that it can be wrong. It can change theories much more quickly than religion. If this does not explains the world adaquently, fine, here's a new theory, it might fits better. Let's use that theory instead.
Bible is not growing. Everything on it is sacred text and cannot be changed. Manytimes the bible's proven wrong, just read history. It cannot adapt nearly as well as science. Sure you can interpret bible in a gazillion ways by different interpretors, but they are interpreting the same o' text. Bible is a haughty entity that refuse to be wrong, and it hinders its approvement for it deems itself already perfect.
Science accepts it is not perfect, and by doing so it can perfect itself at an immense rate. Look at how the world changed in the past years, the world of science. Eventually it will be just as practical as explaining the world as the bible, and in time surpass it. It might take a long long time, but it will come, for science is growing and the bible is not.
As to religion or science, well they're both faith. I take it.
However, they are both trying to explain the world arn't they? Why something falls, why people die, ect. In the dark ages the bible probably explains everything ever need to know. I mean, why would you believe in bible if it doesn't do something useful? Why would you believ ein science if it doesn't do something useful?
But alas, there is only 1 Holy bible. Brilliantly constructed, but it meets the same fate as science for it too ages and obsoletes.
Science is growing, it is getting stronger and bigger. Even as fervent religious men types away at their computer they are using the athiest's made computer, bulit with science. It is growing because science accept that it can be wrong. It can change theories much more quickly than religion. If this does not explains the world adaquently, fine, here's a new theory, it might fits better. Let's use that theory instead.
Bible is not growing. Everything on it is sacred text and cannot be changed. Manytimes the bible's proven wrong, just read history. It cannot adapt nearly as well as science. Sure you can interpret bible in a gazillion ways by different interpretors, but they are interpreting the same o' text. Bible is a haughty entity that refuse to be wrong, and it hinders its approvement for it deems itself already perfect.
Science accepts it is not perfect, and by doing so it can perfect itself at an immense rate. Look at how the world changed in the past years, the world of science. Eventually it will be just as practical as explaining the world as the bible, and in time surpass it. It might take a long long time, but it will come, for science is growing and the bible is not.
I don't believe that 'Atheists' invented the computer. Thats like saying Al Gore invented the internet. Science is a HUGE part to Christianity, so science plays on both sides.
"Manytimes the bible's proven wrong, just read history." Give me a for instance of when the Bible is proven wrong. Saying something is wrong and not backing it up is meritless.
Science accepts that its not perfect? Christians accept that they are not perfect. What's the point? The Bible doesn't need to grow, because it is 100% correct.
There are two parts to the Bible, the parts that have been proven true and the parts that are yet to be proven. There are NO unproved parts to the Bible.