Japan11285 Posts
CB. Mind at 11. Mahell at 7.
Mind went for sparks terran that ended up failing. Meanwhile, mahell has a third at 5. Didn't catch the early game.
Japan11285 Posts
I missed what happened but apparently Mind won.
Destination now. Mind at the bottom. Mahell at the top.
Japan11285 Posts
Mind hit the timing just right with that attack, even if he lost his army afterwards.
Japan11285 Posts
Mind walks over Mahell in the 1st Bo3.
Japan11285 Posts
The Hoon at 5, IcaruS at 7.
Japan11285 Posts
That was too easy for Jaehoon. I mean recall while terran was still at 2 bases? Too easy.
1-0 Hoon
Icarus bro.. how do you not see that coming
Japan11285 Posts
Jaehoon with a proxy gate just outside Icarus' nat. He also prevents a wall-in with a pylon. Shield battery going up too.
Icarus kills the pylon just in time to wall-off the zealot.
woow that was a last second save haha
Japan11285 Posts
Icarus adds another factory and a starport. Drop inc.
Japan11285 Posts
Jaehoon took his nat as Icarus prepares to move out.
The dropship going around the map
Japan11285 Posts
Instant GG from Jaehoon when the drop arrives.
1) Walling off sec before the zealot 2) Getting a scout off despite a probe at the ramp 3) Just pwning 3 goons
IcaruS with the mental advantage into gg, well played.
Japan11285 Posts
Deciding set for this Bo3 up next.
I'm off to eat guys.
Jaehoon with the natural gate to apply some zealot pressure. IcaruS having some trouble dealing with that, but Jaehoon is also proxying citadel tech.
Proxy DT vs 2fac. IcaruS is holding his ramp but will he have mines or ebay in time?
IcaruS pushes the protoss army back but a DT high fives the tanks as he sneaks by into the main. Another DT deals with the Terran agression.