Larva has been chatting with Mong and put up the SBENU sponleague status so he's cooking something.
Looks like he'll start after Love's zvz series.......
Or he'll just play some BW. Can't really tell what's going on from afreeca thumbnails.
Japan11285 Posts
I'll update you. How can you even discern from the afreeca thumbnail?
Japan11285 Posts
He's offracing as terran right now.
Well if he puts up a status for the stream you can see it there. The next hour I'm attending a course so I won't be able to update the events. I'll just go ahead and trust he's starting in the next few minutes, or if someone else has rights pls take care of it.
Croatia9478 Posts
Still offracing as a Terran...
Japan11285 Posts
Croatia9478 Posts
Looks like it's starting?
Croatia9478 Posts
First game, Jaheoon vs Lazy.
Japan11285 Posts
Its starting? Movie vs Zero showmatch is going on too. Intense series.
Wait why is Larva playing?
Japan11285 Posts
Hero cleaned the ground with Sea LOL
Big controversy in this team battle. A rigged map was used in Game 2 (Larva vs Lazy)
Larva lost this game on Circuit Breaker really badly. After being badly dissed by his Afreeca viewers, a royally pissed Larva discussed his suspicions about foul play with Hero. Hero agreed that something was weird and they looked at the replay. It turned out that Player 1 would 1) always start at 1 o'clock, 2) get a steady stream of free gas starting at 3m30s, 3) zealots cost 50 minerals, and 4) all upgrades were free.
Larva's words: "I've played over 100 games against Bisu and I have never once been dominated to this extent"
HOWEVER...the one who chose the map was Larva (loser's choice) and the one who created the room (and loaded the map) was Hero. Lazy was accused of cheating by his viewers and eventually turned off his stream after shedding some tears.
Later, Hero and Larva looked for the map in their folders. It was Circuit Breakers dot scm instead of scx. Hero got the map in 2014. Larva's file was dated 2012. Apparently, this map was "first discovered" and exposed by Mong in 2012.
Larva chose the map and Hero loaded it. They were on opposite teams so a coordinated conspiracy is unlikely.
Probably an innocent mistake but ultimately a big embarrassment for HOGN.
wasn't there multiple iterations of circuit breaker from 2012? like a 1.0, a 2.0, etc?
Thanks for letting us know lemmata. It would be a pretty retarded way to cheat and I guess I can imagine lazy not noticing, so hopefully all will be resolved in a friendly manner.
I think a similar thing happened with Idra and someone else back in the day. Idra's opponent had 50k minerals on Destination but it turned out Idra hosted the map so he dropped his accusations.