LoLeSports Match Tracker NA LCS - Esportspedia Twitch TVYoutube Stream Friday, Aug 29 7:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)NA LCS Summer – 5th Place Match – Bo5 Counter Logic Gaming Dignitas 19:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] ++ Show Spoiler [Game One] +CLG vs DIG
Bans: Ziggs Twitch Zed Alistar Nunu Nidalee
Picks: Maokai Kog'maw,Nami Kha'Zix,Braum Nasus,Amumu Lucian,Syndra Orianna
+ Show Spoiler [Game Two] +DIG vs CLG
Bans: Twitch Ziggs Alistar Nidalee Maokai Zed
Picks: Syndra Ryze,Nunu Kha'Zix,Tristana Zilean,Lucian Mundo,Thresh Yasuo
+ Show Spoiler [Game Three] +CLG vs DIG
Bans: Zed Twitch Nunu Alistar Syndra Maokai
Picks: Nidalee Ryze,Ziggs Kha'Zix,Zilean Lee Sin,Tristana Jinx,Leona Thresh
+ Show Spoiler [Game Four] +DIG vs CLG
Bans: Twitch Nidalee Alistar Zed Maokai Syndra
Picks: Ziggs Ryze,Tristana Kha'Zix,Thresh Nunu,Braum Kog'Maw,Mundo Yasuo
+ Show Spoiler [Game Five] + International Wild Card Finals Pex Kabum! Esports 00:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] ++ Show Spoiler [Game One] +KBM vs PEX
Bans: Lee Sin Jarvan IV Zilean Kassadin Lulu Vi
Picks: Alistar Maokai,Ryze Kha'Zix,Morgana Braum,Lucian Tristana,Orianna Rengar
+ Show Spoiler [Game Two] +PEX vs KBM
Bans: Jarvan IV Lee Sin Tristana Alistar Maokai Zilean
Picks: Ryze Morgana,Kha'Zix Nami,Corki Orianna,Jinx Yasuo,Elise Irelia
+ Show Spoiler [Game Three] +KBM vs PEX
Bans: Lee Sin Jarvan IV Zilean Orianna Alistar Morgana
Picks: Ryze Tristana,Kha'Zix Vi,Jinx Kassadin,Thresh Leona,Irelia Gragas
+ Show Spoiler [Game Four] ++ Show Spoiler [Game Five] + Saturday, Aug 30 7:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)NA LCS Summer – Semifinals – Bo5 Team Solo Mid LMQ 19:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] ++ Show Spoiler [Game One] +LMQ vs TSM
Bans: Syndra Nidalee Zed Alistar Nunu Thresh
Picks: Ryze Lucian,Nami Lee Sin,Yasuo Kha'Zix,Mundo Tristana,Zilean Fizz
+ Show Spoiler [Game Two] +TSM vs LMQ
Bans: Nidalee Syndra Zilean Alistar Maokai Zed
Picks: Ryze Lucian,Nunu Lee Sin,Nami Yasuo,Thresh Tristana,Orianna Mundo
+ Show Spoiler [Game Three] +LMQ vs TSM
Bans: Syndra Nidalee Zed Zilean Maokai Alistar
Picks: Ryze Lucian,Lulu Lee Sin,Nami Mundo,Braum Tristana,Orianna Xerath
+ Show Spoiler [Game Four] +TSM vs LMQ
Bans: Nidalee Alistar Zilean Zed Maokai Ryze
Picks: Lulu Nami,Lee Sin Tristana,Syndra Yasuo,Corki Kha'Zix,Braum Mundo
+ Show Spoiler [Game Five] +LMQ vs TSM
Bans: Syndra Nidalee Zed Zilean Maokai Alistar
Picks: Ryze Nami,Tristana Lee Sin,Braum Nunu,Mundo Lucian,Orianna Xerath
Cloud9 HyperX Curse Gaming 00:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] ++ Show Spoiler [Game One] +C9 vs CRS
Bans: Nunu Nidalee Zilean Alistar Maokai Syndra
Picks: Ryze Lulu,Kha'Zix Tristana,Zed Thresh,Lucian Elise,Morgana Yasuo
+ Show Spoiler [Game Two] +CRS vs C9
Bans: Elise Nunu Alistar Nidalee Ryze Zilean
Picks: Lulu Tristana,Kha'Zix Nami,Lucian Zed,Maokai Akali,Nocturne Braum
+ Show Spoiler [Game Three] +C9 vs CRS
Bans: Nunu Ryze Zilean Nidalee Maokai Zed
Picks: Alistar Tristana,Kha'Zix Lulu,Yasuo Mundo,Nami Kog'Maw,Elise Syndra
+ Show Spoiler [Game Four] ++ Show Spoiler [Game Five] + Sunday, Aug 31 7:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)NA LCS Summer – Third place – Bo5 LMQ Curse 19:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] ++ Show Spoiler [Game One] +LMQ vs CRS
Bans: Nunu Nidalee Zilean Alistar Maokai Tristana
Picks: Ryze Lulu,Corki Lee Sin,Nami Elise,Braum Twitch,Twisted Fate Yasuo
+ Show Spoiler [Game Two] +CRS vs LMQ
Bans: Alistar Zilean Tristana Syndra Ryze Nidalee
Picks: Nunu Maokai,Lulu Corki,Yasuo Kha'Zix,Lucian Mundo,Thresh Zed
+ Show Spoiler [Game Three] +LMQ vs CRS
Bans: Nunu Nidalee Zilean Alistar Syndra Tristana
Picks: Yasuo Lulu,Corki Maokai,Braum Thresh,Elise Lucian,Kha'Zix Zed
+ Show Spoiler [Game Four] +CRS vs LMQ
Bans: Alistar Zilean Tristana Nidalee Ryze Nunu
Picks: Yasuo Maokai,Braum Corki,Lulu Kha'Zix,Lucian Elise,Thresh Orianna
+ Show Spoiler [Game Five] +LMQ vs CRS
Bans: Zilean Nidalee Nunu Alistar Syndra Tristana
Picks: Braum Lulu,Lucian Kha'Zix,Maokai Morgana,Elise Kog'Maw,Yasuo Akali
Monday, Sep 01 7:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)NA LCS Summer – Finals – Bo5 Cloud9 Team SoloMid19:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] ++ Show Spoiler [Game One] +C9 vs TSM
Bans: Nunu Nidalee Lee Sin Alistar Syndra Braum
Picks: Zed Zilean,Kha'Zix Nami,Maokai Lulu,Lucian Tristana,Elise Fizz
+ Show Spoiler [Game Two] +TSM vs C9
Bans: Nidalee Nunu Zilean Lee Sin Maokai Zed
Picks: Alistar Nami,Elise Lucian,Syndra Yasuo,Tristana Kha'Zix,Thresh Lulu
+ Show Spoiler [Game Three] +C9 vs TSM
Bans: Nunu Nidalee Lee Sin Alistar Syndra Zilean
Picks: Zed Lulu,Nami Elise,Braum Kha'Zix,Tristana Kog'Maw,Maokai Orianna
+ Show Spoiler [Game Four] +TSM vs C9
Bans: Nidalee Syndra Zilean Zed Maokai Alistar
Picks: Ryze Orianna,Nunu Lee Sin,Nami Braum,Kog'Maw Tristana,Xerath Mundo
+ Show Spoiler [Game Five] +C9 vs TSM
Bans: Nunu Nidalee Lee Sin Alistar Syndra Zed
Picks: Maokai Nami,Elise Kha'Zix,Braum Lulu,Tristana Corki,Yasuo Orianna
+ Show Spoiler [2014-08-29] ++ Show Spoiler [2014-08-30] ++ Show Spoiler [2014-08-31] ++ Show Spoiler [2014-09-01] + + Show Spoiler [2014-08-29] +Counter Logic Gaming vs Dignitas+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [Game 1] +Poll: CLG - Dignitas (Game 1)- Mediocre game (5) 45% - Bad game (4) 36% - Good game (2) 18% - Excellent game (0) 0% - Never watch it, ever. (0) 0% 11 total votes Your vote: CLG - Dignitas (Game 1) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Never watch it, ever.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +Poll: Dignitas - CLG (Game 2)- Mediocre game (7) 54% - Good game (4) 31% - Excellent game (1) 8% - Bad game (1) 8% - Never watch it, ever. (0) 0% 13 total votes Your vote: Dignitas - CLG (Game 2) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Never watch it, ever.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +Poll: CLG - Dignitas (Game 3)- Tilt inc. (17) 71% - Excellent game (3) 13% - Mediocre game (3) 13% - Good game (1) 4% - Bad game (0) 0% 24 total votes Your vote: CLG - Dignitas (Game 3) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Tilt inc.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +Poll: Dignitas - CLG (Game 4)- Excellent game (8) 57% - Good game (4) 29% - Mediocre game (1) 7% - Bad game (1) 7% - Never watch it, ever. (0) 0% 14 total votes Your vote: Dignitas - CLG (Game 4) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Never watch it, ever.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +Poll: Recommend CLG vs Dignitas Game 5Yes (0) 0% No (0) 0% If you have time for it. (1) 100% 1 total votes Your vote: Recommend CLG vs Dignitas Game 5 (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
Pex vs Kabum E-Sports+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [Game 1] +Poll: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 1?Yes (3) 33% No (2) 22% If you have time for it. (4) 44% 9 total votes Your vote: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 1? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +Poll: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 2?Yes (0) 0% No (0) 0% If you have time for it. (1) 100% 1 total votes Your vote: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 2? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +Poll: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 3?Yes (0) 0% No (3) 100% If you have time for it. (0) 0% 3 total votes Your vote: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 3? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +Poll: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 4?Yes (0) 0% No (1) 100% If you have time for it. (0) 0% 1 total votes Your vote: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 4? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +Poll: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 5?Yes (0) 0% No (0) 0% If you have time for it. (1) 100% 1 total votes Your vote: Recommend Pex vs Kabum Game 5? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [2014-08-30] +Team Solo Mid vs LMQ+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [Game 1] +Poll: LoMoQ - TSM (Game 1)- Good game (7) 47% - Excellent game (4) 27% - Full NA. (4) 27% - Mediocre game (0) 0% - Bad game (0) 0% 15 total votes Your vote: LoMoQ - TSM (Game 1) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Full NA.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +Poll: TSM - LMQ (Game 2)- RIP 0-6 #thedream. (8) 67% - Good game (4) 33% - Excellent game (0) 0% - Mediocre game (0) 0% - Bad game (0) 0% 12 total votes Your vote: TSM - LMQ (Game 2) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - RIP 0-6 #thedream.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +Poll: Recommend TSM vs LMQ Game 3?Yes (8) 73% No (0) 0% If you have time for it. (3) 27% 11 total votes Your vote: Recommend TSM vs LMQ Game 3? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +Poll: Recommend TSM vs LMQ Game 4?Yes (8) 67% No (1) 8% If you have time for it. (3) 25% 12 total votes Your vote: Recommend TSM vs LMQ Game 4? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +Poll: Recommend TSM vs LMQ Game 5?Yes (1) 4% No (1) 4% If you have time for it. (2) 9% Dyrus is a god (19) 83% 23 total votes Your vote: Recommend TSM vs LMQ Game 5? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it. (Vote): Dyrus is a god
Cloud9 HyperX vs Curse Gaming+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [Game 1] +Poll: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 1?Yes (7) 70% No (2) 20% If you have time for it. (1) 10% 10 total votes Your vote: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 1? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +Poll: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 2?Yes (6) 86% No (1) 14% If you have time for it. (0) 0% 7 total votes Your vote: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 2? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +Poll: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 3?Yes (2) 40% No (3) 60% If you have time for it. (0) 0% 5 total votes Your vote: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 3? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +Poll: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 4?Yes (0) 0% No (0) 0% If you have time for it. (1) 100% 1 total votes Your vote: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 4? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +Poll: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 5?Yes (0) 0% No (0) 0% If you have time for it. (1) 100% 1 total votes Your vote: Recommend Cloud9 vs Curse Game 5? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [2014-08-31] +LMQ vs Curse+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [Game 1] +Poll: LMQ - Curse (Game 1)- Good game (4) 44% - PAX, give brains back. (4) 44% - Bad game (1) 11% - Excellent game (0) 0% - Mediocre game (0) 0% 9 total votes Your vote: LMQ - Curse (Game 1) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - PAX, give brains back.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +Poll: Recommend LMQ vs CRS Game 2?Yes (4) 50% No (0) 0% If you have time for it. (4) 50% 8 total votes Your vote: Recommend LMQ vs CRS Game 2? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +Poll: LMQ - Curse (Game 3)- Mediocre game (2) 40% - Excellent game (1) 20% - Good game (1) 20% - Bad game (1) 20% - Never watch it, ever. (0) 0% 5 total votes Your vote: LMQ - Curse (Game 3) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Never watch it, ever.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +Poll: Curse - LMQ (Game 4)- Fullfill the prophecy. (10) 77% - Excellent game (1) 8% - Mediocre game (1) 8% - Bad game (1) 8% - Good game (0) 0% 13 total votes Your vote: Curse - LMQ (Game 4) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Fullfill the prophecy.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +Poll: LMQ - Curse (Game 5)- Elephant is burned. (5) 45% - Excellent game (3) 27% - Mediocre game (2) 18% - Bad game (1) 9% - Good game (0) 0% 11 total votes Your vote: LMQ - Curse (Game 5) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Elephant is burned.
+ Show Spoiler [2014-09-01] +Cloud9 vs Team SoloMid+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [Game 1] +Poll: C9 - TSM (Game 1)- Bad game (5) 38% - Mediocre game (4) 31% - Excellent game (2) 15% - Good game (2) 15% - No one hundred KDA? (0) 0% 13 total votes Your vote: C9 - TSM (Game 1) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - No one hundred KDA?
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +Poll: TSM - C9 (Game 2)- Good game (8) 73% - Mediocre game (2) 18% - Excellent game (1) 9% - Bad game (0) 0% - Why can't i go to sleep early? (0) 0% 11 total votes Your vote: TSM - C9 (Game 2) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Why can't i go to sleep early?
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +Poll: C9 - TSM (Game 3)- Ban Zed or riot. (8) 67% - Mediocre game (3) 25% - Bad game (1) 8% - Excellent game (0) 0% - Good game (0) 0% 12 total votes Your vote: C9 - TSM (Game 3) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Ban Zed or riot.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +Poll: TSM - C9 (Game 4)- Excellent game (5) 36% - Good game (5) 36% - Mediocre game (3) 21% - Blue side 5-0 or 4-1 again, TSM? (1) 7% - Bad game (0) 0% 14 total votes Your vote: TSM - C9 (Game 4) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - Blue side 5-0 or 4-1 again, TSM?
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +Poll: C9 - TSM (Game 5)- Excellent game (20) 80% - Good game (2) 8% - Mediocre game (1) 4% - Bad game (1) 4% - How did it even happen? (1) 4% 25 total votes Your vote: C9 - TSM (Game 5) (Vote): - Excellent game (Vote): - Good game (Vote): - Mediocre game (Vote): - Bad game (Vote): - How did it even happen?
+ Show Spoiler +
Thanks to Shiroiusagi for the banner.
The land of freedom23126 Posts
Ketchup is a God.
Hope CLG don't disappoint me tonight, i have no real feelings to watch CLG playing relegations again, even if this time i believe in easy 3-0 and not like last time, when i struggled whole night before CLG-Azure Cats game.
On less serious note, i just hope that Xpecial finishes at Worlds and TSM don't, just for lulz.
Nasus split push inc hihi Prediction for today: Either CLG wins or DIG.
On August 29 2014 21:31 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Ketchup is a God.
Hope CLG don't disappoint me tonight, i have no real feelings to watch CLG playing relegations again, even if this time i believe in easy 3-0 and not like last time, when i struggled whole night before CLG-Azure Cats game.
On less serious note, i just hope that Xpecial finishes at Worlds and TSM don't, just for lulz.
On the plus side, even if Dig or CLG somehow did blow relegations (aka the Shiphtur special), they'd get another shot at it since they're expanding to 10 teams. So they'd have to lose to the weakest challenger team and then lose in a pool of even weaker challenger teams, and if either team did that I'd be pretty much done with them anyways.
On August 29 2014 22:37 TitusVI wrote: Nasus split push inc hihi Prediction for today: Either CLG wins or DIG.
This guy is a prophet.
I dont like CLG in general but I also dont like the Dig split push crap. Hm guess it will depend on what style they play who I root for.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
CLG 3-1 Dignitas - Yeah they got wrecked by curse but I still believe that outside of G1 throw from dlift it was mostly curse outplay, dignitas looked just as bad as TSM outside of one split push strat that they're too scared to abuse and CLG is now aware of it. Also I'm banking on shiphtur losing all will to live Kabum 3-1 PEX - Idk lol, BR > Latin America I guess. Latin America's only accomplishments in league are lyon topping NA Ladder and taking a map off yoe flash wolves once and besides kabum pretty much beat Korea and are therefore the glorious flame of the west. LomoQ 3-0 TSM - I'm banking on LomoQ not being on tilt, TSM still looks like the same team reliant on bodying the lanes rather than any clever strats or ognTSM rotato potato. In a brute force contest I'll take lomoQ every time. C9 3-2 Crs - Curse are way better but I don't think it's enough for C9, C9 knows how to perform in a best of series and I don't think curse are quite there to dethrone C9. Hail to the kings baby Crs 3-0 TSM - Crs actually wins early game loads and are a way smarter team, this suddenly strong curse squad should dispose of TSM unless bjergsen can put the team on his back which I've been doubtful of this split. C9 3-0 LomoQ - MURICA
And why crs will take 2 maps and lomoQ take none? Because C9 3-2 LomoQ loses the impact of the worn out as fuck murica joke that's why
The land of freedom23126 Posts
On August 30 2014 01:01 Fusilero wrote: CLG 3-1 Dignitas - Yeah they got wrecked by curse but I still believe that outside of G1 throw from dlift it was mostly curse outplay, dignitas looked just as bad as TSM outside of one split push strat that they're too scared to abuse and CLG is now aware of it. Also I'm banking on shiphtur losing all will to live Kabum 3-1 PEX - Idk lol, BR > Latin America I guess. Latin America's only accomplishments in league are lyon topping NA Ladder and taking a map off yoe flash wolves once and besides kabum pretty much beat Korea and are therefore the glorious flame of the west. LomoQ 3-0 TSM - I'm banking on LomoQ not being on tilt, TSM still looks like the same team reliant on bodying the lanes rather than any clever strats or ognTSM rotato potato. In a brute force contest I'll take lomoQ every time. C9 3-2 Crs - Curse are way better but I don't think it's enough for C9, C9 knows how to perform in a best of series and I don't think curse are quite there to dethrone C9. Hail to the kings baby Crs 3-0 TSM - Crs actually wins early game loads and are a way smarter team, this suddenly strong curse squad should dispose of TSM unless bjergsen can put the team on his back which I've been doubtful of this split. C9 3-0 LomoQ - MURICA
What can be better than sweet Reginald tears if they're going to get 0-6'd, l0l.
Honestly, CLG should 3-0 tonight, if they just play their game, if it happens, i will just cry in the corner because WHY DID WE HIT CURSE IN PLAYOFFS.
Also, considering those Jayce picks tonight by KT A, i won't be surprised if suddenly Zion goes for it.
On August 30 2014 01:18 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 30 2014 01:01 Fusilero wrote: CLG 3-1 Dignitas - Yeah they got wrecked by curse but I still believe that outside of G1 throw from dlift it was mostly curse outplay, dignitas looked just as bad as TSM outside of one split push strat that they're too scared to abuse and CLG is now aware of it. Also I'm banking on shiphtur losing all will to live Kabum 3-1 PEX - Idk lol, BR > Latin America I guess. Latin America's only accomplishments in league are lyon topping NA Ladder and taking a map off yoe flash wolves once and besides kabum pretty much beat Korea and are therefore the glorious flame of the west. LomoQ 3-0 TSM - I'm banking on LomoQ not being on tilt, TSM still looks like the same team reliant on bodying the lanes rather than any clever strats or ognTSM rotato potato. In a brute force contest I'll take lomoQ every time. C9 3-2 Crs - Curse are way better but I don't think it's enough for C9, C9 knows how to perform in a best of series and I don't think curse are quite there to dethrone C9. Hail to the kings baby Crs 3-0 TSM - Crs actually wins early game loads and are a way smarter team, this suddenly strong curse squad should dispose of TSM unless bjergsen can put the team on his back which I've been doubtful of this split. C9 3-0 LomoQ - MURICA What can be better than sweet Reginald tears if they're going to get 0-6'd, l0l. Honestly, CLG should 3-0 tonight, if they just play their game, if it happens, i will just cry in the corner because WHY DID WE HIT CURSE IN PLAYOFFS. Also, considering those Jayce picks tonight by KT A, i won't be surprised if suddenly Zion goes for it. CLG just need to force 2vs2 and Shiphtur probably already stopped talking to Kiwi, so only Dig hope is that Zion goes ham. Also CLG is extra motivate to win this series, so they don't need to practice with each other.
The land of freedom23126 Posts
On August 30 2014 02:04 orzeu wrote:Show nested quote +On August 30 2014 01:18 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On August 30 2014 01:01 Fusilero wrote: CLG 3-1 Dignitas - Yeah they got wrecked by curse but I still believe that outside of G1 throw from dlift it was mostly curse outplay, dignitas looked just as bad as TSM outside of one split push strat that they're too scared to abuse and CLG is now aware of it. Also I'm banking on shiphtur losing all will to live Kabum 3-1 PEX - Idk lol, BR > Latin America I guess. Latin America's only accomplishments in league are lyon topping NA Ladder and taking a map off yoe flash wolves once and besides kabum pretty much beat Korea and are therefore the glorious flame of the west. LomoQ 3-0 TSM - I'm banking on LomoQ not being on tilt, TSM still looks like the same team reliant on bodying the lanes rather than any clever strats or ognTSM rotato potato. In a brute force contest I'll take lomoQ every time. C9 3-2 Crs - Curse are way better but I don't think it's enough for C9, C9 knows how to perform in a best of series and I don't think curse are quite there to dethrone C9. Hail to the kings baby Crs 3-0 TSM - Crs actually wins early game loads and are a way smarter team, this suddenly strong curse squad should dispose of TSM unless bjergsen can put the team on his back which I've been doubtful of this split. C9 3-0 LomoQ - MURICA What can be better than sweet Reginald tears if they're going to get 0-6'd, l0l. Honestly, CLG should 3-0 tonight, if they just play their game, if it happens, i will just cry in the corner because WHY DID WE HIT CURSE IN PLAYOFFS. Also, considering those Jayce picks tonight by KT A, i won't be surprised if suddenly Zion goes for it. CLG just need to force 2vs2 and Shiphtur probably already stopped talking to Kiwi, so only Dig hope is that Zion goes ham. Also CLG is extra motivate to win this series, so they don't need to practice with each other.
Shiphtur is massive choker, so he doesn't have advantage over Link in that case, if dexter doesn't go full Lemondogs tilt, CLG should take it even if ZionSpartan goes to splitpush for 2 hours again.
Meanwhile, Reginald is still asking karma to bite him in the ass.
Lol it's like 2 girls in high school.Hilarious.
well tbf, it's more Reginald than Monte, from the looks of things it just looks like Monte wanted to end the conversation at that.
c9 vs. curse should be fun to watch if curse can play like they did last week
Meh, Monte is trying to come off as the bigger guy, but still pours gas in fire with "gee i wonder why". I don't really care about todays matches but I wish dexter performed for once, I used to consider him top2 western jungler when he joined CLG.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On August 30 2014 02:04 orzeu wrote:Show nested quote +On August 30 2014 01:18 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On August 30 2014 01:01 Fusilero wrote: CLG 3-1 Dignitas - Yeah they got wrecked by curse but I still believe that outside of G1 throw from dlift it was mostly curse outplay, dignitas looked just as bad as TSM outside of one split push strat that they're too scared to abuse and CLG is now aware of it. Also I'm banking on shiphtur losing all will to live Kabum 3-1 PEX - Idk lol, BR > Latin America I guess. Latin America's only accomplishments in league are lyon topping NA Ladder and taking a map off yoe flash wolves once and besides kabum pretty much beat Korea and are therefore the glorious flame of the west. LomoQ 3-0 TSM - I'm banking on LomoQ not being on tilt, TSM still looks like the same team reliant on bodying the lanes rather than any clever strats or ognTSM rotato potato. In a brute force contest I'll take lomoQ every time. C9 3-2 Crs - Curse are way better but I don't think it's enough for C9, C9 knows how to perform in a best of series and I don't think curse are quite there to dethrone C9. Hail to the kings baby Crs 3-0 TSM - Crs actually wins early game loads and are a way smarter team, this suddenly strong curse squad should dispose of TSM unless bjergsen can put the team on his back which I've been doubtful of this split. C9 3-0 LomoQ - MURICA What can be better than sweet Reginald tears if they're going to get 0-6'd, l0l. Honestly, CLG should 3-0 tonight, if they just play their game, if it happens, i will just cry in the corner because WHY DID WE HIT CURSE IN PLAYOFFS. Also, considering those Jayce picks tonight by KT A, i won't be surprised if suddenly Zion goes for it. CLG just need to force 2vs2 and Shiphtur probably already stopped talking to Kiwi, so only Dig hope is that Zion goes ham. Also CLG is extra motivate to win this series, so they don't need to practice with each other. Zion couldn't carry emo shiphtur and a feeding bot against col I don't think he can do it now Bonus drama I just found in reddit, long time ago regi challenged megazero to a 1v1 and loser quits LoL. Megazero won lol http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=23183
I'm ready for some bad games and more throws. Good games will be nice for once.
But hope is just the first step in the road to disappointment.
On August 30 2014 03:09 Disengaged wrote: I'm ready for some bad games and more throws. Good games will be nice for once.
But hope is just the first step in the road to disappointment.
Relegation fights is not about nice games, it is about blood, sweat and tears!
I want clg to go 0/3 and break the dragonborns 0/13 dream and to read all the salt/drama.Does that make me a bad person?
Only if you think CLG fans are good people.
LOL did monte smash leena or what... such hate