TL.net127 Posts
epik640x was just temp banned for 2 days by Chill.
That account was created on 2010-05-15 20:15:06 and had 218 posts.
Reason: You have three warnings and then this kind of post boils my blood: On July 28 2010 23:32 epik640x wrote: 2 days afterwards and still no updated bracket or vods? What's going on. I held myself back from perming you, so please show some respect to content providers in the future.
TL.net127 Posts
Azureeye3 was just banned by EvilTeletubby.
That account was created on 2010-07-29 09:30:06 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Now that you've said your piece, can you just leave? Seriously, let it go.
Ps - Thanks for the advice! Getting on a treadmill asap.
TL.net127 Posts
illu was just temp banned for 2 days by Kennigit.
That account was created on 2008-12-17 11:02:39 and had 2058 posts.
Reason: Back seat mod. cool
TL.net127 Posts
EmeraldSparks was just temp banned for 90 days by zatic.
That account was created on 2008-01-03 04:20:54 and had 1159 posts.
Reason: By request.
TL.net127 Posts
ssj114 was just temp banned for 1 week by EvilTeletubby.
That account was created on 2008-09-26 06:01:19 and had 330 posts.
Reason: On July 29 2010 16:59 ssj114 wrote: That was the trap. You wrote "ironic" twice yourself. See above posts. The fact that you looked up "irony" shows that you are wrong. Anyway, as EvilTeletubby implied, we should get back on topic and not "troll". il0seonpurpose deserves better.
You don't "get back on topic" by getting the last word in. Instead, you get back on the damn topic.
Open trolling and a blatant lack of respect for the moderation team doesn't usually go too well here. You've had this account for a long time now... try to act like it.
TL.net127 Posts
rtschamp was just banned by boesthius.
That account was created on 2010-01-23 17:18:43 and had 10 posts.
Reason: You don't belong on these forums.
TL.net127 Posts
ValidReality was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 01:19:02 and had 0 posts.
Reason: You tried 3x with a temporary email adres, this one got by this one time. Don't do this again, we require a valid one for a reason.
TL.net127 Posts
millu was just banned by Chill.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 01:38:46 and had 3 posts.
Reason: You are a strange spambot.
TL.net127 Posts
MasterT was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 02:02:50 and had 1 posts.
Reason: And surprise! Our fake email user is a spambot.
TL.net127 Posts
Xyik was just temp banned for 2 days by Chill.
That account was created on 2009-11-06 09:21:05 and had 94 posts.
Reason: Terrible post with no purpose.
TL.net127 Posts
daagoofer123456 was just banned by Chill.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 06:37:41 and had 3 posts.
Reason: Stop spamming me swan.
TL.net127 Posts
Liquorshot was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 09:05:11 and had 3 posts.
Reason: Wait... you get banned for collecting keys and then bragging about it and flaunting like 20-30 of them infront of people who actually still don't have a single one...
And then you make a new account and your first post is asking for a key? Are you serious?
TL.net127 Posts
lolumad was just banned by Kennigit.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 09:39:28 and had 0 posts.
Reason: unacceptable user name
TL.net127 Posts
rockon1215 was just temp banned for 2 days by riptide.
That account was created on 2009-05-14 09:18:51 and had 319 posts.
Reason: After reading your completely insensitive response, only one thing comes to mind. Ban.
TL.net127 Posts
Liquorshot.852. was just banned by Puosu.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 19:06:13 and had 0 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net127 Posts
goofed was just banned by H.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 18:46:28 and had 2 posts.
Reason: Malicious user.
TL.net127 Posts
jessiday was just banned by boesthius.
That account was created on 2010-07-30 19:48:03 and had 0 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net127 Posts
CSN-Jorge was just temp banned for 2 days by LosingID8.
That account was created on 2010-07-24 22:35:22 and had 7 posts.
Reason: you have 7 posts and every single one is advertising your website.
TL.net127 Posts
virgozero was just temp banned for 1 week by Tadzio.
That account was created on 2010-05-07 08:53:13 and had 266 posts.
Reason: You create a thread, and when someone calls you out on something that has been a fact for a long time you turn into an asshole? You JUST got off a ban for shitty and being an asshat, yet it doesn't seem to have affected you. Just because "its my fkn thread" doesn't mean you can tell people how to post and dictate everything that goes around on TL. Shape up, learn some manner, and take some time off to think about how to better your posting on teamliquid.
PS. Soz, boesthius
TL.net127 Posts
willturner1 was just banned by Jibba.
That account was created on 2010-06-24 22:36:25 and had 2 posts.
Reason: Advertising bot.