That account was created on 2013-05-11 04:42:24 and had 4 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 19:59 GMT
That account was created on 2013-05-11 04:42:24 and had 4 posts. Reason: Previously banned user. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 20:09 GMT
That account was created on 2013-01-20 12:00:59 and had 5 posts. Reason: Time to stop posting for a bit. Cool off and leave off the spam please. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 20:59 GMT
That account was created on 2011-11-20 13:24:11 and had 9 posts. Reason: You had a warning, then a ban to think about it and you just keep going. What a troll, so back under the bridge with you. Here have a goat. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 21:32 GMT
That account was created on 2013-04-25 06:44:41 and had 2 posts. Reason: TRoLRROlROlROlrlrorlROrltoROrlrTrolol. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 22:05 GMT
That account was created on 2013-05-05 07:23:08 and had 8 posts. Reason: Yeah your lack of social grace and inflammatory personality don't make you a match for this community. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 22:27 GMT
That account was created on 2011-03-17 21:46:43 and had 40 posts. Reason: Empty quoting is a warning, empty quoting a warnable post is 1up. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 22:44 GMT
That account was created on 2011-11-20 07:08:47 and had 226 posts. Reason: You don't get to make posts like that with that nick. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 22:48 GMT
That account was created on 2010-05-07 12:44:36 and had 1315 posts. Reason: Just don't. There's no reason to not express yourself in a civil manner here to get the point across. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 10 2013 23:42 GMT
That account was created on 2012-04-18 19:44:19 and had 144 posts. Reason: Tone down the agression and insults please. Front page of the fanclub a quote from idra.. Idra does not hate his actual fans but most of you guys from sc2 community are bunch of repulsive hypocritical dick slurping whiteknights. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 00:50 GMT
That account was created on 2012-05-16 02:03:24 and had 12 posts. Reason: Unacceptable. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 02:47 GMT
That account was created on 2012-04-19 03:37:32 and had 577 posts. Reason: Marty, and that post would have been completely fine without it. On May 11 2013 10:35 nmetasch wrote: I hope this isn't a bannable comment, but I feel like this was LONGGG overdue. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 05:30 GMT
That account was created on 2011-10-26 05:13:18 and had 16 posts. Reason: You are wracking up the mod notes and you don't have very many posts. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 05:53 GMT
That account was created on 2010-12-07 05:12:11 and had 2747 posts. Reason: On May 11 2013 14:49 LighT. wrote: Shitty LR thread for shitty team :/ poor CJ :< manner | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 06:55 GMT
That account was created on 2013-05-09 15:17:01 and had 4 posts. Reason: All your posts are bashing Idra in his own fanclub. Don't do that. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 07:39 GMT
That account was created on 2013-05-11 16:36:19 and had 1 posts. Reason: Advertising. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 09:15 GMT
That account was created on 2013-05-11 16:43:35 and had 1 posts. Reason: Previously banned user. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 09:46 GMT
That account was created on 2013-04-04 17:57:45 and had 9 posts. Reason: Advertising. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 10:34 GMT
That account was created on 2013-05-07 09:19:52 and had 6 posts. Reason: On May 11 2013 19:30 TrollPolice wrote: Show nested quote + On May 11 2013 19:26 Cirqueenflex wrote: On May 11 2013 18:41 Chocobo wrote: On May 11 2013 17:32 scypio wrote: It seems that the "free 3 base + 75 drones" build no longer works in HotS. Oh well... suck it up and L2P, just the way the pro zergs did. "Suck it up and L2P" is just as silly and tiresome as the "everything I lose to is imbalanced" whiners. It adds nothing to the conversation, it makes no claim about balance, it adds nothing to the specific situations being discussed. BTW there are a lot of players who are "learning to play" and trying to improve against these strats every day. The issue is that despite our best efforts, it doesn't lead to anything. This isn't "wahh I lost, make it easier for me". It's "I am practicing for hours and hours and still getting destroyed no matter what I try". You could specifically tell me that you're using the same bio+mine build, with the same strategy and same attack timings, for 20 games in a row and I would still lose over 2/3 of the time (assuming I play for a macro game). Like the final months of WoL where protoss would always choose one allin or another in PvZ because there's so little hope if the game goes longer than 10 minutes... that's what ZvT is like now. while the game may not be imbalanced, it still is frustrating to play (and a game should not be frustrating to play but fun instead) technically you can micro against widow mines (until terrans figure out that you can hold and aim them -.-), but it is frustrating to see your effort compared to the opponents effort. Against siege tanks there was plenty of counterplay, snipe with mutas, flank with Zerglings, catch them out of position... there were obvious weaknesses. Against Biomine - currently you run in and hope for a clean headshot on the wrong Zergling. Maybe with increased use of swarm hosts this situation will improve, but widow mines are still way too strong for their raw stats in controlling space, given zerg has both the worst detection and the lowest ranged units (especially since if you do make ranged units, bio just crushes that). But even though I personally hate the mine (as it ruined my favourite matchup where I would just go muta ling bling into ultras and both the terran and me always had lots of fun compared to now) I think the situation will improve for Zergs. Probably making ~10 Mutas will become mandatory, as with only ground units (and no fungal to root them) the new speedy medivacs can demolish your economy in no time with 2-4 well controlled hellbat drops. Which by the way feel way more frustrating to me than widow mines, as the mines just counter most things softly, while the hellbat (when build more than one) simply denies you from making a core unit. On the other hand there seems to be quite a problem in late game ZvP, where once again both players camp for hours as they cannot engage when Zerg turtles with mass static defense + Vipers + Swarm hosts/Corruptor. I expect a ton of QQ from protoss players in the future, as split-map-turtle-Zerg is about as deadly as BL/infestor was in WoL, just takes longer to starve the opponent to death. If you need an example of that, try to catch some of CatZ' ZvP, as he has a ridiculously high win rate once he manages to split the map by just turtling and using Vipers to pull stuff into static defense. And I don't expect the spore crawler buff to fix ZvZ at all. Yeah, maybe you need one less spore to defend your main vs mutas, but that never was the problem. The problem was to get your third up, which gets denied by the map control the player going mutas has over his opponent. Mutas should never fly above the main/natural of the opponent anyway, they prevent ling runbys, snipe overlords, give you vision and if you know your opponents muta position they can assist in sniping the enemy third base. Which now becomes even more attractive, as you can build spores in your main/natural to defend vs base trades in a muta vs muta and just go kill their third if you feel like trading third bases. Besides the massive advantage mutas give in map control/denying the third, even under the assumption that both players can somewhat get their third up - what then? The muta player can simply take his fourth, because buffed spores will not give you any map control. Now that infestors cannot reliably defend your hydras from multiple baneling flanks anymore (and cannot really catch mutas), Muta + baneling still can crush any army in ZvZ with ease. And with additional bases over your opponent (thanks to map control) you can tech switch into whatever you want - ultras, Brood Lords, you name it. So while Blizzard did see that ZvZ is only the same ol' muta vs muta battle with nothing else really viable (besides all-ins and counter-all-ins and the gimmicky super fast double upgrades for lings which get countered by roach baneling allin) they will not improve the matchup by an inch with a spore crawler buff vs bio. Funny, I just noticed I started with stuff that is frustrating to play against (and toxic to a good playing experience while maybe being balanced) and ended up with what the topic was really about. To add to the stuff that just feels aweful, there would of course be the sentry, the zerg anti-air being stupidly ineffective and costly at the same time, the power of muta switches mid-late game, the warp in of units anywhere on the map, the baneling bust, the widow mine or hellion/hellbat drops, baneling mines, tempests, lack of an invisible attacker for zerg that does not die from its attack and that has an attack that cannot be destroyed before doing any damage, map designs, too many workers needed -> not enough units on map -> on fight to rule them all, units countering units too hard (such as immortals gaining 150% more dmg when against armored - wtf?)... If it was up to me, I would try to change those things to turn them into something moree fun to play with/play against, and go from there trying to archieve balance once more. Currently a lot of the game feels like the minigame "I wanna be the boshy" on one of the harder difficulties. While the game might be somewhat balanced and both play- and winnable, it more often is just frustrating to play, and a game should not be that frustrating to play. and why would i read something this long? And why would you write something that useless? | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 14:25 GMT
That account was created on 2013-05-11 23:05:56 and had 2 posts. Reason: It looks like you registered only to put weird music in the KMD thread. Please stop. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
May 11 2013 18:09 GMT
That account was created on 2012-12-18 21:16:12 and had 109 posts. Reason: Hey baskerville, glad to see you're still acting the same as the last time we banned you. | ||
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