TL.net127 Posts
Mercury- was just temp banned for 30 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-12-13 01:58:54 and had 738 posts.
Reason: Four bans and two warnings on balance whine with explicit texts along with the obvious implicit message to stop doing this and then you decide to go into the patch topic and treat us all on some more of this without even a nice cheese to go with it.
Your next balance whine when you come back will be your last. I suggest joining your colleague above in said posting classes.
TL.net127 Posts
zeeschildpad was just banned by Harem.
That account was created on 2011-07-14 01:41:30 and had 15 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net127 Posts
Absynthe was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-07-10 20:51:28 and had 14 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net127 Posts
Piste was just temp banned for 2 weeks by Harem.
That account was created on 2006-07-14 08:51:06 and had 4406 posts.
Reason: On July 14 2011 17:50 Piste wrote:man Z is too easy  this wasn't even in a sc2 lr thread, it was in a BW LR thread
not acceptable in either way
TL.net127 Posts
Dark Stalker was just banned by GHOSTCLAW.
That account was created on 2011-07-06 00:46:03 and had 102 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net127 Posts
KentHenry was just temp banned for 1 week by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-08-22 05:49:25 and had 147 posts.
Reason: All I'm going to say is that men will always be superior to women at things they do, for example sports. I'm not saying women don't contribute anything to society, it's just that men tend to be more athletic and superior at almost everything.
I wasn't insulting the female gender, I know women have contributed a lot when it comes to real life, such as calculus, medicine, science and house-hold products we use today. I was just stating that men are superior. ¯ _(ツ) _/¯
TL.net127 Posts
simpelito was just banned by GTR.
That account was created on 2011-07-15 00:05:55 and had 3 posts.
Reason: Advertising.
TL.net127 Posts
johnboyzon01 was just banned by Harem.
That account was created on 2011-07-14 21:35:56 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Advertising.
TL.net127 Posts
MrPANDAPANTS was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-05-11 11:47:30 and had 12 posts.
Reason: You submitted a replay to the hacker database under the guise that you opponent was map hacking. The replay, described and submitted, was after viewing by myself and several others of nothing but a completely normal game where you lifted your barracks in plain sight of zerglings, which promptly ran in your base. You then said you'd post it on team liquid and rage quit and so you did.
This is not acceptable on teamliquid. There is simply not even a hint that anything unscrupulous happened. You either never watched your own replay or even worse, you are trying to use the TL Hacker Database maliciously to get back at someone.
He's violating the topic its rules or are simply acting maliciously. But in short, you simply played badly and in your nerdrage decided to waste everyone's time who actually watched the replay unlike yourself.
You now have two warnings and a ban in the mindboggling amount of 12 posts. It stands to conclude that your next moderation will be your last. Think before posting from now on as you managed to take a dump in a strategy help topic, a tournament thread and now the hackers database. Unacceptable.
TL.net127 Posts
eScKin was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-07-14 14:06:58 and had 3 posts.
Reason: Misogynist pigs go over there. --------->
TL.net127 Posts
mdb was just temp banned for 1 week by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2003-02-26 10:03:09 and had 2973 posts.
Reason: You post this:
Its in the nature of every woman to be attention whore.
After this?
You are the hot chick, that likes to dress like starcraft units, right? I must admit - not that your everyday stories are uninteresting, but honestly I believe, that me (and most of the tl population) will appreciate much more if you post more of these dirty pics
Ask your misogynist colleague which I banned above where to go.
TL.net127 Posts
Ashworth was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-08-30 23:41:09 and had 73 posts.
Reason: Time to put an end to your mad ravings in that topic. Go cool off.
TL.net127 Posts
inamorato was just temp banned for 30 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-02-10 17:15:37 and had 101 posts.
Reason: You have a warnings and three bans all for flaming and attacking other users on these boards and yet you still are incapable of or unwilling to restrain yourself when posting on these forums. This under 100 posts to boot. Last chance, when you return I strongly suggest thinking before you post and expressing your dislikes in a respectful manner.
TL.net127 Posts
Feel_My_Pain was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-01-01 18:05:44 and had 8 posts.
Reason: Balance whine post with meme's in it to derail a topic as your 8th post with already a warning under your belt. I suggest not to keep posting like this and to regard this 2 day as a stern reminder to think before going for that reply button.
TL.net127 Posts
Dance. was just temp banned for 1 week by Jibba.
That account was created on 2010-07-23 02:53:51 and had 374 posts.
Reason: Your posting history is terrible, and you did nothing but shit up that thread with derogatory comments about users and mods.
TL.net127 Posts
susanexpress1 was just banned by TL.net Bot.
That account was created on 2011-07-15 11:12:06 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Advertising.
TL.net127 Posts
iamho was just banned by Plexa.
That account was created on 2009-06-14 15:38:49 and had 2196 posts.
Reason: Cya! (by request)
TL.net127 Posts
Caller was just temp banned for 2 days by FakeSteve[TPR].
That account was created on 2007-09-03 11:02:17 and had 5668 posts.
Reason: i locked the other Leona thread like three days ago for derailing. opening this thread was not a good idea. champion threads are resources, not troll territory
TL.net127 Posts
EGfanBoi!DemuFtw was just temp banned for 1 week by FakeSteve[TPR].
That account was created on 2011-06-18 01:40:20 and had 35 posts.
Reason: ..
TL.net127 Posts
Boehma18 was just banned by R1CH.
That account was created on 2011-07-02 16:39:16 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Advertising.