>>GLYDER / HUNTER - (crappy name) BUT the idea behind this unit is that it is bigger than a zergling and almost the same size as a hydralisk. It is would be a second or third tier unit maybe requiring the Spire in order to build it. It is its own unit (not an evolution of another unit). It looks kind of like a hydralisk but with longer claws connected to its wings (kind of like a bat like creature but no feet, has a long one leg tail thing, it hops over short distances like a zergling, but when it travels far it actually takes off and flies (run then glides). It has ONLY a MELEE attack and primarily attacks GROUND units ONLY! so basically it can jump over other units fly in the air and dive down to the target unit and attack it while grounded. It will also have bonus VS. MECH units and armoured units. It can also scale cliffs, jump up and down cliffs, avoid ground attack by flying (but can get shot in the air obviously)...
One good example of this unit would be to make them run with zerglings and hydras etc... to a line of tanks and marines, let the zerglings go from the front with the hydras taking damage, then the Hunters jump over and fly over the friendly units, target the siege tanks, land right beside them and do bonus damage to the tanks killing them.... (the first attack from the flying/gliding position is like a downward landing attack, followed by melee attacks like zergling animation idea...)
It would have a special ability called something like "snatch" where it can for maybe 100 energy fly into the air and latch onto a light air unit of the enemy and pull them to the ground where all the ground units can attack it it will last 10 seconds.
For its stats... probably
80hp, 1 armor, 15 atk (25 vs mecha) (20 vs armored) ? 75 minerals / 50 gas
>>NITROGEN SEAL - YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT! nitrogen seals! they are firebat like units but equipped with liquid nitrogen packs used to spray down enemy forces.. They cause damage and slow down the enemy, and when the enemy is hit enough, they actually become immobile temporarily. This unit would also have an ability called GROUND FREEZE where they freeze the ground completely preventing any burrowed units from being able to unburrow from the frozen area.... also cloaked units on the frozen ground will become decloaked if they were standing on the area that just got frozen as they become temporarily covered in frost. GROUND freeze also causes ground units to move slowly.
60hp, 1 armour, 10 atk x 2 (splash 5) special (slow 1-2 seconds, then frozen immobile)
GOOD use of this unit would be to counter BURROWED BANELING UNDERGROUND ATTACKS!!!! where they cannot pop out of the ground.... also to prevent underground transports like the NYDUS WORM, or the underground transport.