Man, this has to be one of the most even matches I have ever seen, in the sense that both players continuously harassed each other like crazy. The DT drop was ingenious. At the same time, so was the Muta sniping.
The battle was pitched throughout, the vicious Zerg screams and chaotic Protoss battle cries and blood everywhere. The ground drank it all with no preference. The Protoss master fought with cunning and daring, and the Zerg overlord fended it off with solid resolve.
When the fateful moment came, the Zerg storm was unleashed. The once proud warriors of Auir were blown away as leaves in the gale, the citadels ruined, the powerful forges of Protoss went quite. The Protoss master surveyed the carnage with a silent tear before he too fell before the ravenous wind.
No more would the resolve of the Zerg be questioned. No more could their supremacy be doubted. The mightiest dragon lay bleed at his feet, and it was only a matter of time before his collection contained six heads.
Fuck it my YY stream just died in the middle of the big crucial battle! But can't wait to see both VODs of LJD! Damnit thank YOU JD for the best early Christmas present
On December 23 2008 21:20 DoX.) wrote: In a way its good that the zergs seem to be stepping it up recently coz it'll give BoxeR more reason to own them in January ^^
Its just Jaedong, hes a damm miracle for the zerg users.
I think even more impressive than his army control was how well Jaedong denied Bisu's harrassment. Bisu went sair/reaver and barely did squat with it. It got to the point where Jaedong could afford to lose units because his economy was just so good.
I'm going to go with Jaedong v Bisu. The ensnare rape was a really orgasmic play. But the entirety of the ACE match was perfect. The set up, the tension, the clash of the titans. And unlike some, this match really did delivers. Its a rare game where two players at the height of their game meet in such an epic struggle, and I feel like more of a man for watching it.
Man SKT's proleague stats are so misleading.. they really should be at the top of the list with everyone else. Bisu is probably going to go straight over to Hyuk and his other Z teammates and yell at them "WHY CAN'T YOU PLAY LIKE THAT?"