Best has cannons at his nat, warping And templar tech Hyo has 3 gates, and robotics Best adding a 2nd gate DT out for Best, forces Hyo's attack back Obs are out for him though 2 cannons trying to get setup, Best has 2 goons, and pulls probes, trying to add cannons like mad HT is out 5 goons left for Hyo 3 cannons are in, Storm, doesn't help much Hyo looking to take his nat Best holds off for now, but Hyo is reinforcing
Best getting a forge up, as well as a templar archive
Hyo's getting up an observatory, meanwhile Best warps in 2 cannons at his nat Hyo building up a decent force, he moves out, Best's probe might have missed the army movement
Best slamming down a 2nd gate dragoon spots the army Hyo retreating though because of the DT observer on the way
best quickly warping in more cannons, probes pulled! hyo is knocking on that nat Hyoden losing a few goons, so is best cannons warping in, best losing a few probes too HT made but no storm yet cannon sniped, only 3 remain more probes dying, storm goes off but hits absolutely nothing
More goons arriving at best's nat, they take down a cannon, and a goon! probes trying to warp in more, best holding on to dear life here, he's survived the onslaught so far but at the cost of a lot of probes and minerals
Goons are in behind the mineral line, inrange of the nexus GOOD storms Help kill 3, another goon pops, 3 goons all thats left Archon is trying to survivie Archives for Hyo warping in He's keping up the pressure Nexus in the red