2 vultures arrive at 5 - deterred by the 3 cannons + 1 building 2 tanks dropped by 12 and attack a bit - but they leave before any counterattack arrives
movie attempting to take 6 again why the hell were movie's templar pretty much alone at mind's high ground outside 9? they get sniped and throw a few desperation storms at the vultures before they die
3 vultures stasis'd earlier - weak
mind taking 11
Carriers for movie.. Does mind knows ?
Movie moves an arbiter in for a recall, but Mind gets off a nice EMP.
FPView of Mind shows that he still hasn't scanned the carriers.
arbiter heads to 11 - but it's emp'd
lol - movie taking 6 again but mind has a vulture there ready the vulture alone takes down a warping cannon
Mind adding his 4th base, but Movie has 6 bases.
Mind should be able to realize there are Carriers incoming even without actually scanning them.
the 6 expo being sieged by mind's tanks in base that expo always sucks for toss carrier/arbiter arrives at mind's 11 so imba
Movie reveals his 5 carriers. Mind has to be kicking himself now for not pushing with his huge tank army.
cloaked carriers, is this 2000?
movie also suicides his arbiter to the turrets at 11 - was he trying to recall? 1 carrier lost
nice storm on some of mind's tanks moving towards the highground by 3, but the templar dies
Movie suicides his arb into turrets then loses a carrier to turrets....
mind killing a ton of probes as he sieges 6 - that expo is only ruin for terran's opponents
small recall on 11 - 4 goons die immediately upon being recalled - the rest are cleared out easily
Wow terrible carrier micro by Movie, AND he loses another arbiter to EMP.
Mind now pushing out on the map with his tanks. Movie's play is looking pathetic. He's been outclassed in almost every respect all game long.
Mind with more tank harassment on 6:00. Looks like it's going to go down quickly.
Wow Movie finally gets off a recall, but it's 100% goons and even though it's done right on top of siege tanks they all melt almost immediately.
carrier/arbiter vs tank/goliath outside 3 movie stupidly has one carrier from his base to join his group isolated and flying over the goliaths - it dies
zealot-goon attack 11, doing well
movie flies his carriers over a lot of goliaths as he responds to mind sieging up 12 - 3 goliaths frozen! 1 carrier lost
and epic carrier micro LOL
Note to Movie: Carriers arn't zlots, STOP THROWING THEM AWAY
with movie's attack of 11 - mind not mining at all mind finally resopnding to that attack