After watching todays KCM (Light vs Bisu) I saw Light trying to get his SCV inside Bisu base on 2nd scout.
I just came to think about the gasbug and thought. What if there is a way to do this without cheating.
So i went into a singleplayer game and tried a theory i had.. And yes it works..
You scout with your first worker into enemy base. Once you are to lose vision of enemy main base gas or minerals you do this:
You take another worker and queue him in an area where enemy dont scout and wont interrupt this worker.
You queue movements back and forth in that area for however long you want to wait for your 2nd worker to scout enemy base again.
Once you queued move orders enough you finish with a shift-rightclick on gas or mineral inside enemy base (this has to be done before vision is lost from first scout).
You now have a timed 2nd scout which can walk through walled ramp.
The only thing you need to figure out is at what time you want your 2nd scout and test this map specifically how many queues of random movement in said corner you need before it proceeds to enemy base gas/mineral.
This would seem like a hack from enemy point of view as you wont have vision of the gas/mineral for a long time, but seeing as your 2nd worker NEVER touches a gas for the gas bug it would be obvious from replay you arent cheating.
Visual que: https://imgur.com/a/n9vEbl4
Longer wait: https://imgur.com/a/cabDdm8
Replay of it: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=99012829459096472180
(TinyUpload dot com doesnt have any 3rd party ads)
Russian Federation365 Posts
yep, but its rare to see at high level, because this is a high probability of scv wasted for nothing (good protoss won't let you scout so ez)
Flash did this against Shine in at least one game of their ASL finals match iirc
I often send out another worker via mineral-walk just before my first loses vision. I've seen Flash do it multiple times, too.
Didn't think of the possibility to time this with shift-move-commands though. Nice find.
Yes but that will make the worker predictable both in terms of its path (straight over to opponent) and also the timing which is at once when you lose vision enemy will know you sent a new one.
Using queue you can delay the worker scout and make it come from another direction than straight towards enemy.
This is quite common, most effectively used in TvP, you scout with your 1st SCV, leave before the first goon pops out, go somewhere else and shiftclick to scout an exp/tech later, usually Ps will be pressuring a bunker and it can help to scout if there's a zeal/new goon on the ramp. I do this all the time PvZ as well, if Z builds 6 lings, just get another probe somewhere and shiftclick while you have vision
Another way to do this is when your initial scout is in their base, select one of your workers mining in your main, one that's carrying minerals, and right click it on your opponent's minerals then stop it. Then you can press return cargo they will return it to your cc/nex then go off to mine their minerals in mineral walking mode.