Germany2896 Posts
Chaosplugin by MasterofChaos Version 0.5
Features: * Replay Autosaver Saves the last game in Starcraftdir/Maps/Replays/Autoreplay/<Number><Playernames&Races>.rep * Friend follow When you receive the message that one of your friends joined a game Press Ctrl+F, and the join game dialog will be shown, with the correct gamename. Friendfollow currently works only with english/german broodwar versions. * Chatsave When you are in a battle.net channel and press Ctrl+S the chat is saved in Starcraftdir/Chats/<Date and time>.rep Does NOT save chat ingame or in the lobby * Disable Win-Keys/Capslock Disables these keys while Starcraft is running
Alphaversion - May still contain bugs Like every 3rd partytool working together with Starcraft there is a small risk, that blizzard decides to invalidate the users Accounts/CD-Keys. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
1. Copy Chaosplugin.bwl into the bwloader directory 2. Start BW-Launcher 3. Check Chaosplugin on (if not already checked) (If you use the old launcher (Version 3), disable Penguinplugin 1.14 as it will prevent you from entering BNET. In the new launcher(Version 4) PP is no problem) 4. Configure Chaosplugin to your likeing using the Configure Button (expect you would have never guessed this *g*) 4. Press Launch
Homepage Download: Included with Chaoslauncher
Wow, and you wrote it in Delphi, nice (And you used my plugin conversion, I feel important now )
Also, man, its BWLauncher not bwloader  u confused me for a second.
Germany1302 Posts
Would be really cool if you could change the naming of the autoreplayfiles to something like:
Besides that, thanks for your work, love to have some nice features back
the follow friend thing would be better if, when you pressed ctrl+f it would actually join the game their in straight away. ideal for 2v2 hunting or UMSing around.
Belgium6762 Posts
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE enable something like unshift on, I'm going crazy with my caps lock 
Other than that, great work! <3
edit: Oh wait does the disable win/caps key do this? gonna check this right away
edit2: Okay I guess not. People with azerty cant select units without caps lock, please do something about it if you can. Oh and liveapm would be kinda nice. And a fix for the dl thing.
Just some suggestions ^^
So, is the new version of BWLauncher not happening then?
Germany1302 Posts
there is already a new version of BWL, but BWL itself does not provide any features for Starcraft, it only loads plugins (like PenguinPlugin = Starcraft Extrension). And PP (or SCE) will not be updated. Chaosplugin does the job now, at least some of it.
United States42009 Posts
Does this autoreplay save player names? I already use the chaos plugin you released with 1.15 but apart from showing games just after I played them it's impossible to tell which reps are which.
this is somewhat related; is the new version of bwlauncher not compatible with windows2k or something?
you can use reexplorer for that
why will it never have apmlive or observer mode?
Germany1302 Posts
On June 06 2007 08:47 Kwark wrote: Does this autoreplay save player names? I already use the chaos plugin you released with 1.15 but apart from showing games just after I played them it's impossible to tell which reps are which.
You can use Rexplorer still.
EDIT: Sorry, What Zulu said.
Germany1302 Posts
On June 06 2007 10:10 milly9 wrote: why will it never have apmlive or observer mode?
Unlikeley, since those are very complex and Ashur said updating pp for that would be lots of work, so guess no.
Germany2896 Posts
why will it never have apmlive or observer mode? Accurate APM measurement requires manipulation of starcraftcode, which I don't use. But perhaps I could calculate an aproximate APM based on the numer of klicks and keypresses. Observermode is even more difficult.
maybe i am doing something wrong. i checked the chaosplugin then pressed g, nothing happens. also when in starcraft the windows key punches me to the desktop. i don't know what the defaults do.
Germany2896 Posts
Have you activated "Disable Win-Keys" ? And why should "g" do something?
"Disable Win-Keys" Yes! The Windows key is so annoying in games, especially on the comp I play on atm which has 2 windows keys.
If you use the update in the new BWL will this update the version of Chaosplugin?