On November 28 2016 23:58 cha0 wrote: Damn JD just went super ragemode after losing to Mind for I think 3rd time in row. Cam went off and you could hear multiple desk bangs and what sounded like a mouse or keyboard throw. His dedication to playing game after game even when losing is admirable though.
Edit: Was definitely a mouse throw, he's back on cam now and is testing the movement and clicking of his mouse and keeps looking down at it while speaking Korean.
Wow, JD destroying his keyboard. 2:22:05 skip if link starts from beginning.
On November 28 2016 23:58 cha0 wrote: Damn JD just went super ragemode after losing to Mind for I think 3rd time in row. Cam went off and you could hear multiple desk bangs and what sounded like a mouse or keyboard throw. His dedication to playing game after game even when losing is admirable though.
Edit: Was definitely a mouse throw, he's back on cam now and is testing the movement and clicking of his mouse and keeps looking down at it while speaking Korean.
Would be interesting to know if he's always been that way or if this is new for him. While I have never thrown/broken anything with rage, I can understand the desire to, especially since he knows how good he was before.
I remember Sea on stream recounting the good old days recalled Jaedong smashed his keyboard at the progaming hosue when he dropped a game to Tyson but won 2 to 1 anyway.
Banging desks, hitting keyboards and mice is inextricably tied to having an ultra-competitive mindset. I don't believe that anyone who's ever tried to become "the best" has never done this.
On November 29 2016 01:09 Lucumo wrote: His time with EG ruined him.
IdrA, what have you done!
I understand him. He was raging not because he just lost game, twice or thrice, not because it was against Mind whos best match up is TvZ and he can be really tricky player sometimes.. It's because he lost his lurkers that were morphing late 1st time, sunkens were late 2nd time etc. He was at rage because of those simple worthless mistakes which cost game. He thought he can go out quickly from ASL if he will allow those mistakes and won't fix them.
Also my tip for him when he rages: he never should bang LMO because that mouse is so rare, even in Korea (I saw Nal_Ra was struggling to find that mouse on Old Boy series), I'm OK with smashing his Qsenn keyboards, he can buy ton of them and they're cheap LOL.
On November 29 2016 01:54 outscar wrote: Also my tip for him when he rages: he never should bang LMO because that mouse is so rare, even in Korea (I saw Nal_Ra was struggling to find that mouse on Old Boy series), I'm OK with smashing his Qsenn keyboards, he can buy ton of them and they're cheap LOL.
Hah, I'm sure that the rarity of his mouse is the last thing on his mind when he is overwhelmed by salt. I have fond memories of a buddy of mine throwing his controller through his really expensive TV >.>
On November 28 2016 23:58 cha0 wrote: Damn JD just went super ragemode after losing to Mind for I think 3rd time in row. Cam went off and you could hear multiple desk bangs and what sounded like a mouse or keyboard throw. His dedication to playing game after game even when losing is admirable though.
Edit: Was definitely a mouse throw, he's back on cam now and is testing the movement and clicking of his mouse and keeps looking down at it while speaking Korean.
Would be interesting to know if he's always been that way or if this is new for him. While I have never thrown/broken anything with rage, I can understand the desire to, especially since he knows how good he was before.
I remember Sea on stream recounting the good old days recalled Jaedong smashed his keyboard at the progaming hosue when he dropped a game to Tyson but won 2 to 1 anyway.
love it! you can just see how competitive jaedong really is he really really dislikes it when he loses he holds back his reaction but you can see he is frustrated and wants RE asap hahahaaa
On November 29 2016 01:33 B-royal wrote: Banging desks, hitting keyboards and mice is inextricably tied to having an ultra-competitive mindset. I don't believe that anyone who's ever tried to become "the best" has never done this.
You know as someone who did try for a period of time... I did hit my wooden desk a lot. Got some nice bruises on my knuckles a few times xD.
I love watching all of Jaedong's vods, glad he's streaming everyday pretty much ^_^.
On November 29 2016 04:29 eekmice wrote: at 4:30am jaedong said he was tired and then another offer for a team battle came. and ofc he says he's playing lol.
On November 29 2016 04:29 eekmice wrote: at 4:30am jaedong said he was tired and then another offer for a team battle came. and ofc he says he's playing lol.
#passion #dedication
This ASL is going to be great
wrong its: a d d i c t i o n
kicking in alll the afreeca bjs got it ask bisu/flash etc
On November 29 2016 01:33 B-royal wrote: Banging desks, hitting keyboards and mice is inextricably tied to having an ultra-competitive mindset. I don't believe that anyone who's ever tried to become "the best" has never done this.
Somewhere is a GIF of Larva/Hong9 smashing his gaming space with a golf club.
But there are other good examples of his rage behavior below. Scratches/dents on the walls are from the golf club smashing...
On November 29 2016 01:33 B-royal wrote: Banging desks, hitting keyboards and mice is inextricably tied to having an ultra-competitive mindset. I don't believe that anyone who's ever tried to become "the best" has never done this.
Somewhere is a GIF of Larva/Hong9 smashing his gaming space with a golf club.
But there are other good examples of his rage behavior below. Scratches/dents on the walls are from the golf club smashing...