snipealots 24/7 afreeca stream 2013 thread - Page 46
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46 Posts
the game ended 4-1 for white with movie taking out larva, ssak and another zerg i believe before he got knocked out by bisu. mong finished it up for white. | ||
Magic Woods9326 Posts
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Canada7507 Posts
On October 22 2013 07:59 parisisokay wrote: it was live on lovetv. does anyone know more about it? i actually enjoyed the cast and that it was not in stretched format, in sonic's stream (nothing at all against sonic!) i always feel it takes a lot of the action because the image is so wide and i can see a lot more of the map and what is going on, i just don't feel as close to whats happening (like in film: wide shot/close-up). i'd really like to hear your oppinions on that and if there was a discussion about that before maybe even within the afreeca scene (including the fans). i feel like it deserves more attention since it affects the quality of the cast/match/event. and if so it might also affect the quality of a potential broodwar comeback for what a lot of us are wishing for. do you feel the same about it or is it not important for you? do you think it might affect the viewership (if it's my sloppy formulated theory above or something else like habituation). the game ended 4-1 for white with movie taking out larva, ssak and another zerg i believe before he got knocked out by bisu. mong finished it up for white. I feel that we need to have a Zoom in option in BW ![]() We actually need SC2 casting features but then letting the audience decided to use it or not. OR we can have a casting tournament. | ||
Korea (South)494 Posts
On October 22 2013 07:59 parisisokay wrote: it was live on lovetv. does anyone know more about it? i actually enjoyed the cast and that it was not in stretched format, in sonic's stream (nothing at all against sonic!) i always feel it takes a lot of the action because the image is so wide and i can see a lot more of the map and what is going on, i just don't feel as close to whats happening (like in film: wide shot/close-up). i'd really like to hear your oppinions on that and if there was a discussion about that before maybe even within the afreeca scene (including the fans). i feel like it deserves more attention since it affects the quality of the cast/match/event. and if so it might also affect the quality of a potential broodwar comeback for what a lot of us are wishing for. do you feel the same about it or is it not important for you? do you think it might affect the viewership (if it's my sloppy formulated theory above or something else like habituation). the game ended 4-1 for white with movie taking out larva, ssak and another zerg i believe before he got knocked out by bisu. mong finished it up for white. This has come up a lot and the conclusion is basically that snipealot3 will always restream a 'clean' feed of sonic - i.e. widescreen stretch. If sonic decides to change this we will of course not resize his content to match the stream. However as SSLs are 100% offline events we usually put a resized 4:3 stream on /snipealot2 - however this also looks slightly weird for most old bw fans as this is a 4:3 resizing of sonics already res-hacked stream. | ||
Czech Republic6104 Posts
On October 21 2013 22:09 Dragoons wrote: White clan(killer, mong, movie, shuttle) vs SKT T1(bisu, ssak, larva, s2) 4:4 on now. On October 22 2013 07:59 parisisokay wrote: it was live on lovetv. does anyone know more about it? Fpv+cast from the WHITE vs ex-SKT team battle are here¤tpage=13#245 It's a part of the WCL(White Clan League). Maybe a showmatch since SKT is not listed? The chick is a part of the [WHITE] clan, plays ~180 apm toss. She did cast before so I assume (hope) she'll be casting again, but there's another caster too? (JSM[WHITE] 전설몬e♥). I'll update if any more casts are announced to the best of my stalking ability. And I'll translate this later, probably tomorrow, unless someone else wants to (let me know so we don't do it both). + Show Spoiler [info in korean] + - 방송 및 중계 : LovE[WHITE] 사랑e♥ , JSM[WHITE] 전설몬e♥ - 대회 책임자 : HERO[WHITE] Daesung[WHITE] GyRo[WHITE] 궁금하신점은 귓이나 메일로 연락주시면 답변해드립니다. - 대회일정 : 를 참고해주세요. - 대회상금 : 우승:20만원 준우승:10만원 다승왕:5만원 - 대회진행채널 : LoveTv - 맵 : 선투혼 진 클랜이 다음경기 맵 초이스 -맵예시 : 신피의능선, 벤젠, 네오아즈텍, 투혼, 신저격능선, 네오제이드, 써킷브레이커, 네오일렉써킷, 라만차, 네오그라운드제로 - 경기 방식 예선 : 15개 클랜 각 3개 클랜씩 조편성하여 각조별 1,2위 본선진출 3판 2선승 팀매치 하루에 한개조 3개클랜씩 진행 16강 : 4:4 팀배틀 8강 : 5:5 팀배틀 4강 : 6:6 팀배틀 결승 7:7 팀배틀 16강,8강은 듀얼토너먼트 방식으로 진행합니다. 4강은 토너먼트 방식 제3회 WCL은 4강 진출 클랜까지 시드권 드립니다. ▣ 제2회 화이트배 클랜리그 규정 ▣ 런처 규정 무조건 W런쳐만 가능합니다. 중복 출전, 선수교체에 관한 규정 - 종족프리전 (저그 나오고 또 저그 못나오는 그런규정 없습니다.) - 교체는 양측합의하에 가능합니다. - 맵핵/미네랄핵/기타 핵프로그램 사용금지/선수및 주변사람 방송시청금지/휴대폰 및 메신져/ 대 리 게 임 절대 금지! 적발시 바로 몰수패 처리 됩니다. 강력히 처벌합니다. (아이피 확인) - 경기 도중 급한 일이 발생 시 선수는 반드시 심판 또는 방장에게 퍼즈요청을 하셔야 하며 임의 대로 경기를 멈추실 수 없습니다. 또한 퍼즈 후 경기를 이어갈 때도 방장의 카운트 후에 경기를 이어가야 합니다. (위반시 벌점 적용) - 드랍시의 규정 : 5분이내에 교전없는 상황일 경우에는 재경기, 그 이외의 상황에는 BJ,대회운영진,양클랜대표 합의하에 재경기 또는 몰수패처리합니다.. 세이브가 되었을 시에는 세이브 게임으로 이어서 진행합니다. - 특정 버그성 플레이를 제외한 모든 전략의 구사가 가능합니다. - 경기 시간은 미리 공지된 시간에 진행됩니다. 대표자 분들은 늦지 않게 사전 공지된 채널로 와주세요. - 채팅규정관련 적당한 도발은 가능합니다만 너무 심하면 패처리합니다. (BJ가판단합니다) - 기타 규칙에 어긋나는 행동을 해서 적발시 길드 전체 몰수패 처리됩니다. - 방장의 개인사정에 의한 일정변경은 클랜 관계자님들께 미리 연락 드리고, 공지를 올리도록 하겠습니다. - 각 클랜 합의하에 일정변경 가능합니다. - 엔트리 대기시간은 5분입니다. (5분이내로 엔트리가 나오지않을시 1회경고처리 이후 5분후에도 나오지 않으면 1패처리됩니다) 단,에이스결정전 대기시간은 10분입니다. - 대리게임,맵핵등 경기에 부적합한 행위를 하는선수 적발시 해당클랜 몰수패 처리됩니다. - 로스터수정은 대회 1시간 전까지만 가능하고 다음강 시작전까지만 한번씩 추가 수정 가능합니다. - 로스터 제한 없습니다. - 현프로,전프로를 제외한 모든 선수들은 30전이상,레더가능 상태여야지만 대회 출전가능합니다. - 추가공지 : 재접속금지 (예를들면 한판하고 두판하고 나갔다 오는 행위를 말씀드리는겁니다) 애초에 선수분들 게임잘되나 확인부탁드립니다. 재접속할시에 클랜 경고 1회 - 에결중복 가능합니다. - 아이피밴 유저도 참가 가능합니다. - 로스터는 모두 실명으로 제출해 주세요. 가명 사용 적발시 몰수패 처리합니다. - 선수 경고 규정 : 선수 경고는 2회클랜전 내내 누적이며 경고 3회 받은 경우 그 다음 하루 출전 금지가 적용되므로 대표자분들이 주의 주시기 바랍니다. - 리그에 한번 출전했던 선수는 리그가 끝날때까지 다른 클랜으로 중복 참여가 불가능 합니다. - 개인화면 방송은 가능하지만 채팅창을 얼리거나 껐다는것이 확인되지 않을시에는 몰수패 처리합니다. more here: Schedule 10/7(월) : zizOn 10/8(화) WHITE : Mo 10/10(목) Minus : Scat 10/11(금) KaL : Ever 10/14(월) A조승자전 10/15(화) B조승자전 10/16(수) A조패자전 10/17(목) B조패자전 10/21(월) A조최종전 10/22(화) B조최종전 *Yesterday she said on stream she's going to stream daily, though not sure if she was 100% serious. | ||
Denmark148 Posts
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46 Posts
On October 22 2013 10:02 snipealot wrote: This has come up a lot and the conclusion is basically that snipealot3 will always restream a 'clean' feed of sonic - i.e. widescreen stretch. If sonic decides to change this we will of course not resize his content to match the stream. However as SSLs are 100% offline events we usually put a resized 4:3 stream on /snipealot2 - however this also looks slightly weird for most old bw fans as this is a 4:3 resizing of sonics already res-hacked stream. thanks for the response! of course you can't do anything about how sonic's streaming his casts. do you know if this was a topic in his streams with the korean afreeca users? they can be very harsh sometimes so i thought they might have said something about the 16 ![]() | ||
Czech Republic6104 Posts
(after jaehoon finishes his game) | ||
Korea (South)494 Posts
!addstreamer nickname afreecaID race !deletestreamer nickname I originally intended for these commands to only be used by me, but right now all mods have access. Please do not abuse this by adding girl streamers etc. | ||
Magic Woods9326 Posts
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142 Posts
Should have put mines and siege tanks at his base to protect SCVs from drops like flash does. | ||
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Croatia1403 Posts
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There is some epic third world nuclear war going on LOL | ||
United States1656 Posts
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United States1656 Posts
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142 Posts
On October 23 2013 12:58 Headshot wrote: Can someone explain to me why Bisu, Sea and everyone are constantly playing on different nicks? What different nicks? bisu is hehe1004, larva is matata, sea is I forgot the name. | ||
United States1656 Posts
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