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"I treated my family with my first paycheck. It felt really good after I payed using my own card. The fact that I could do something for my family was refreshing. I wish I can continue to be a son like that."
That was Park Joon-Oh's answer when he was asked what his proudest moment was. A innocent country boy who just wanted to make his parents proud, he withstood the challenging life of a professional gamer by keeping his dream to become one in his heart.
Until now there has been few opportunities for him to express himself. Let's have a candid talk where he can tell his stories.
>>Country boy becomes a professional gamer.
He has a distinctively dark skin. His hometown is in Chun-Cheon of Kangwon province. Since many people from that province have dark skin, I asked why it is so. His answer was simple: it's not because they are from the area, but everyone who loved to play around have such skin tone.
"I was the leader of the pack of boys who hung out and played around (grin). I love outside so much that I was always out from sunrise till sunset. It's not because where I'm from, although Kangwon is a great place to have fun... at least compared to Seoul."
Not only did he just play around, but loved to exercise as well. Running, soccer... he enjoyed playing anything with a ball. Even now, if someone asks to play, he'll say yes with a smile no matter how tired he is.
"I really love playing outdoors (grin). After running around so much and taking a cool shower, my gaming condition is just fantastic (grin). But due to that my calf muscles have really tendered. Others tease me how I always have energy to play outside."
He decided to become a progamer after seeing Park 'Reach' Jung-Suk play. During the days when he was enjoying playing StarCraft, he saw a handsome man play a video game on TV - and was amazed at it.
"The fact that video games were being broadcasted on TV was surprising enough, but there were good-looking players too. Reach was especially amazing. Even then I only thought of how incredible it was to be a professional gamer, but not becoming one myself."
One day, after playing video games for such a long time, he thought how good it would be if it were to become his job and living. Then he recalled Reach and set on his mind to become a professional gamer.
>>The harsh roads of becoming a professional gamer.
His first obstacle to become a progamer was to convince his parents. They knew he loved to have fun, but thought video games were for kids to entertain themselves... they couldn't imagine how it could become one's living.
"How could you blame them? How many people knew what it was like to be one? When I first told mom 'I wanted to play video games' she said, 'You already play around most of the time... what else is new.' (grin). When I explained what I meant, they strongly disapproved of it.
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Joon-Oh knew he had to convince his parents. He displayed sincerity he never displayed before and genuinely asked for support - to help him reach the dream of becoming a progamer. After seeing his determination, even the once-firm parents' will wavered.
"It's said no parents can win arguements against their children (grin). Eventually they said yes, and became the supportive and understanding parents they are now. Now I provide a part of my income to them and send gifts, treating them the way they deserve. I'm really happy."
After winning his parents' support, he hit another obstacle. A professional gamer's life wasn't what was just on TV; after undertaking the rigorous schedule of one, he contemplated whether this was what he truly wanted.
"It was harder than I expected (grin). I couldn't be on TV right away; I was the youngest, so I had to do the dishes, clean, etc... There wasn't much time for rest and I was practicing all day long to begin with - this was not what I thought a progamer's life would be. I thought about quitting many, many times."
But after a month of that, he settled in. Despite being the youngest for one whole year - doing the dishes and cleaning three times daily - he started to improve in his game.
>>His role-model, Lee Jae-Dong.
His nickname 'The Little Jaedong' is both an honour and burden. Just the fact that he was practicing with Jaedong meant people were watching him closely - much more than other newcomers to the scene. The amount of pressure he felt was enormous.
"I was a rookie. I could not possibly be on the level of Jaedong hyung himself; yet people compared me to him... which was burdensome. I didn't think that I could surpass him. I'm sure everyone knows, but he's on an another level."
But Joon-Oh considers his nickname a boon. He was elated to hear that he would be joining Hwaseung Oz - because he would be practicing with the The Zerg player, Jaedong himself. Coach Cho saw potential in Joon-Oh and put his seat next to Jaedong's to ensure that Killer learn from him.
"I learned why Jaedong was the greatest. I'm incredibly lucky to have my life role-model right next to me. I know, that one day, I will be known as 'Killer', in my own name, not just as 'The Little Jaedong'.
>>I don't like tall girls.
Joon-Oh is smaller than your average guy. He was very excited to know that he grew taller than Backho three months after joining Hwaseung Oz. He thought his rapid growth was finally happening.
"But that was it (grin). After turning twenty, I am no longer growing (grin). I'm optimistic in nature, so it doesn't bother me much. We live as who we are. But I still don't like tall girls. (grin).
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His ideal type is f(x)'s Sulli - but a short one. He grinned as he said 'I just like short girls.'
"God has given Bisu and Jaedong good looks and skills, but not much to me. However, I still feel better when I see the less-than-endowed Hiya hyung. I think at least I'm average (grin)."
>>Ambition of earning a million-dollar salary.
There are a few things he wants to achieve as a professional gamer. First, he wants to be salaried at six figures. Once he decided to make gaming his living, he knew that money would be a major factor. A respected name comes with a respectable salary.
"I think for the fans to remember my name, I need to at least earn a million dollars. Of course, that means I have to display results. In other words, it shows my determination that I will produce fitting performance"
Joon-Oh has told me that recently, he has also been motivated to do well in the individual leagues. Unlike prior to qualifying for OSL round of 16, fans recognized him and has asked for autographs. He understood just how impactful such feat is.
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"If one is a progamer, it's definitely better to be one which is recognized and asked for autographs (grin). I know if I do well in the individual leagues, it'll be beneficial to the team as well. Please, expect my performance in the upcoming leagues."
He who dreams of six-figure salaries with individual league trophies within his hands - Park 'Killer' Joon-Oh. He didn't forget to thank those around who motivate him - Jaedong, his other teammates, and the coaching staff.
"I sincerely thank everyone who has cheered and supported me to become who I am now. This interview is proof of how far I have come . I will do my best to become even better so keep in an eye on me please."
Original: http://esports.dailygame.co.kr/news/read.php?id=47237
By Daily eSports Reporter Lee So-Ra. [데일리e스포츠 이소라 기자 sora@dailyesports.com]