Sea and Light
- Thoughts on Victory?
▲ Light[Alive]= I'm actually happier with beating Jaedong than the fact that our team won. Honestly, Plains is really a Protoss-favored map so I only practiced TvP. I did better than I expected - I didn't have high expectations for myself and would have been happy just taking a set (? not sure), but suddenly I felt that they might use Jaedong rather than a P, so I started practicing TvZ as well. That definitely paid off strategically.
▲ Sea[shield]= I also wondered if I might face Jaedong - that made me nervous. But Jaedong appeared in Set 3, and so I was able to relax and play without pressure. In all honesty, it's really luckier not to play him (haha).
- Was it difficult (Light) during your losing streak?
▲ Light[Alive]= Psychologically, not really. Just do what you did in practice and you'll be fine - right now it's the beginning of the season and there's not that much to worry about. The key really is in match preparation.
- Tell us about your match with Jaedong
▲ Light[Alive]= Plains is a hard map to play. It's already Z-favored; Jaedong makes it even worse. I just went into it with a must-win attitude, and thankfully was able to emerge victoriously.
-Sea didn't play well last match
▲ Sea[shield]= I wanted to win with a single push (?) but failed, and that screwed me over. That wasn't my original plan, but I decided to go for it since I had an advantage, and got overconfident. From that, I learned never to slip up even for a moment, to fight on until the game ends. Killer prepared well for today's match - although I was behind for a bit, I was able to mine more resources, and that's why I won.
- Both of you players rarely win together
▲ Sea[shield]= Well, in a Bo5 you definitely need two players who can take sets; that's even more important in a Bo7. We believed in our teammates, so we felt that even if we lost, our other teammates would pick up the slack.
▲ Light[Alive]= That's how I felt too.The most important thing was to first end the losing streak. Thankfully we won today, I feel things are looking up.
- Right now you only have a Zerg coach and Protoss coach - tough luck for you Ts?
▲ Sea[shield]= It's always been like that, nothing new. Light and I just have to persevere. Everyone works harder because of it.
▲ Light[Alive]= Yeah, things haven't really changed, just do what you can.
- Your next match is against STX
▲ Sea[shield]= I'm confident. Next week is individual match (individual leagues?), so it doesn't change anything. We will win.
▲ Light[Alive]= It's more important to prepare well and play a game that you can be proud of rather than to go into a match with confidence.
-Final remarks?
▲ Sea[shield]= Tomorrow we have MSL Prelims. I haven't been to one in 3 years (haha), so I'm in a good mood. I'll get some quality rest. I hope my teammates win!
▲ Light[Alive]= I also wish my teammates do well in the individual leagues. I'm competing in the OSL, and I really want to advance, but it'll be difficult. Lately I've seen a lot of depressed (or "down") players, and it's disappointing. I'm sure Hiya was disappointed in himself today. When I think of my own losing streak... well, I hope he cheers up.
*** not familiar with Chinese SC terms - I'm not entirely sure if'網吧 meant individual leagues or something?
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- Yor thoughts on successfully defeating the enemy's T lineup?
▲ By.Han= Really happy. Losing to Air Force was really disappointing, and it made today's victory sweeter. Our team has finally gotten back on track to victory.
▲ n.Die_Jaehoon= Han and I both lost against Air Force - it was sad and awkward. I took it pretty hard; quite embarrassing. But today we made up for it a bit, thankfully.
- You took the loss against Air Force quite hard?
▲ n.Die_Jaehoon= My teammates all said in the 10-11 season we probably would see no more than three 4:0 scores, but we lost to Air Force terribly... definitely a severe blow.
- Jaehoon made a comeback today
▲ n.Die_Jaehoon= I've encountered such disadvantageous situations in practice, but never in a televised game. My opponent gave me a lot of time, and allowed me to recover to a certain extent. I focused on resource collection and ultimately made a comeback. I was too cautious in battle and wasted some time. It's a pity I wasn't able to use DAs effectively. I didn't use my resources effectively either, in the end. That's why this match was so ugly. What can I say.
- Han's game was great, but you seemed to have some trouble (facial expression).
▲ By.Han= I was concentrating very hard, so I can't really remember about that. I just focused on playing well, not thinking about anything else. My opponent being too passive helped me out a bit.
- Your late-game was well played
▲ By.Han= I knew I definitely had the advantage, and so I started pushing forward. My opponent defended well and that threw me off a bit. But because I was never really in a bad position, I won fairly easily.
- Last season MBC's Ps did poorly, this season they seem to be doing well
▲ By.Han= If Jaehoon-hyung is playing so well, we'll have a great season (haha).
▲ n.Die_Jaehoon= We've got 6 great players on our team - besides this core, the rest of our lineup is relatively weak, so if someone loses then we're in trouble. All three races need to do well. Right now things are just beginning and results aren't that important. Rather, it's keeping it up and maintaining a posititive attitude.
-Thoughts on the future?
▲ n.Die_Jaehoon= I hope Hana and I will both win more often. Today's games were pretty good. I can learn a lot from him; our Protoss lineup will definitely become stronger.
▲ By.Han= Jaehoon-hyung is too humble, I'm the one who should be learning from him (haha). I'm starting to get into the zone. Today our Zergs didn't do well, I hope they improve in the future. In particular, I hope Saint[z-zone]-hyung wins!