It's heatbreak. Not heartbreak.
Your heart is not fucking breaking.
All the koreans spamming heartbreak !! breakheart~~~~!!! are annoying. Just b/c they don't know what they are saying, and have their terminologies wrapped around kdramas, should not be a reason for you to copy them.
Read the map name closely.
it actually annoys me very much to see the typo in the Iccup map name every game -.-
They should fix the version in the map pack already...
Canada19447 Posts
.....you really think someone would name a map Heatbreak as opposed to Heartbreak LOOL?
gom's translation is 'a ridge of heartbreak'
considering there's a bunch of bilingual people there, I'd be surprised if they were wrong.
where the heck did you get heatbreak?
United States4991 Posts
On July 27 2009 07:19 kdog3683 wrote: It's heatbreak. Not heartbreak.
Your heart is not fucking breaking.
All the koreans spamming heartbreak !! breakheart~~~~!!! are annoying. Just b/c they don't know what they are saying, and have their terminologies wrapped around kdramas, should not be a reason for you to copy them.
Read the map name closely.
one of the biggest self own's i've seen =P
I've only rated like 2 blogs since I've been here but I gave this a 5/5 cause it made me smile.
I'm in stitches at this. I really wish I had swallowed before reading this because now I have to clean up.
Katowice25012 Posts
what the fuck does heatbreak even mean
lol heatbreak. edit: you deserve a 5/5 for this
lol... 5/5 for being able to break heat but not being able to have a broken heart.
I am perplexed by OP
I'm so fucking annoyed by all the NOOBS that say heatbreak, learn the fucking real name !!111