Hello there.
Since it's summer and I'm finally on vacation for 4 weeks, I decided to make a couple of new vods. It's a TvP on Blue Storm, and a TvZ on Andromeda (Both played on ICCup, B- vs B- games). Neither the games or the commentary is flawless, but It was kinda hard to "get going" on the commentary part after such a long abscence. So I kinda drifted off here and there in the vods talking about irrelevant things.
If you have any suggestions to what I might talk about in future commentaries i'd be happy to hear them, cuz I'm running out of things to say, and I really don't know what "level" of commentating I should stay on. I mean there are beginners who don't understand the concept of lets say the Flash build while some are better off without me explaining what it is.
I hosted em on filefront because I was too lazy to cut em up in parts and host it on youtube. Besides filefront has a streaming service as well, and they stay up for quite some time. So it shouldn't really be that much big of a deal.
I hope anyone who watches them will find em at least somewhat enjoyable ;P
Sweet, I love your commentaries merz. Thanks a lot.
Downloading now, thanks as always for these merz!
Before watching the fpvods I will just say that as a terran who watches these, I'm looking to see how you control certain situations and how you react and your control overall of your army and all on the B level. I would like to ask that during matches you explain why you are doing the things you are doing, when you plan on pushing and why, what your overall strategy for that game is as it progresses and what made you decide to take that path. Also, what mistakes / things you see from your opponent that make you change the way you're playing to opt for a macro style or for a timing push etc, such as losing early goons, being greedy, if they're aggresive or not. It may help for you to speak to the people watching these as if they have never played terran or have no idea how to react to things so you enlighten them as to why you went up to 6 facts so fast on two bases, or why you got two armories to start early upgrades, why you built your ebay at that time, etc. Also, describe why you choose your opening build based on the map, and what that map offers terran such as a good place to push from or your experiance how the opponent will react to the things you do. Thanks a million for doing these and I hope to see you do a lot more, and I hope my opinions help you comment on them
Incredibly awesome. I'll download these for sure real soon and see what they can do for me.
Awesome, downloading now
is awesome32269 Posts
Nice, going to watch some tomorrow :D
ooo definately gonna dl these. I always like watchin yur fps
i downloaded both just for entertainment value ^^
On August 02 2008 15:22 .kaz wrote:Before watching the fpvods I will just say that as a terran who watches these, I'm looking to see how you control certain situations and how you react and your control overall of your army and all on the B level. I would like to ask that during matches you explain why you are doing the things you are doing, when you plan on pushing and why, what your overall strategy for that game is as it progresses and what made you decide to take that path. Also, what mistakes / things you see from your opponent that make you change the way you're playing to opt for a macro style or for a timing push etc, such as losing early goons, being greedy, if they're aggresive or not. It may help for you to speak to the people watching these as if they have never played terran or have no idea how to react to things so you enlighten them as to why you went up to 6 facts so fast on two bases, or why you got two armories to start early upgrades, why you built your ebay at that time, etc. Also, describe why you choose your opening build based on the map, and what that map offers terran such as a good place to push from or your experiance how the opponent will react to the things you do. Thanks a million for doing these and I hope to see you do a lot more, and I hope my opinions help you comment on them 
My thoughts as well.
Actions which you probably don't notice, but do on instinct, are actions that are really helpful for us [C] playeres.
the tvp was well done but the tvz was really sloppy.
Fuck... everytime i watch your fpvods i feel like switching to Terran.
Anyway, thanks a lot!
nice merz, just one comment on the tvp game. I think you were way ahead after that failed dt rush, even before you did the vulture harass. Basiclly he killed 2 vults and mabye 3 scvs, and delayed your cc a few sec, but in return he gave you a huge opening for harass, and delaying expansions/other tech
Thank you very much, going to watch them right away. Just out of curiosity, what's your APM/EAPM in those FPVODs?
How bold of you. I can and will use this against you in SCCL =)
Basically you should speak more about "why" than "what". Too often in FPVODs players get talking about something that's somewhat related, and meanwhile they'll make a fairly important decision and it goes unnoticed. i.e. you saw him laying down 3 hatches so you FE'd, you saw an early citadel and got detection for DTs, etc We can already see what you're doing what's useful is to hear about how your opponents build affects your build, as well as justification for your different timings.
Thanks for the suggestions and feedback everyone ;O! I know that the quality of these two (especially the tvz as someone pointed out) wasn't the best compared to, lets say, previous vods.
But i'll try to make the future vods with your feedback and critiscism in mind, and hopefully they'll be a lot better ;O!