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I'm like super red/green colorblind, so if it's too red... I don't care, cause I don't get it.
Since I was bored and recently got my newest software working I decided to actually give video editing a shot again. So far I only made quite bad clips compared to what people like dyo made. I want to change that. The subject of the highlights will be the Defiler.ru Tournaments, because they are by far the most awesome thing that happened to foreign Brood War after the beta - no kidding. These guys are awesome.
obligatory hype video
However, the most annoying / time consuming part of a project like this is collecting good scenes. And a highlight clip without good scenes sucks. I - and I'm sure the Russians too - would appreciate if those of you who watched the tournaments (or even played) could send in 2-3 of your favourite moves, battles and whatnot. So, please for the sake of
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My "clips" (all from BW.de Movie Contests) so far:
- Gosu Lulz "Movie" (2nd, 2007)
- World of StarCraft (2nd, 2008)
- Damn you Konni for being so good 8[