![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WSIA8.jpg)
DRG: Look at how many fans I have...
Oh Hero My Hero
Ok, so maybe I am a little obsessed with DongRaeGu. But can any of you blame me? He's probably the nicest, most talented and quirkiest StarCraft player alive. We all need our heroes.
A few people have been telling me : Neo! You need to calm down! You can't be in love with DRG, he already has a girlfriend!
Those people just do not understand the relationship I have with this player. Let me explain.
![[image loading]](http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8014/6962359376_3f3d7d0b3c_z.jpg)
When I was growing up, our English class was forced to read The Once and Future King by T.H. White. For those of you who have not read it yet, the book is about King Arthur, Camelot and the Knights of the Round.
To me, the one thing that stuck out most about this book was that young Lancelot had an undying reverence for King Arthur. Lancelot absolutely worshiped Arthur, thought about him every day and was even jealous of the Queen because she got to spend more time with Arthur than he did! It isn't that Lancelot had romantic feelings for Arthur, it is simply that Lancelot was a true fan of Arthur!
I always thought that Lancelot was such a moron for acting this way as I read the book for the first few times.
How ironic that I turned out to be the Lancelot of our community....
Oh King My King....please win another GSL!
All in the Details
True Fans follow the details...the quirky bits about their heroes that people otherwise wouldn't notice.
I was lucky enough to attend IPL Los Angeles this weekend to meet DRG, shook his hands and even got a hug. DongRaeGu is still as nice as ever (to his fans....not to Genius) and it was all together an amazing experience. I'm thankful to those of you who pushed me to go.
What I didn't expect was to find some nuances about my favorite player...
...which I will try to present to you now.
1. DRG and MMA are Buddies
They were talking and smiling...Those two could be mistaken for brothers instead of long time rivals. And as much shit they talk during interviews about one another, it was nice to see that they remain friends in real life. Oh, another tidbit....
Guess who was the first to pat DongRaeGu on the back after he had lost to Hero in the finals?
...yea...it was MMA.....
2. DRG has sick sick APM
That legendary 600 APM....yea it's real.
3. DRG needs a nap
If I have learned anything from watching DRG the whole night, it was that traveling around the world for these tournaments suck! Every time I look over at DRG, he was either yawning or was about to yawn. The poor kid! I wish I could have thrown him a pillow.
4. DRG is.....YadongKing
So there is an ongoing joke in Korea that DRG is known as YadongKing amongst pro-gamers.
I didn't want to believe it........
+ Show Spoiler +
LOL please don't kill me DRG!
Fans Rule Esports!
![[image loading]](https://p.twimg.com/AxO-RmKCEAAk01x.jpg)
The DongRaeGu Fan Club and I gave DRG a custom made T-shirt last night with all our names on it.
IPL's lovable esports commentator, DOA, caught me in the act and took this wonderful photo along with a nice tweet.
Doa later asked me who I was... to which I replied:
"Oh I'm just a very enthusiastic fan"
Doa responded: We need more fans like you.
[opening photo by R1CH]
Text and video clips by neoghaleon55