So, I've finally ordered tickets, and will arrive in Seoul on July 5th(around 5pm I think).
I've asked several people on Couchsurfing, but so far I haven't found a place to stay. If you have a couch, nothing would be better than hanging out with a fellow SC fan! So if you have a couch, please let me know!
Also, I don't mind getting tips on how I should make my profile, in case I get turned down because of a bad profile! Here's the profile URL: http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/arnstein.kleven/
And if you can't offer a couch, a cheap place to stay is also a good alternative 
You should smile in your profile picture.
I always wonder what kind of people have the money for the insane airfare to go to korea but not enough for a cheep korean hotel.
On July 01 2012 18:13 Sinensis wrote: You should smile in your profile picture. ^^ this. he's not joking. change your picture to one with a nice whit balance and a smiling, good looking picture of you, and you're tons more likely to get replies/requests
I may seem a little scary, but I'm really not! <--- This is not helping your cause in the slightest. rofl
if you don't have a good picture, (or look like an axe murderer) no one's gonna bother with the rest of your profile.
The problem is that in most pictures of me, I am pretty unserious and I always look high(even though I'm not). I don't look too serious on the picture in my profile though, right?
Kuja: it's all about what you prefer. I COULD afford a hotel of course, but then I wouldn't have much to spend on music instruments, food and other cool stuff. I also know that, at least in the beginning, it's impossible to sleep well because of jetlag, so paying for a hotel isn't worth it anyways. I'm a student, so I don't have much money, so it's either travel and being poor for me, or not traveling at all. I think traveling and being poor is the best option then
OK, this is the best picture I found of me smiling. Is it too stupid?
On July 01 2012 18:32 Arnstein wrote:OK, this is the best picture I found of me smiling. Is it too stupid? ![[image loading]](http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/265107_10150311927361271_3054943_n.jpg)
I wouldn't. "Look at me! I'm a stoner!"
You do realize you can stay in a decent hostel for like 60euro/week in Seoul, right?
Russian Federation142 Posts
On July 01 2012 19:27 Sethronu wrote: You do realize you can stay in a decent hostel for like 60euro/week in Seoul, right?
Yes, but I think staying on someones couch usually gives you a better experience.
Thanks, if I don't find a couch I will go for this!
And happy birthday
Hmm I think it's best to show a picture of you smiling with other people. If you have to shoot a new one then do it lol.
And couches can be so uncomfortable, so if you end up not finding one, maybe it's a good thing
If I lived in Seoul I totally would dude, but I live 4 hours away haha. If your really cheap, and I mean SERIOUSLY cheap, you could stay in a jimjilbang.
And 60 euros a week? Fuck that get a pimping place for $60 a night
Well, you could go to Seoul and we could hang out and watch GSL/OSL/PL! Send me a PM if you want to do this! (of course this applies to anyone)
Great website I love reading TL and finding cool stuff like this. (I'm sure google would've revealed it as well, but not in the same interesting way)
I really don't think couchsurfing is the way to go about it in Seoul, go to a guesthouse and meet lots of people! It's like $20~ a night
Why don't you think that couchsurfing is the way to go about in Seoul? I'm genuinely curious, and won't do it if there's a good reason not to do it! I've gotten places to stay for the whole trip now!
On July 01 2012 18:32 Arnstein wrote:OK, this is the best picture I found of me smiling. Is it too stupid? ![[image loading]](http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/265107_10150311927361271_3054943_n.jpg) LOL PERFECT
Russian Federation142 Posts
On July 01 2012 19:55 Arnstein wrote:Thanks, if I don't find a couch I will go for this! And happy birthday  Thank you!
United States690 Posts
If you don't mind being in public, go sleep in jimjilbangs