Two nights ago I met a guy through a mutual friend while playing some league. We have a nice convo over the duration of 3-4 hours of LoL. He does the following:
1. asks me random questions about myself (where are you going to school, what are you studying, etcetc) 2. says funny shit that makes me laugh 3. compliments me
Asking me questions about myself is great because it makes me talkative! People like talking about themselves. If you ask a someone about themselves, they will talk to you unless they are really, really, really not interested.
Saying funny stuff makes you likeable. It makes people want to keep talking to you. It's attractive.
COMPLIMENTS. This is the important step right here. It says "I like you". If a girl is not interested, she will probably shut it down right here. If she continues to do whatever you are complimenting, she is encouraging you. Compliments can easily turn into flirting from here. It let the other person relax because they know how you feel about them instead of that awkward hoping you don't put your foot in your mouth.
Just remember some people are perpetual flirts because it's flattering, and take this with a grain of salt. But, it probably means they like you if they reciprocate.
So all the complimenting gave me the balls to straight up say "give me your number" at the end of the night. So then we traded numbers. :D
I waited til the next evening to text him (cause we stopped playing around 8 am haha). If you get a number, don't wait more than a day or two! If you like someone, show it and talk to them. He does the following:
1. Replies IMMEDIATELY 2. Tells me he was thinking about texting me 3. Starts up a convo asking about my day.
All of these things say: Hey you didn't imagine it, I do in fact like you! :D Then it moves past the awkward "hi" "hi..." stage to talking about 'stuff'.
Do I know this guy very well yet? Not really. Who knows if I'll find out something and be like... hmmm no sorry but nice meeting you. But anyway, the point is he's totally doing it right. His confidence was really attractive. Let someone know if you're interested in them! Then ask for the number. :D
Anyway, I'm happy about that cause I'm ready to have some fun and meet a nice guy who is not gonna drama things up. Basically, I need more handsome nerds in my life. Decided that on Friday morning when having brunch with a friend, and then this fell into my lap. It's nice to know at least someone thinks I'm attractive in one way or another. XD

Good for you
Ah that's awesome. I love that feeling of meeting/liking someone new and interesting :D Give me some of your luck plz.
ggratz! i like how he is being a gentleman. he doesnt give a fuck and can reply immediately without being self conscious about it. sometimes I cant even do that!
A girl that initiates, i find that very attractive =P
Good for you, hopefully it'll go well.
United Kingdom10823 Posts
Aww that's really sad to he.....wait
A good Boy Blog? Winner! Good for you Red!
How do you know he's handsome and how did he compliment you if all you ever did was play LoL for a few hrs together? Or am I missing part of the story? o_0
*gives first blood as corki to enemy vayne*
*sigh* "nice try corki, you almost had her!" I dunno if someone's too complimentary to you doesn't that just make you think they want your cock? Honesty yo!
Zurich15313 Posts
This is not a proper TL girl/boy blog. It needs way more awkwardness, subtle bragging, skewed perception of what happened between you two, and finally where is the desperate TL WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
GJ though hope it works out for you.
United States33102 Posts
I think you misunderstand what a (gender) blog is, if you're meaning this to be analogous to the more common "girl blog." A girl blog is where someone whines incessantly about a relationship (or non-relationship) that isn't going their way, when it's clearly the writer's fault. In the few occasions it is not the writer's fault and the complaining is justified, the writer writes in such an obnoxious way that it saps everyone's sympathy entirely.
United States33102 Posts
On February 13 2012 20:24 zatic wrote: This is not a proper TL girl/boy blog. It needs way more awkwardness, subtle bragging, skewed perception of what happened between you two, and finally where is the desperate TL WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
GJ though hope it works out for you.
...why dont i met girls like this on the net through games..... another fellow gamer that is luckyier than me. On another note u two should meet up tomorrow its valentines day what a nice happy story if u two start dating
LOL wax and zatic 2 cute. nice hope things work out
On February 13 2012 20:26 Waxangel wrote:Show nested quote +On February 13 2012 20:24 zatic wrote: This is not a proper TL girl/boy blog. It needs way more awkwardness, subtle bragging, skewed perception of what happened between you two, and finally where is the desperate TL WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
GJ though hope it works out for you. FUCK YOU
you just made my night good sir!!!! xD
Ty for the few "dating" tips you gave us! :D Helps with my confidence a little I guess :D
On February 13 2012 20:45 HuK wrote: LOL wax and zatic 2 cute. nice hope things work out
me too, they make a cute couple
hope it works out well! :D i actually met my boyfriend the same way, except it was DotA not LoL. we've been together almost 3 years now and still going strong
Korea (South)17174 Posts
pretty sure this is closer to a brag blog than a girl/boy blog
congrats :D
On February 13 2012 20:26 Waxangel wrote:Show nested quote +On February 13 2012 20:24 zatic wrote: This is not a proper TL girl/boy blog. It needs way more awkwardness, subtle bragging, skewed perception of what happened between you two, and finally where is the desperate TL WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
GJ though hope it works out for you. FUCK YOU
epic tsundere moment