Disclaimer: There are going to be My Little Pony (MLP) spoilers in this writeup. If this concerns you, be wary.
Hot_Bid vs DJ Pon-3
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eTZg0.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LR8er.png)
DJ Pon-3 is not a major character
Hot_Bid is secretly not an actual progamer (Shocking, I know)
DJ Pon-3 is very clearly a badass
Hot_Bid is a total boss (and is funny as shit)
They look very similar
ThorZaIN vs Twilight Sparkle
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![[image loading]](http://www.gosugamers.net/warcraft/images/people/thorzain-sw4-480.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkxzx9nXSb1qznquyo1_250.jpg)
Twilight is very smart and likes to do a lot of research on something before going into it.
ThorZaiN managed to win TSL 3 with a lot of smart, specially prepared strategies.
Twilight was sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to meet ponies and learn more about friendship.
ThorZaiN was sent to Mouz where he got better practice partners and could learn more about StarCraft.
Twilight is very modest even though her powers are really great.
ThorZaiN is Swedish (and his powers are really great).
NaNiwa vs Trixie
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Trixie is one of the most magical ponies in Equstria!
Naniwa is one of the best Starcraft players
Trixie is a BM asshole (Source)
Naniwa used to be a BM asshole
Trixie is very cocky
Naniwa is very confident in his skills
Trixie kicked everyones ass until being defeated by Twilight
Naniwa kicked everyones ass until being defeated by Thorzain (That worked out much better than I planned on!
iNcontroL vs Applejack
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![[image loading]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3443/3195181441_24fa6712cd_o.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://images.wikia.com/mylittleponyhub/images/7/79/Applejack.png)
Applejack is always very honest
iNcontroL always speaks his mind
Applejack likes apples
iNcontroL probably like apples (a lot of apples)
Applejack kicks the apple trees to make the apples fall out
iNcontroL can pull apple trees out of the ground and run around with them
IdrA vs Rainbow Dash
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![[image loading]](http://professionalgaminglife.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Idra.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/20400000/Rainbow-Dash-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-20416585-555-375.jpg)
Rainbow Dash is really good at stunt flying (only pony to do sonic rainboom)
IdrA is really good at Starcraft (One of the most consistent GSL players when he was there)
Rainbow Dash seems to crash into a lot of shit
IdrA crashes into mental blockades and loses games he shouldnt (notably at MLG, with HuK and MMA)
Rainbow Dash flies high
IdrA too.
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Edit: Mad props to TL member "Bags" for finding this sucker. Sound familiar?
Liquid`Tyler vs Fluttershy
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![[image loading]](http://s.sk-gaming.com/image/album/591/62b777e4c323f5dc.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://images.wikia.com/mlp/images/a/af/Mlpfim-character-fluttershy-large-570x402.jpg)
Fluttershy is very quiet and shy
Tyler is very chill and non-shit-giving
Fluttershy can flip out and scare even big monsters
Tyler can flip out and show some nerdrage OR flip out and duck up big scary monsters (SeleCT in MLG Columbus).
Fluttershy is not a tree
Tyler is also not a tree
Sheth vs Pinkie Pie
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![[image loading]](http://nasl.tv/Public/Images/Players/Large/Sheth%20nasl.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.gamesprays.com/files/resource_media/preview/pinkie-pie-3-4909_preview.png)
Pinkie Pie talks a lot
Sheth says a lot of things on his stream
Pinkie Pie is very happy
Sheth also seems quite jolly + super well-mannered
Pinkie Pie likes pulling pranks
Sheth has a troll side (Source)
Day[9] vs Rarity
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![[image loading]](http://www.millenium.org/upload/day9wow.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://images.wikia.com/mlp/images/f/f5/Rarity.jpg)
Rarity is very concerned about beauty
Day[9] is mad hot
Rarity is very nice and puts the needs of other ponies first
Day[9] is very nice and puts the progression of ESPORTS before himself.
Rarity has pretty strong magic but we dont see a ton of it
Day[9] is probably pretty good at Starcraft but we dont get to see it
BoxeR vs Princess Celestia
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![[image loading]](http://gamethu.vnexpress.net/Files/Subject/3B/9A/D4/70/boxer.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.cosplayisland.co.uk/files/costumes/910/39755/Princess_Celestia.jpg)
Princess Celestia presides over all of Equestria, serving as the leader of the ponies from a distant land.
BoxeR presides over all of ESPORTS, serving as the Emperor of Starcraft players from a distant land (Korea)
All the ponies know of Princess Celestia and respect her very much.
All the nerds know of BoxeR and respect him very much (even his bullshit all-ins).
Princess Celestia is very powerful but doesn’t show it often.
BoxeR is a very strong player sometimes (TSL series with Sen) but has occasional bursts of awfulness (GSL S2 group with San/Nestea/Ensnare).
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For anyone who saw my little teaser in my recent mini-blog: My original Princess Celestia was indeed Nazgul but I decided BoxeR was the better fit.
So there you have it! Most of the more important ponies and their Starcraft equivalents. I'm glad I got to share my favourite uses of the internet (TL/ Starcraft and MLP, interestingly enough both equine-centric). Maybe the few clips I've provided will hook one of you! :D